

Chinese Teaching for Middle School under Life Theory

【作者】 狄燕

【导师】 周均平;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从生命论视野的角度,以语文教学为媒介,以蕴涵于语文中的生命意识为基础,从理论和实践两方面,以动态生成的观点阐释当今中学语文教学,关注语文教学中师生生命内涵的开掘、生命活力的释放;探究生命本质的创造,生命情趣的体验;促使生命境界得以提升,个体生命总体生成。 进入21世纪,随着人类生命意识的凸显,教育观逐渐从机械论转向生命论。生命论教育观注重个体生命的成长;关注个体生命的创造;尊重个体生命的多样性、独特性;强调学生在教育中的积极主动作用。生命论教育观的出现,给当前教育尤其是语文教育带来极大的冲击。本文就目前语文教学现状和研究趋势进行了必要的评析,从生命与语文、教学原则、实施过程、实施策略等方面,以生命论的视角,对当前的中学语文教学作了全方位的探讨。 从现代生命科学和生命哲学的视野下,本文以非线性思维方式对人之生命加以厘定:人的生命不同于动物的生命,人是自己生命活动的主宰者;生命的本质是一种富有创造性的活力;人的生命不是单一的线性结构,而是由多重复杂关系构成的开放的网络;人的生命不是静止的、不变的,而是生成的、流变的。基于此理念,教育的目的应是为了使个体生命内涵获得淋漓尽致的开发,尤其语文教育更是首当其冲的。语文教育对个体生命成长来讲,是奠基而不是拓展;语文教育与生命活动之间有一种其他学科所无法企及的特别的亲缘关系。语文与生命这种千丝万缕的联系使得语文教学必须回归生命的怀抱。 生命论视野下的语文教学既应。洛守语文教学的一般原则,又应反映出生命这个领域里独特的带有规律性的认识,为此本文提出了必须遵循的三个原则:即认知与情感相互渗透的原则,认知与感情是密不可分,相辅相成的,认知是情感产生的基础,情感产生有赖于认知;乐教与乐学相互促进的原则,乐教影响乐学,乐学又促进乐教,有了这种体验,学习与生命的张力就是一体的;个性与创造和谐发展的原则,个性与创造是紧密联系在一起的,个性与创造的和谐发展,即离不开对人的生命的尊重,也是一个激发学生生命成长的过程。 生命论视野下中学语文教学的实施包括实施过程和实施策略两个方面。从生命论的角度来看,语文教学过程是一个以生命促进生命,呵护生命成长的过程;是一个让学生敞开全部生命拥抱语文,领悟生命本真的过程。这个过程主要经历入境一体味一妙悟三个阶段,此三者互为联系,相辅相成,逐层深入,共同构成了一个完整的教学过程。这其实是一幅生命流动的整体图景。实施策略则从以下几个方面进行谋划和操作:重塑教师的生命个性色彩、唤醒主体沉睡的生命意识、创设宽松适宜的教学环境、改变固有的评价方式,即实施的前提、实施的基础、实施的要求和实施的保障。 以生命呵护生命,以生命关照生命,以生命创造生命,从生命论的视角探讨当今语文教学有可能是一次全新的尝试。这种教学在尊重主体生命、挖掘生命潜能、释放生命活力的基础上,注重让教学透有灵气,让学习充满勃勃生机,让教育充满智慧挑战,是对语文与生命关系的一种全新的注解。

【Abstract】 In the view of life theory, this paper expounds the present Chinese Teaching of middle school with developing viewpoint in terms of theory and practice, taking Chinese Teaching as the medium and the life-consciousness containing in Chinese. This view values the digging of the life entailment and the release of life activity for both teachers and students, deep research on the natural life creativity and experience of enjoying life so as to promote life realm and individual life generation at large.The view on education turns to life with the occurrence of life awareness in the 21st century. It emphasizes the development of individual life, pays attention to the creation of it and respects its diversity and distinction. It also emphasizes the initiative of students in education so the view of life education impacts the present education especially Chinese teaching. It analyses the present Chinese education situation from such aspects as life and the Chinese language teaching rules implementation process, implementation strategy and so on to probe all-sidedly into the present Chinese education in middle school.Man, different from animals, is his own ruler in action and life is the vigor full of creativity. The life of human beings is not a single linear structure, but an open network made up of complex relationships. The lifeis not static, unchangeable, but dynamic and changeable. This paper defines the life of human beings by means of nonlinear thinking from the perspective of contemporary life scientific knowledge and the life philosophy. In view of this, education ought to exploiting the connotation of individual life thoroughly, Chinese teaching firstly being affected. Chinese lessons build the spiritual base for life and it claims kinship with life activity beyond other subjects. This close connection between Chinese and life makes the Chinese education have to regress to life.Chinese teaching reflects the unique understanding in the field of life as well as conforms to the principle of Chinese teaching. First, the rule between cognition and emotion. The cognition maintains close ties with the emotion and they are complementary each other. The cognition is the base of the emotion which results from the cognition. Second, the rule of interactivity between teaching and learning. Third, the harmonious development between personality and creativity.The implementation of Chinese Teaching from the view of life includes course and strategy. Chinese teaching is a process in which the life promotes life, protects development of life, experiences the Chinese language and grasps the true meaning of life. The process is entry-experience-comprehension. They are close and make up a complete education process. Such measures are taken as follows: to reappear life characters of teachers, awake the life consciousness of students, to set upan appropriate environment for teaching, to adopt evaluation measures as preposition, basis, requirement and insurance of implementation.In a word, this new attempt aims at giving intelligence to teachers, making learning full of energy, education filled with wisdom and a new comment to life and Chinese Teaching on the basic of respecting individual life, developing the protentiality of life.

【关键词】 生命生命论视野语文教学
【Key words】 lifethe view of life educationChinese Teaching
  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】289