

The Actualization of Customer Relationship Management in a Small-Middle-Sized Enterprise and the Main Successful Factors Analaysis

【作者】 叶小丽

【导师】 张志敏;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 客户关系管理(CRM)是我们国家近几年来新兴的一门学科。它是一种管理理念,是软件和技术,也是应用系统,它侧重于对企业的销售、营销、客户服务的相关支持业务流程进行优化。 发轫于1990年的CRM在全球范围内可以说是一个新兴的客户服务市场,而在中国,CRM则显得更为年轻,很多的CRM实施项目遭到失败。CRM系统实施成功率不高有多种原因,企业需要对从CRM系统选型开始到系统上线的实施全过程中存在的种种主要管理要素有系统性的认识,从而建立起一整套行之有效的项目和风险管理机制,提高CRM系统的实施成功率,最终达到增强企业管理水平的目的。 影响企业成功实施CRM系统时的主要因素一般由企业外部因素——环境因素和企业内部因素——流程因素两部分组成。外部因素包括政治、经济、不可抗拒的自然灾害等,而内部因素则表现为企业实施CRM项目过程中的各种风险。 本着提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的思路,本文在综述客户关系管理产生、发展及概念的理论基础上,通过对一家中小企业——拓金计算机集成有限责任公司CRM的具体实施过程进行分析,从企业所遇到的影响CRM实施的大量因素中归结出影响CRM成败的关键因素,随后从管理的角度对这些关键因素进行深入探讨、研究并提出了规避相应风险的解决方法,最后给出企业实施CRM的绩效考核标准、ROI分析以及企业实施CRM的初步效果。

【Abstract】 Customer Relationship Management is a new type of subject in our country in recent years. It is an ideal, or a software and technology, or an application system. It empasises on the optimization about the flow of marketing, sale and customer service.Origined in 1990, CRM is a rising customer service market in the whole world, but in China, CRM looks much younger, many CRM items faced to failure. The reason for it includes all kinds of reasons. The enterprises need to know the risks lying in the process, the process from system choice to system start. So they can establish a effective item and risk management mechanism to improve the successfull rate .Finally CRM can enforce the management level.The risks consists of two parts, outer enviroment factors and inner flow factors. The outers include politics, economy and uncountereracted natural disasters, while inners represent all kinds of risks occurred in the CRM item process.According to such an idea as bringing forward problems, analyzing problems, solving problems, the article generally speaked the beginning, development and conception of CRM theory, then the author analized the material CRM actualization process of a small-middle-sized enterprise, TuoJin Computer Intergration Limited Responsibility Corporation, from the abundant risk factors the enterprises encountered, the author summed up the key factors that may affect theCRM, then discussed the factors, investigated them and gived the solve ways that can elude the corressponging factors, finally the author gived the performance assess and the actualization primarary effection.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】F274
  • 【下载频次】555