

The Design and Research of Chinese Deliberative Teaching in Middle School

【作者】 李奎艳

【导师】 李戎;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在当前基础教育课程改革的大潮中,研究性学习已成为中小学课程改革和探索素质教育的主要途径。然而要从根本上改变学生单纯接受学习的现状,仅靠每周2~3课时的专题研究活动是远远不够的。研究性学习作为一种学习方式贯穿在学科教学之中,是实施研究性课程的普遍渠道。本文以建构主义学习理论为指导,结合教学实践中探索出来的成功的范例,在对研究性学习课程体系进行梳理的基础上,对研讨式教学的特征、基本流程及对学生的评价问题进行了深入的思考与研究,力图在研究性学习与语文教学尤其是语文课堂教学的结合点上做一点开创性的研究与实践,实现语文课堂教学的创新与优化。 语文研讨式教学就是研究性学习的理念在学科教学中的渗透与体现,是研究型课程的一种,即在课堂教学过程中创设一种类似科学研究的情境或途径:以问题为中心,以小组合作学习为主要的教学组织形式,通过个体探索研究与集体讨论研究相结合的方式,使学生获得基本语文素养的教学活动方式。 本文分四部分进行论述: 第一部分论述了语文研讨式教学的本质与特征。研讨式教学从本质上讲是建构主义学习理论在语文课堂教学中的应用,是研究性学习理念在语文课堂教学中的体现。它在吸收先进的教育理念的基础上实现了对传统课堂教学弊端的实质性突破。语文研讨式教学的内容是由需要解决和探究的关键问题来呈现和组织的,因而具有问题性的特征。体验性是指在教师的指导下,学生以自己独特的心理因素和生活经验为基础,直接接触学习材料,建构对学习材料的独特认识与理解的特性。研讨式教学为了便于学生对“问题”的研讨,一般采取多样性的小组合作学习的形式展开教学。合作性是指研讨式教学中教师与学生、学生与学生之间为达到共同的教育目标,在解决共同确立的学习问题的过程中确立的一种互动的民主关系。在语文研讨式教学活动中,一方面,不同的学生以自身富于个性的创造性理解,赋予学习材料以全新的意义,使材料的意义得到不断开拓与生成,另一方面,研讨式教学采用小组合作学习的方式进行师生与生生之间的对话性沟通,来自他人的信息为自己所吸收,自己的既有知识被他人唤醒,这样就有可能产生新的思想。在同他人的对话中,正是由于出现了和自己不同的见解,才会促成新的意义的生成,使整个教学过程充满创造色彩。因此创新性也是研讨式教学的一个很重要的特征。 第二部分介绍了语文研讨式教学的基本流程。语文研讨式教学的基本流程可以概括为四个主要阶段:呈现问题阶段,学生个体独立探索阶段,学生小组或集体协商研讨阶段和成果展示阶段。呈现问题阶段即把教学内容以问题的形式呈现出来,并把该问题作为下一步教学的中心,这是研讨式教学的第一个关键性步骤。接下来学生个体对已经确立的问题在一段时间内进行相对独立的探索研究,一般说来独立探索阶段包括资料的搜集、处理和个人观点的初步形成几个环节。这一阶段的主角是学生,教师只在必要的时候给学生以指导和帮助。小组协商研讨即在充分占有资料的基础上,学生以小组为单位,针对目前讨论的问题提出自己的观点,尊重其他小组成员的看法,仔细倾听引入到讨论中的所有相关信息,并与他人共同探究研讨,以期形成更为完整和深刻的认识或共同确定问题解决的途径(或思路)和方法。这一阶段的主角仍是学生,教师作为指导者、促进者为保证讨论的成功进行在本阶段应着重做好四项工作:一是决定小组的规模和小组成员的构成,二是制订研讨的基本原则,三是在讨论中提供支架的作用,四是控制研讨的节奏。另外不同类型的研讨式教学有不同的成果展示方式。 第三部分着重探讨了语文研讨式教学中对学生的评价问题。为了更好地实现对语文教学的导向、激励和信息反馈等功能,研讨式教学对学生的评价需要遵循两条基本原则,即发展性原则和多主体性原则。发展性原则是指研讨式教学评价必须着眼于学生的发展并为其发展服务,增强其主动发展的内驱力、形成奋发向上的精神力量,而不能让评价只成为学生之间学习与发展优劣的比较。建立发展性的教学评价体系应该做到:全面评价学生,以肯定性评价为主,突出纵向对比评价等。多主体性的原则要求我们对学生进行评价时努力实现评价主体的多元性。研讨式教学的评价方法是多种多样的,但孤立地使用任何一种评价方法都是不全面的,这就要求我们在实践中根据实际需要进行选择和组合。 第四部分研讨式教学的实践与意义。本文在这一部分中提供了一个语文研讨式教学的较成功的个案。实践证明在中学语文课中实施研讨式教学不仅适合语文学科教育的特点,有利于实现语文教育的多层次目标,而且能够实现真正意义上的“以人为本”的教育观念,有利于学生的全面发展,是语文素质教育和创新教育的需要。同时我们也看到实践的过程中还存在一些问题有必要做进一步的思考,这就要求教师积极探索解决这些现实问题的对策,从这一点讲,教师的责任空前增大了。和学生一起成长并把成长的脚步迈在学生前面,教师必须付出很大的努力

【Abstract】 In the reform trend of the present elementary education, inquiry learning has become the main way to reform the education of the primary school and the middle school and explore the quality-oriented education. But it is not half enough to relay on the activities on a special subject two or three periods a week to thoroughly overcome the present situation of mechanical study and passive study. As a study method penetrating into teaching of different subjects, inquiry learning is the common channel to carry out the research study. Under the guide of constructionism study theory and on the base of proper theory arrangement to the inquiry learning system, the thesis, combining the successful case explored in the practice of teaching, makes a deep thought and research to the problems, such as the characters of the deliberative teaching, basic process, and the evaluation to the students. In addition, the thesis tries hard to make some innovative research and practice in the inquiry learning and Chinese teaching, especially in the classroom teaching to realize the innovation of Chinese classroom teaching.Deliberative teaching in Chinese, one of research subjects, is the infiltration and reflection of the concepts of inquiry learning in this subject, that is to say, teachers create an environment or a way just like scientific research: the focus is the question; the main teaching style is group study. Students gain the basic Chinese attainments by means of researching individually and discussing together. Essentially, deliberative teaching is the practice of Constructionism study theory in Chinese classroom teaching. Also, it is the reflection of the concepts of inquiry learning in Chinese classroom teaching.The thesis includes four parts:Part I the essence and characters of Chinese deliberative teaching.Deliberative teaching makes substantial breakthrough to avoid the disadvantages of the traditional classroom teaching on the base of absorbing advanced teaching concepts. Because the content of deliberative teaching in Chinese is presented and organized by the key problems, which need solving, it has the characteristic of problems. Practice is that under the guide of teachers, students meet the learning material in person and cultivate their own understanding to the material based on their different psychological factors and experience of life. Deliberative teaching generally take group study in different forms to develop teaching in order that students can research and discuss the "questions" easily.Cooperation is a mutual and democratic relation established by the teachers and students, students and students in the course of solving the common questions in order to realize the common teaching aims. In the course of Chinese deliberative teaching activities,On one hand, different students, according to their own creativity and understanding, entrust completely new meaning to the learning material, develop and generate the meaning of the material continuously. On the other hand, deliberative teaching takes the form of group study to promote the mutual dialogues among not only teachers and students, also students and students, by which students absorb others’ information, meanwhile their accomplished knowledge is aroused by others. As a result, it is possible for the students to create new ideas and bring about new meanings to make the whole course of teaching full of creativity. So creativity is also a very important character of deliberative teaching.Part II the basic process of deliberative teaching .The basic process of the deliberative teaching in Chinese mainly includes the following four stages: the stage of presenting questions; the stage of students exploring individually; the stage of students discussing and researching in groups or among the class; the stage of achievement shows. The first stage is that the content of teaching is presented in the form of questions, which are regarded as the center of the next teaching. This is the first key stage of deliberative teaching. Next, the individual

【关键词】 语文研讨式教学实践
【Key words】 ChineseDeliberative teachingpractice
  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】357