

The Effects of BaDuanJin Exercise on Immune Function of the Aging People

【作者】 王新欣

【导师】 张缨;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 运动人体科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 免疫机能是人体的一种正常的生理机能,它可以识别外来及自身的有害物质,并将其代谢、中和或消除掉,以保护机体不受伤害。近几十年来,免疫机能与运动的关系越来越引起人们的重视。目前认为,运动对免疫有双重作用:适度的运动能刺激免疫系统,有助于机体保持抵抗疾病的最佳状态;剧烈或过度的运动抑制免疫系统功能,使机体较易感染疾病。由于中老年人随着年龄的增长,机体的免疫功能逐渐下降,所以寻找适合的中老年本身的运动方式、方法来抵消这利,免疫功能随年龄增加而下降是很有意义的。 八段锦是我国历史上流传最广的传统养生导引术之一,它兴于宋元年间,成熟并盛行于明清两代,养生、祛疾、抗衰老效果久经历史验证,并广泛的被近代养生家所喜爱。中医认为:人的十二条经脉在体内运行,坚持导引和运动相结合可促使经脉畅通,气血循环旺盛,八段锦通过练精化气、练气化神,外壮筋骨皮,内养脏腑气血。原有的八段锦功法被改编后,取其精华,去其糟粕,将导引、动静运动相结合,功法更加安全、简便、易行,特别适用于中老年健身者。 本文通过对44名新编八段锦健身运动的中老年人进行10周锻炼,着重观察锻炼前后受试者血清免疫球蛋白IgG、IgA、IgM、补体C3、C4和白细胞介素-2水平的变化,从而研究新编八段锦对无训练中老年人机体免疫功能的影响,并观察年龄和性别有无差异。本研究结果显示10周新编八段锦锻炼,能明显提高受试者安静时血清IL-2和IgG水平,提示新编八段锦运动对提高中老年人的免疫功能可能具有一定作用。研究还发现,男女老年组安静时血清IgG含量较高于各中年组(P<0.05)。男女受试者血清IgG、IgA、IgM及补体C3、C4无显著差异。

【Abstract】 The Effects of BaDuanJin Exercise on Immune Function of The Aging PeopleIt is well estabilished that immune function declined with advancing age .Associated with this immunosenescence is an increased risk of infectious diseases,incidence of tumorgenesis and autoimmune disorders.Given that a number of age-related changes occur in the wrinkly and elderly ,it would be of value to learn moderate exercise influence these people’s immune system.BaDuanJin as a kind of moderate exercise has been proved to be an excellent Chinese traditional sport event for old people in the history and attracts lots of people to participate in it. In order to explore the effects of BaDuanJin Exercise on untrained people with modern measure, 44 middle age and old people were devided into 4 groups based on sex and age. serum Ig,complement system and interleukin-2 were observed before and after 10 weeks’ training (one hour /day).The results showed that: Before training IgG were higher in elderly than in wrinkly, compared with 10 weeks before ,IL-2 and IgG was significantly improved after training. IgA, IgM ., C3, C4 change a little,still in normal levels.There were no significant sexual differences between male and fomale people . It indicated that BaDuabJin Exercise can improve T , B cell functions and suppress immunosenescence.

  • 【分类号】R212
  • 【被引频次】10
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