

【作者】 谢祖刚

【导师】 陶国良; 周洪;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械电子工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 气动技术具有成本低、重量轻、无污染、维护方便和抗干扰强等优点,使其在工业生产中得到广泛应用,己成为当今实现自动化的重要手段。由于半导体、瓷器、玻璃等工业应用场合的需要,对气缸的低速运动特性提出更高的要求。本文首先进行爬行的机理以及各个影响因素的理论研究,然后搭建摩擦力测试实验的硬件平台,并用Visual C++编制数据采集和电机控制软件,对气缸低速运动时的摩擦力特性进行全面的分析和研究。本论文主要分为四个章节:第一章首先扼要叙述了气动技术的特点、应用现状和最新发展趋势。然后介绍了研究气缸低速运动特性的必要性、气缸低速运动研究在国内外的发展和研究现状以及目前改进气缸低速运动的主要方法。最后提出进行气缸低速运动研究的意义,还指出了本论文研究的主要内容。第二章首先从摩擦学的角度对摩擦力的分类和摩擦理论做了简单的介绍。然后介绍了气缸爬行的定义、描述方法以及危害。接着对爬行机理的研究现状做了简要的说明,对爬行的机理做了较为全面的分析。然后对影响爬行的各个因素做了具体阐述。最后对摩擦力的数学模型做了介绍。第三章首先进行气缸摩擦力测试实验台的总体设计,然后分硬件部分和软件部分阐述了系统设计过程。其中硬件系统包括电动驱动系统、传感器部分、被测气缸、数据采集卡以及连接系统。软件部分主要包括多路传感器数据采集系统的A/D输入以及一路D/A输出控制电机的转速和运行方向。软件的开发是在MATLAB5.3和Visual C++6.0环境下进行的。这一实验台架能完成各种型号的双出杆缸、单出杆缸以及无杆气缸的摩擦力测试。第四章对实验采集到的数据进行处理,主要通过多项式以及分段拟合的方式得出了气缸的摩擦力与运动速度之间的数学表达式。从而得出静摩擦力、库仑动摩擦、粘滞摩擦系数以及Stribeck特性系数等一系列表示摩擦力的特征参数。并通过实验和分析来研究供气压力、外部负载和密封润滑变化对摩擦力的影响。研究的气缸包括单出杆气缸、双出杆气缸和无杆气缸。

【Abstract】 Since pneumatic system has the advantage of low cost, low weight-volume ratio, anti-pollution, easy to maintenance and anti-jamming, it has been widely used in many manufacture fields. Recently pneumatic technique has become one of the important means to realize automation. As the development of the semi-conductor, ceramic, glass, and pottery industries, it is necessary for companies to produce a range of standard cylinders to provide very low speeds and smooth stroking. First this thesis deeply researches on the mechanism of stick-slip and all kinds of influences. After that, a platform is developed for investigating the friction. And the data collection and motor controlling software is also designed. Thus the characteristic of friction at low velocities is analyzed.The whole thesis consists of four sections:Chapter one first briefly states the technique feature, the current application situation and the frontiers of pneumatic control techniques, then introduces the developing-history and current application situation of low velocity cylinders. The methods to improve the movement of capability of cylinder are also described. In the end this chapter points out the subjects of main research work.Chapter two introduced the theory of friction by tribology method. Also states the concept, description and harm of stick-slip. Then described the mechanism of stick-slip and all kinds of influences. At last the mathematic model of friction is presented.In chapter three, as the experiment bases of research, a platform was developed for investigating the friction, including the hardware and software parts. There are system of driving, sensing, data collection and juncture in hardware system. And the software part is mainly consisted of A/D and D/A channels for the data in and out. Here used the MATLAB and Visual C++ to design the software.Chapter four states the methods of how to fit data. The methods are polynomial fitting and exponential fitting. Here we can get the expression of friction and velocity of all kinds of cylinders. And the influences of pressure, load, seal and lubrication of friction is validated.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】TH138
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】602