

The Research on the Vocabulary of Jiaoshi Yilin

【作者】 李昊

【导师】 伍宗文;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 《焦氏易林》是一部汉代的易学著作,其体例仿《诗经》,大多用四言韵语写成。历代学者的研究主要集中在文学与文献学方面,而它本身还具有一定的语言学价值,尚待开掘。本文选定《易林》中的词汇为研究对象,运用共时描写与历时比较、统计与分析相结合的科学方法,力求全面深入地对《易林》词汇进行多角度、多层次地研究,以观先秦至汉代词汇发展的概貌和趋势,为今後进一步发掘《易林》的语言学价值提供帮助,同时为汉语史的研究做一点力所能及的工作。 本文共分五个部分。在引言部分,我们对《易林》其书、作者、版本、历代的研究情况及学术价值等问题作了一个简单的梳理和介绍,并明确了论文的选题缘由、意义及研究方法。从第二到第四部分是论文的主体部分;第五部分是结论。第二部分主要对《易林》的词汇构成进行多角度地分类:从构词法角度看,有单音词和复音词;从产生时间先后看,有新词和旧词;从语法角度看,有实体词和非实体词。第三部分主要从专书词义分类的角度,对《易林》中的词义情况作一番分析:从词的义位数量看,有单义词与多义词,单义词数量远远大於多义词;从义位之间的关系看,有本义与引申义,我们从使用情况、词性变化、引申途径、引申类型等方面对二者间的关系进行了考察和分析;从词义产生的时间看,有新义和旧义,我们着重描写分析了新义的概貌及产生途径;从词义的聚合关系看,有同义(包括近义、类义)词和反义词,讨论重点在同义词。这一部分的研究结果表明:《易林》的词义系统非常丰富,是西汉词汇发展中的重要一环。第四部分着重对《易林》词汇中的几个典型特点进行分析:从构成方面的特点看,复音词和重言词都非常丰富,说明四言韵文最适宜双音节词和重言词的发展;从异文的情况看,《易林》文辞复叠现象突出,复文词汇表现出一致性和差异性,着重从词汇、文字、语法方面对复文语言的差异性进行了比较;从词汇的来源看,《易林》徵引了许多前代文献材料,词汇有继承有发展,我们重点选取了《诗经》和《周易》的词汇作分析比较。 在对专书词汇进行封闭式描写的基础上,本文也注意对大量个案的讨论,并分析这些语言现象产生的原因和机制,同时通过与其它文献语言的比较,揭示了《易林》词汇的基本面貌和特徵,突出了它作为四言韵文在汉代词汇发展演变中的特殊性,肯定了《易林》重要的语料价值和在汉语发展史上的地位。

【Abstract】 Jiaoshi Yilin is a book about The Book of Changes in the Han Dynasty, which style imitates The Book of Songs and is written mostly in four-character rhymes. In the past times, scholars made researches on it mostly from literary and philological aspects but not linguistic aspect. So this thesis deals with the vocabulary of Jiaoshi Yilin, and tries to make further research from different aspects by the means of combining synchronic description and diachronic comparison, and the means of combining statistic and analytic methods. We hope to make general picture and direction about development of vocabulary from ancient times to the Han Dynasty, provide some material for further researches on linguistie value about Jiaoshi Yilin, and also do some work for study of the history of Chinese language.The thesis consists of five chapters. In the preface, we provide some information about the book, such as author, editions, value, and researches in the past, and about the thesis, such as reason, meaning and research methods. From the second to the fourth chapter is the main part of this thesis. Conclusion is in the fifth chapter.In the second chapter, we chiefly assort the vocabulary of Jiaoshi Yilin from different aspects, such as the angles of monosyllables, disyllables and polysyllables, of old and new words, of notional and function words.In the third chapter, we chiefly analyze the meanings from the angle of meanings system. Firstly, we analyze them from the angle of single-meaning and polysemant words. Secondly, we analyze the relationship between original and transferred meaning from the angles of usages, changes in part of speech, transferred approaches and types. Thirdly, we focus on depicting and analyzing general picture and produced approaches of new meanings. Finally, we emphasize on synonym from the angle of synonym and antonym. The study of this chapter shows that the meanings system in Jiaoshi Yilin is very abundant and important in development ofvocabulary in the West Han Dynasty.In the fourth chapter, we emphasize on some typical characteristics of the vocabulary. Firstly, disyllables and reduplicated words are abundant, which shows that four-character verse best fits the development of disyllables and reduplicated words. Secondly, it is clear that the repeating words show coherence and otherness. And we emphasize on comparing different repeating words from Glossarial, literal and phraseological angles. Finally, we compare the vocabulary of Jiaoshi Yilin with that of other literature what are quoted in Jiaoshi Yilin. And we emphasize on comparing its vocabulary with The Book of Songs and The Book of Changes.On the foundation of delineating the vocabulary, the thesis also discusses some typical examples, analyzes causes and principles of these language phenomena, and compares them with other literature. Then it shows appearance and characteristics of the vocabulary in Jiaoshi Yilin, and its particularity as four-character verse during the lexical development in the Han Dynasty. Besides, it affirms the important value and status of Jiaoshi Yilin in the history of Chinese language.

【关键词】 《焦氏易林》词集构成词义特点
【Key words】 Jiaoshi YilinVocabularyFormsMeaningsCharacteristics
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】H131
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】363