

【作者】 徐贇倩

【导师】 金明;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 传统的冲突法是建立在一种以地域为标准划分各国法律管辖范围的基础上的法律体系,电子合同带给传统冲突法的冲击和挑战前所未有,传统的法律适用原则在解决电子合同纠纷时难免显得有些捉襟见肘、力不从心。如何解决电子合同的法律适用问题,从而建立一个可预测的电子商务交易的法律环境,是当前电子商务带给我们紧迫而艰巨的任务。 我国法学界研究电子商务的绝大部分学者主要集中在对电子商务纠纷的司法管辖权问题的探讨上,而涉及有关电子合同法律适用问题的很少。目前为数不多的研究者们大都认为电子合同的法律适用问题的解决,如今之计是传统冲突法规则的灵活运用,充分运用当事人意思自治原则和最密切联系原则,而电子合同法律适用的最终解决有赖于统一国际实体法规范的产生和调整。 学者们的权宜之计——传统冲突法规则的灵活运用——的提出提供了关于电子合同法律适用的思路,但是语焉不详,也不曾对之进行深入的构想和分析。而且,目前法院在大多数情况下都是“旧瓶装新酒”,利用已有的法律适用于新技术互联网领域,结果造成了越来越多的困难和问题。单纯地套用合同准据法中的意思自治原则和最密切联系原则,在处理电子商务法律适用问题时是行不通的;连接点的确定也绝非易事。那么,在电子合同法律关系中,权宜之计该如何施行呢? 本文认为,解决电子合同的法律适用问题,当前的权宜之计应当是传统规则和现代方法结合的灵活运用;诚然,本文也赞同统一实体规范是该问题的最终解决办法也是最佳解决方案,但是各国协调制定统一的关于电子合同纠纷解决的冲突规范——一部《电子合同法律适用公约》比一部《国际电子合同法》四川大学法律硕士学位论文的实现更具可能性。这是电子合同的法律适用的可行之策。 电子合同法律适用问题的解决,可分权宜之计、可行之策、长远之道三阶段进行。本文旨在通过对权宜之计的补充说明和对可行之策的可行性分析,探寻一个较为合理、可行的解决方案。

【Abstract】 The conflicts law is the branch of the law system to designate the exercise of territorial jurisdiction by courts in different states. E-contracts have produced unprecedented impact and challenge to the traditional conflict of laws which finds its conventional doctrines of application of laws are narrowly efficient to settle disputes rising from e-contracts. Therefore, it is one of the most urgent tasks to resolve on the application of laws to e-contracts in order to create a predictable legal environment for the ever-growing e-commerce.In the Chinese law circle, most of the discussions concentrate on the issue of jurisdiction upon the disputes out of e-commerce, few of which touch upon the application of law to e-contracts. Nowadays, many researchers agrees that the stopgap for the present situation is the flexible practice of the conventional conflict of laws doctrines, namely, to bring to full play the rule of autonomy of the parties and the theory of closest connection; while in the long run, the final resolution of this issue is dependent of the emergence and adjustment of the unified international e-contract laws.The stopgap proposed by researchers-the flexible practice of the conventional conflict of laws doctrines-provides a sheer vague outline for the solution to the present issue, far from being a detailed scheme or a thoroughly-analyzed settlement. Furthermore, courts at the present time in most cases are simply "using old bottles for new wine"-stiffly applying existing regulations and laws to new technically-based Internet, which, instead of producing efficient solutions, leads to more difficulties and problems. In the issue of the application of laws to contractual disputes rising from e-commerce, it is not workable to merely apply the stereotype of the rule of autonomy of the parties and the theory of closest connection in the conventional choice of the applicable law of contract; in addition, the decision on the connecting factor is by no means easy.Then, how should the stopgap be implemented in dealing with the legal relationship of e-contracts?This thesis holds that, for the determination of the application of laws to e-contracts, the immediate stopgap should be the flexible practice of the combination of conventional rules and modern approaches. Indeed, this thesis also agrees that the unified international substantive rules are the final and the best resolution; however, compared with an e-contract law, it is more likely to achieve a convention on application of laws to e-contracts, the unified criterion to settle e-contractual disputes drawn up by all states, which is the accessible approach to the issue of application of laws to e-contracts.To sum up, there can be 3 steps to go to facilitate the solution to application of laws to e-contracts: the immediate stopgap, the accessible approach, and the long-term resolution. This thesis is written in an attempt to seek out a just, reasonable and feasible solution on the basis of the supplementary explanation to the immediate stopgap and the feasibility analysis of the accessible approach.

【关键词】 冲突法电子合同法律适用
【Key words】 the conflicts lawe-contractsthe application of laws
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D997
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】223