

Research on Distribute Control Technology of Robotic Excavator

【作者】 任忠惠

【导师】 潘双夏; 冯培恩;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在分析液压挖掘机控制上的特点和在总结液压挖掘机自动控制技术研究方向和发展状况的基础上,提出了应用分布式控制策略实现挖掘机器人的实时控制。文中,作者详尽论述了挖掘机器人分布式控制系统的设计技术和深入研究了挖掘机器人分布式控制的方法和技术。主要涉及如下四个方面: 1、首先综述了分布式控制技术的发展和应用状况,介绍挖掘机器人控制上的特点,回顾和总结了国内外液压挖掘机自动控制技术的研究方向和发展状况,指出实现机器人化是液压挖掘机自动控制技术研究的最终目的,提出了采用分布式控制方式实现挖掘机器人控制的方案。 2、介绍挖掘机器人的功能要求和体系结构,阐述分布式控制系统的设计要求和分析其功能组成。在此基础上提出挖掘机器人分布式控制系统的结构,完成各智能节点功能分配和选择合适的网络拓扑结构和通信总线,实现分布式控制系统的方案设计。 3、围绕挖掘机器人分布式控制系统的体系结构和功能分配,完成各智能子节点的硬件设计,给出了若干关键电路设计和探讨了硬件电路设计中的抗干扰和可靠性问题,完成了基于CAN总线的支持多主的通信网络设计和调试。开发系统分布式软件机制,开发系统的实时控制机制和研究系统伺服控制、通讯规则以及规划控制和人机交互的协同机制。着重阐述了基于多主竞争和总线仲裁的命令加参数的CAN高层通信协议的制定和为实现机器人实时控制而采用的以VXD(虚拟设备驱动程序)为核心的分层分布式软件体系结构。 4、展示挖掘机器人分布式控制系统的运行状况。阐述节能节点的柴油机—泵复合控制原理、方法,并展示控制效果。介绍其余智能节点的伺服控制框架,并给出以挖掘机器人遥控控制为例的机器人分布式控制系统的运行效果,结果表明,效果良好。

【Abstract】 In this paper, on the basis of analyzing the control of the hydraulic excavator and reviewing the aspects of the hydraulic excavator auto-control and its development, the author bring forward a new plan for the robotic excavator control which is named "robotic excavator distribute control system." In the paper, the author introduces the design technology of the plan in details and studies the robot excavator distribute control method and technology deeply. This paper consists of the following parts:1.First summarize the application and the development of the distribute control system, introduce the character of the hydraulic excavator control and review the aspects of the hydraulic excavator auto-control technology and its development, then point that the development of the hydraulic excavator auto-control is to be as the "robotic excavator" finally. Then author brings forward the ’’robotic excavator distribute control system" to realize the hydraulic excavator control.2. Introduce function and structure of the robotic excavator, show the consists and the function of the robotic excavator distribute control system. On the basis of this, accomplish the design of the structure of the control system and complete the function assign to the intelligent nodes, chose the right net type and bus type, so as to complete the plan design.3. With knowing about the structure and the function assign to the intelligent nodes of the robotic excavator distribute control system, complete the hardware design of the intelligent nodes, and show the relevant key circuit design and pay attention to the problem of the hardware reliability and keeping disturbance, and complete the design and application of the communication net which is based CAN (Controller Area Network) bus. Exploit the software to manipulate the hardware of the robotic excavator control system. The software system includes the servo-control sub-system, communication sub-system and control sub-system. Emphatically introduce the CAN communication protocol in user layer based on multi-host competition and bus arbitration, and state the distribute software mechanism which applies the VXD (Virtual X Device) technology which work in ringO of the windows operation system to realize the real-time control of the robotic excavator.4. Show the effect of the robotic robot distribute control system. State the diesel-pump mix-control theory and strategy which be applied to energy-saving node in details and show the effect. At last, the robotic excavator remote control as a case was given, in the fact, the effect is good.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP242
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】369