

Method of Remote Cooperative Design and Its Application in Computer-Aided Fixture Design System

【作者】 田丰

【导师】 殷国富;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 信息科学的发展和技术的进步,从根本上改变了传统制造业的产品设计模式和生产概念,以Internet为代表的网络技术正在对制造业的发展模式产生深刻的影响,企业的产品开发和生产经营活动向网络化、全球化、敏捷化的方向发展。因此,针对机械产品分布式设计的特点,研究和实现能够快速响应企业生产的需要、具有远程异地协同设计的特征的CAD技术具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。 本文首先讨论了远程设计的基本框架的构造方式和主要技术,运用并行工程的原理对异地之间远程协同设计的方法、技术和工作模式进行了探讨。通过对制造行业当中夹具设计和制造的概况分析,讨论了夹具设计过程中远程协同设计模型的建立过程和计算软件的方法。提出了一种基于Web的夹具远程设计系统的框架模型,利用微软的开发工具开发出了可以用于辅助异地之间的夹具设计人员进行协同设计的软件。通过编程实现了在AutoCAD环境当中通过加载特定的模块以实现用户之间的信息交流和传递,为远程协同设计建立了基础平台 在夹具CAD系统中,夹紧力的计算和校核是相当重要的一个步骤。本文讨论了基本的夹紧力计算模型,并且通过圆偏心夹紧机构夹紧力计算软件的设计过程说明了开发夹具辅助计算和校核软件的方法和思路。 为了实现机械制造企业当中的资源优化,本文对需要利用绘图仪进行图形数据处理的过程进行了分析。提出了优化使用绘图耗材的图形拼接组合模型,并利用这个模型设计了打印图纸的拼接软件。利用该软件,机械制造企业需要图形输出的部门可以大大的减少打印耗材的消耗。对于降低企业的成本有着非常实际的意义。 机械企业当中常常使用多种计算机辅助绘图软件,这些软件生成的图形由四川大学硕士学位论文于其存储的格式不同,在图形输出的时候显得很不方便。本文针对这一障碍,提出了在应用软件和物理打印机之间设立虚拟打印设备进行图形格式统一转换的模型,并利用开发出一个可以运用于各种平台之下的图形驱动软件。通过利用Windows 2000操作系统下的虚拟设备编程技术实现了多种软件共同使用虚拟打印机实现图纸的统一格式输出。对于拥有多种绘图软件的企业,利用该软件可以统一图纸格式,便于图形输出和保存。

【Abstract】 With the development of information science and technology, product design mode and productive conception in manufacturing enterprises are being changed. Development mode of manufacturing progress is influenced profoundly by networking technology. It makes the networking technology play more and more important role in running an enterprise in the mode of globalization and agility. According to distributed design features of mechanical product, studying and implementing a CAD technology of remote cooperative design which can rapidly adapt to requirement of enterprise are of great importance in theory and practice.This article first describe the methods of construct a frame for remote cooperative designing, and describes how to include the theory of parallel engineering in the process of designing and manufacturing. The article also analysis the situation of the pattern making in the manufacturing enterprises. And bring forward a model of Web-based fixture designing system, using the Microsoft Developing tools to develop new software. This software cans assistant the engineers of different places to coordinate and work together. We developed a program that can communicate between different users, and it can be used in the remote cooperative design.In the process of fixture designing, the calculating and collating of the forces in the fixture is very important. In order to assist the designers to take the advantage of the computer aided designing system; we use a math model to describe the calculating of the forces. And by an example of eccentric fixture, we illustrate how to develop the computer aided calculating and collating software.In order to optimize the resources in the manufacturing enterprise, we need to process the graphic data in the plotting devices. In this article, we describe how to put all the graphics in a layout that can save the plotting material. Using this software, the manufacturing enterprise can largely low down the cost of plotting.Usually there is much computer aided design software in an enterprise, and the format of this software is not compatible. When it conies to plot, this is inconvenience. The article describes a model of handling the obstacle, and by using the virtual device driver mode of Microsoft, we develop software that can plot different kinds of graphic files. This software can be used in various platforms and can plot and save the graph conveniently.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP391.7
  • 【下载频次】93