

A Research on the Infiltration of STS Education into Biology Teaching in Senior Middle School

【作者】 王新宇

【导师】 樊庆义;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 STS教育是根据时代特征和科学、技术、社会三者关系提出的一种新的科学教育思想。在我国基础教育改革的大潮中,STS教育被认为是我国中学理科教育改革的一个方向。本文旨在结合有关STS教育的理论研究和自己在教学中的经验,深入探讨在高中生物教学中有效渗透STS教育的方法和途径,以期能对其他从事高中生物教学的教师有所启发和帮助。 本文包括:引言、主题和结语。引言旨在提出问题,而主题则是本文的主要内容。 主题内容分为三个部分: 第一部分为STS教育的理论综述。主要从STS教育的定义、STS教育的产生背景和发展史、STS教育的精神实质以及STS教育的理论依据等几个方面对STS教育进行了剖析,以便对STS教育有一个比较全面而深刻地认识。 第二部分:论述高中生物教学渗透STS教育的意义。首先,从我国基础教育的现状分析入手,着重指出实施STS教育是我国当代社会对基础科学教育改革的迫切要求;其次,分析了高中生物教学渗透STS教育的优势;最后,从提升生物学教育的育人功能、对实施素质教育的意义、培养学生的创造力以及提高生物学科教师素质等多个角度,论述了在高中生物教学中渗透STS教育的实际价值。 第三部分:依据自己对STS教育的理解,结合大量的教学实例,对如何在高中生物教学中有效地渗透STS教育分别从以下几个方面作了详细地探讨。其一,确定渗透STS教育的教学目标。教学目标是渗透STS教育的出发点和归宿,渗透STS教育的其它环节都应围绕着既定的目标来进行。其二,选择适宜的STS内容。文中不但详细列出了与现行高中生物教材相关的STS内容,而且还提出了“适应性原则、现代化原则、实用化原则和教育性原则”等几项在选择STS内容时应遵循的原则。其三,渗透STS教育的途径——课堂渗透和课外渗透。课堂渗透是高中生物教学渗透STS教育的主要途径,因此本文着重从教学原则、教学环节、教学方法等方面对课堂渗透STS教育进行了探讨,提出了“系统性、灵活性、启发性、主体性”等迹象应遵循的教学原则以及“问题发现法、讨论法、实验法、研究调查法”等几种教学方法,从而增强了教学实践中渗透STS教育的可操作性。 STS教育是对传统科学教育的超越,它体现了素质教育的要求,为高中生物教学的改革指明了方向,在高中生物教学中渗透STS教育是值得予以关注和研究的问题。

【Abstract】 STS Education, marked with its modern trait, is a new scientific educational theory based on the relations between science, technology and society. In the wave of reform in the fields of basic education in China, STS Education is considered as an orientation of the reform of science education in Chinese middle schools. In this article, I intend to probe into the methods and ways of the infiltration of STS Education into middle school biology teaching. It includes some theoretical research on STS Education and also some experience in my teaching practice. I hope that it may be of some help to other senior middle school biology teachers.This essay consists of three parts: introduction, dissertation and conclusion. The introduction intends to put forward the thesis, while the dissertation is the main body of this article, which includes three parts.The first part is a theoretical summary of STS Education. It analyses, theoretically, several aspects of STS Education, including:1. The definition of STS Education.2. The background of STS Education and its development.3. The essence of STS Education.4. Theoretical bases of STS EducationThe second part concerns the significance of STS Education infiltration into middle school biology teaching. First of all, it is pointed out that the modern society calls for the adoption of STS education; this is based on an analysis on status quo of our basic science education. Secondly, some advantages are listed about STS Education infiltration into senior middle school biology teaching. And lastly, it discusses some practical value of STS Education into biology teaching, namely,1. It enhances the function of moral education in the course of biology teaching.2. It has positive effect on the implementation of quality education3. It fosters students’ ingenuity.4. It improves the makings of biology teachers.The third part of this article is about how to effectively infiltrate STS Education into the practice of biology teaching. This part discourses upon my own comprehension about STS Education and plenty of examples arelisted as well. Here are the points:1. Set the teaching goal of STS Education infiltration. Teaching goal is the starting point of STS Education infiltration as well as its destination. This teaching goal, which should be set beforehand, predominates all the other aspects of STS Education.2. Choose appropriate STS matter. This part details the STS matter that is related to the current senior middle school biology textbook. It also puts forward some principles that should be followed in choosing STS matter, namely,1) the principle of adaptability2) the principle of modernization3) the principle of practicability4) the principle of educability.3. Approaches to STS Education infiltration includes in-class filtration and outside-class filtration. In-class filtration is the main approach for STS Education to filtrate into middle school biology teaching, and therefore, the discussion focuses on in-class filtration, which involves teaching principles, teaching procedure and teaching methods. Furthermore, I have proposed some teaching principles, such as systematicness, flexibility, elicitation, main body effect, etc. Some teaching methods are also recommended here, such as the method of question detection, the method of discussion, the method of experiment and the method of investigation. Thus, I have tried to make it practical to filtrate STS Education in classroom teaching practice.STS Education is the orientation of senior middle school biology teaching. It has transcended traditional science teaching, indicating the demands of quality education. In senior middle school biology teaching, STS Education infiltration is a problem that is worth both attention and research.

【关键词】 STSSTS教育高中生物教学
【Key words】 STSSTS educationSenior middle school biology teaching
  • 【分类号】G633.91
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】753