

The Design and Implementation of USSD Gateway

【作者】 汪洁

【导师】 李志蜀;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文主要论述了无线接入Internet的一种全新途径——USSD网关的设计与实现。 数字移动通信网络在中国得到了迅速的发展,随着移动通信业务的增长,利用移动通信网络以及互联网络的现有资源开展移动数据增值业务成为了必然的趋势。如何将互联网上丰富的信息资源通过无线通信网络来实现共享已成为人们关注的焦点,USSD网关就是在此背景下应运而生。USSD网关实现了移动通讯网络和因特网的有效结合,使用户可以通过移动手持设备访问因特网上的各种信息资源。 本文详细讨论了如何通过USSD网关来实现USSD业务逻辑。具体的说,本文的工作主要集中在以下几个方面: 在需求分析方面:从USSD业务规范入手,分析了USSD业务流程。提出使用USSD网关实现USSD业务逻辑的解决方案。深入研究了移动现有SMPP、EMPP等应用层协议,将SMPP协议作为USSD网关与移动内部网以及与Internet内容提供商之间的连接协议;EMPP协议作为USSD网关与移动业务控制点SCP之间的连接协议。 在系统设计方面:完成USSD网关内部的整体逻辑流程设计,主要包括submit上传、deliver下发和USSD计费三大流程。为实现USSD业务面向连接、面向会话的特性,我们按照功能对USSD网关进行了模块划分。网关共划分为三大模块组,分别是核心模块组、功能模块组和通讯代理模块组。对各大模块组又进行了详细划分,由这些模块分别承担USSD网关的路由、门户导航、计费、连接管理以及日志等工作。在系统设计阶段,我们分析了这些模块内部的逻辑流程并制定出各模块间的接口。 最后本文给出了用C语言在RedHat Linux 7.2平台上的USSD网关实现,并将USSD网关的实现按照各个功能模块分别做出了详细的论述。整个USSD网关的业务逻辑以USSD消息队列平台作为基础,该平台主要负责容纳所有经过USSD网关的数据包;USSD网关的处理逻辑首先将从队列中获取这些数据包并根据包的类型做相应的处理,这一系列的处理由USSD网关的路由、门户导航、计费等模块来完成;当USSD网关在完成以上处理之后需要将各个方向的包发送到其目的地、需要专门负责建立网络连接以及完成网络读写操作,该功能由通信代理模块来完成;此外,我们设计实现了日志以及安全检测处理模块来对USSD网关的业务逻辑进行维护和管理。 USSD网关的设计和实现,很好的满足了将移动通讯网和互联网相结合的需求。同时开辟了无线接入互联网的一种全新的解决方案,事实证明是可行的。目前,我们设计并实现的USSD网关 1 .0版本在重庆移动经过了试运行阶段,目前正式投入商业运营。

【Abstract】 This document introduces the analysis,designing and implementation of a new access method to the Internet, especially from a wireless handset.The fundamental network of data service mobile system has been quickly developed in China nowadays. As the quick development of mobile communication technology, to utilize the resource both of the wirless communication network and the Internet to develop value-added data services has been paid much attention on. USSD gateway comes into being in this background. USSD gateway has successfully combined the wirless mobile network with the Internet seamlessly. And user can access the imformation of the Internet through a handset.In this paper, the design and implementation of USSD gateway has been discussed. The Main Contribution includes:Firstly from the user demand: After carefully studying and analyzing the USSD service specification, we forms the USSD service data flow. And we decide use USSD gateway to implement the USSD service logic.And we also study the many China mobile application protocols such as SMPP, EMPP. After that we decide to use SMPP protocol as the application layer protocol between the USSD gateway and mobile PLMN, while, EMPP protocol as the application layer protocol between USSD gateway and the SCP.Secondly, from the system design:after gather all the demand of the user, we complete the logic data flow design of the whole USSD gateway. The USSD gateway has been branched out into many modules according to its function. Thesemodules can be grouped in three big parts. They are: kernel part, functional part and communication part. Further small parts are gained by the division of the three big parts. These smaller modules include route module, portal module, fee module and connection management module,etc. We also define the interface of these modules.Finally, the system is implemented with C language on RedHat Linux 7.2. The details of the implementation are illustrated in this paper. All modules are based on the message management platform which mainly contains all the data messages that goes in two opposite directions; The main0 function of USSD gateway firstly get message from the message management platform and further process will be take on according to the type of every message. Possible process may be : routing, navigating, recording fee information,etc. After processing, USSD gateway need to send these message to their destination which connection modules take in charge of. Additionally, we also design log modules and safe modules for the management purpose.USSD gateway has combined the mobile PLMN and the Internet perfectly. In the mean while, we propose a new way of accessing to the Internet for wirless handset users. And this way has been proved to be feasible because this system-USSD gateway version 1.0 has run stablely in Chongqing China Mobile for business purpose.

【关键词】 USSD网关路由计费门户导航
【Key words】 USSD gatewayroutefeeportal navigation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】TN915.05
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】87