

Research on Conception and Content of Physical Ability of Competitive Aerobic Dancing

【作者】 彭建敏

【导师】 程在宽;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 竞技健美操是一项新兴的体育运动项目,国际体操联合会在其它两大国际健美操组织的协同下正在积极努力争取早日进入奥运会。我国的竞技健美操目前已进入到与国际接轨的全新时期。其中,对竞技健美操体能的训练显得尤为重要。 本研究依据运动训练学等理论,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法,从系统论的多维角度出发,对体能的概念进行了全方位的分析。提出了竞技健美操体能的概念,深入研究探索了竞技健美操专项体能训练的内容,并得出了以下研究结果: 1.体能对竞技健美操取得好成绩起着至关重要的作用,而国内竞技健美操运动员的体能状况不容乐观,因此,加强体能训练已迫在眉睫。 2.阐明了竞技健美操运动员的专项体能概念,即是运动员经先天遗传与后天训练形成的运动员在竞技健美操大强度运动中表现出来的机体持续运动的能力,指运动员在专项训练和比赛负荷下,最有效的动员有机体各器官系统,克服疲劳、高质量完成专项训练和比赛的机能能力。它主要包括运动员的形态结构、生理机能、运动素质及与外界环境结合所表现出来的植物性与运动性神经系统机能能力;同时它受心理素质及意志品质等因素的影响。它是运动员能否在竞技健美操比赛中取得优异成绩的关键因素。 3.体能训练绝非传统意义上的身体素质训练,它是一种以发展机能潜力和与机能潜力有关的体能要素为目的的大负荷训练,是指人体在艰苦环境中,长时间、高强度、大负荷持续工作能力的训练。是人体器官和机能系统在结构和机能能力上的适应性再塑造工作,是运动员心理意志品质的再塑造工作。 4.竞技健美操体能训练内容的构成因素主要包括:身体形态、动作力度、整体力量、运动耐力、柔韧与协调和表现力。其中,表现力的训练是竞技健美操体能训练的独特之处。 5.竞技健美操的体能训练必须贯彻年训练周期的始终。教练员必须深刻理解影响健美操运动员体能水平构成的主要因素,这是体能创新和持续提高的前提与基础。只有这样,使理论与实践充分结合,理论指导实践,才能在体能训练中不断取得进步。

【Abstract】 Competitive aerobic dancing is a burgeoning athletic sport. By the cooperation with the other two international organizations, FIG keeps on striving to make it become an Olympic Sport So the role of physical ability is getting more and more important.According to the recognition of sports training theory on physical active ability structure, this thesis uses literature, expert interviewing, questionnaire, theory of system and more sports science theory to put forward the conception of physical ability of competitive aerobic dancing, and further studied the content of it. We draw such conclusions as fellows:1.Physical ability is very important factor in sports aerobics, but the level of athlete in China is low. So it’s the time to enforce the training of it.Z.Explained the concept of physical ability of sports aerobics is an economy continuous athletic ability of athlete in sports aerobics competition under inheriting and training and mobilize economy apparatus system in greatest efficiency to overcome fatigue to complete training and competition. It’s including shape, enginery and athletic diathesis of athletes and their ability of nerve system. It’s infected by mentality and will. Physical ability of sports aerobics is key factor in competition.3.Physical ability is not the training of body diathesis in traditional meaning. It is a kind of big burthen training with developing economy potential and something about it and it is a training of long time, high intention and big burthen. It is a shaping job of economy apparatus system and will.4. The content of physical ability of competitive aerobic dancing is: shape, force, power of whole body, sports resistance, flexibility and harmony, expressive force.5.We should take periodic training in physical ability all over the year. The coach must understand the meaning and content of physical ability training. Only in this way, making theory combined with practice,can we make progress from time to time.

【关键词】 竞技健美操体能概念训练内容
【Key words】 competitive aerobic dancingphysical abilityconceptiontrainingcontent
  • 【分类号】G831.3
  • 【被引频次】34
  • 【下载频次】2019