

Study on Engineering Dynamic Properties of Xigeda Soil in Panxi Area

【作者】 张文举

【导师】 何昌荣;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 岩土工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 昔格达土广泛分布于四川攀枝花、西昌地区。由于昔格达土遇水易软化、泥化,因此常形成众多的滑坡,且攀西地区沿安宁河一带都处于大断裂带,因此有必要对昔格达土的工程力学特性进行试验研究。 通过测定,分析了昔格达土的物理化学成分,并通过常规试验得出了昔格达土的一系列常规参数。 在回顾前人研究成果的基础上,使用微机控制电磁式动三轴仪,对昔格达土进行了大量的动强度液化和动模量阻尼试验,确定了昔格达土的动强度和动力参数,并对其影响因素做了一定的探讨。 影响土体抗液化特性的主要因素有:土性条件、起始应力条件、动荷条件等。本文主要考察了固结围压力、控制干密度、饱和度对昔格达土抗液化特性的影响。动剪应力τd随固结围压力σ3c增大而增大。动应力比Ro随控制干密度的增大而增大,随饱和度的增大而减小。 动模量阻尼比的影响因素有10多个。动应变水平影响动模量阻尼成倍增减;固结围压力对动模量阻尼比的影响也非常大,动模量随着固结围压力的增大而增大,阻尼比随固结围压力的增大而减小;动模量随着控制干密度和饱和度的增减而增减,阻尼比随着控制干密度和饱和度的增大而略有减小。

【Abstract】 Xigeda soil widely exists in Panzhihua-Xichang area of Sichuan province. Because it often forms numerous landslides for it’s apt to intenerate and become mud when meeting water and there is a big rupture alone Anning river in Panzhihua-Xichang area, we should investigate it’s characteristic in engineering and dynamic through experiment.On the base of pre-production, tests of dynamic modulus ,damping ratio and dynamic intensity of Xigeda soil through the cyclic triaxial instrument. Dynamic intensity and seismic parameters are ensured and some affecting factors are discussed.Among many factors affecting the resisting fluidify characteristic of the soil., soil character, initial stress and dynamic load are the primary. Mainly seeing about the factors affecting the resisting fluidify characteristic such as confining stress, controlling dry density and saturation in this paper. Cyclic stress" τ d" increases while confining stress" σ3c" increasing. Cyclic stress ratio"R@" increase while controlling dry density increasing and decreases while saturation increasingMore than 10 factors affect the dynamic modulus and damping ratio Dynamic strain level can make dynamic modulus and damping ratio multiple. Confining stress has much effect on dynamic modulus and damping ratio. Dynamic modulus increases while confining stress increasing and damping ratio decreases while confining stress increasing. Dynamic modulus increases while controlling dry density or saturation increasing and damping ratio decreases little while controlling dry density or saturation increasing.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】TU41
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】270