

A Study on Catering Trade in Lin’an

【作者】 成荫

【导师】 张邦炜;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 饮食服务业可谓古代社会最重要的服务行业。具体到南宋,都城临安的饮食服务业不仅重要,又自有其特色,颇有研究必要。本文在前辈学者研究的基础上,从六个方面对此进行了较为系统而深入的研究。就市场状况而言,南宋以前,杭州的饮食服务业已经有了一定的历史基础。南宋时期,发达便利的交通运输保证了饮食资源的顺利流入。饮食资源本身则品种丰富,数量巨大。旺盛而多样的饮食服务需求促成了庞大的饮食服务市场的产生。就行业结构而言,由七大类行业个体所组成,行业结构呈合理的金字塔形,能满足不同消费层次顾客的不同需求。就行业布局而言,行业个体的分布具有广泛性的特点,但又集中分布于交通要道、商业区、娱乐区与西湖风景区。就行业规模而言,规模较大,表现在以下两方面:行业个体不仅数量众多,其中一些还规模颇大;行业个体不仅广泛分布,而且形成两个范围很大的集中分布区域。就经营特点而言,注重运用各种手段吸引顾客以及确保服务质量,经营方式灵活机动,开展不够典型的多种经营,经营权可灵活转移,出现赊销或雇佣的经营方式。就从业人员而言,分为业主和雇工。业主来源范围极广,从中可看出文人士大夫阶层对饮食服务业经营活动的参与程度较深,很大部分业主自开封南迁而来,其后代往往继承其业。经济实力方面,业主间差别颇明显。雇工数量较多,经济状况较差。临安饮食服务业出现繁荣兴旺的局面,这是不争的事实,原因在于都城临安是最典型的消费城市。但对其繁荣兴旺的局面不可夸大,必须看到不佳的全国经济大环境之不利影响。该繁荣兴旺的局面背后存在着诸多原因,有两点原因尤为值得重视。一是饮食服务业利润丰厚,吸引了众多的投资者。二是当时追求享乐<WP=3>与消遣的社会心理有力地推动着饮食消费行为。与北宋都城开封的饮食服务业相比,临安饮食服务业有了重大进展,出现不少新变化。总的特点是,饮食服务业的经营方式进步显著,全民尤其是作为国家主导阶层的文人士大夫对饮食服务业的经营活动参与更深,由此反映出南宋商品经济更为发达和成熟。

【Abstract】 The catering trade was regarded as the most important service trade in ancient times. During the Southern Song Dynasty, in Lin’an, the capital of the country, the catering trade was not only significant, but also characteristic, which is worth researching. On the basis of the former scholars’ academic study, this thesis has a profound and systematic discussion on the topic, analyzing from six aspects. For marketing, the catering trade in Hangzhou had already had a mature formation before the Southern Song Dynasty. The occurrence of the immense net of the catering trade market rooted in three reasons: first, the advanced and convenient transportation in the Southern Song Dynasty guaranteed the import of the food resources; second, the food resources themselves diversify in many types and large quantities; third, the society needed a prosperous and diversified catering trade.For occupational composition: first, it was composed of seven main occupation entities; second, for the sake of its reasonable composition (in the shape of the pyramid), it was able to cater for customers from various consuming levels.For occupational distribution: even if this occupation has the feature of scattering wide, it concentrated on the vital transportation line, commercial areas, entertainment districts and the West Lake region. For occupational dimensions: it was a big entity with great numbers and some large entities. Catering trade enterprises were widely spreaded as well as formed two concentration regions. For trade features: the variety of the means to attract customers and the high service quality were thought highly; trading forms were flexible and mobile: enterprises explored mass but untypical trades, management could be flexibly switched and the account sale and employment appeared. <WP=5>For service personnel: employers and employees. Employers’ backdrops differed a lot, with great number of the intellectual and governmental officers, and many employers emigrated from Kaifeng, whose off springs usually inherited the careers. There were wide economical strength gaps amongst employers. The quantity of the employees was large, too and their salaries were usually rather low.The reason why Lin’an was thriving in catering trade was that it was a most typical consuming capital. However, seeing throughout the country at that time, the economy was not that good, which had a negative impact on the economy of Lin’an. Two main reasons were behind the situation of Lin’an’s prosperity: one, the interest of the catering trade was very high which lured many investors; two, the social psychology of being chasing for luxuries and hedonism strongly pushed the catering trade consumptions. Comparing with the catering trade in Kaifeng, the capital of Northern Song Dynasty, the one in Lin’an had a great development, with lots of new traits. On the whole, the means of dealing with the catering trade made progresses: all the citizens especially the intellectual and the governmental officers participated more into the catering trade business, and therefore, which reflects the advancement and maturity of the capitalism in the Southern Song Dynasty.

  • 【分类号】K245
  • 【被引频次】1
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