

Change and Construction of the Interrogation System

【作者】 刘伟

【导师】 唐磊;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 诉讼法, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 古代的弹劾式诉讼构造的特征是诉讼当事人是诉讼主体,他在诉讼中具有平等的诉讼地位,同时国家机关没有追诉权。随着封建制度的建立,弹劾式诉讼构造逐步被纠问式诉讼构造所代替。纠问式侦讯程序中法官集审、讯一体,讯问机关拥有超强的权力而犯罪嫌疑人处于诉讼客体的地位,不享有诉讼权利。 传统的大陆法系国家出于发现客观真实的需要,要求尽可能早地获得嫌疑人的口供,对讯问嫌疑人大多采用非常积极的态度,对于讯问嫌疑人的规范主要来自法定程序的规定和对于预审法官的合理期待。在这些国家的讯问程序中,犯罪嫌疑人仅属侦讯对象,而无诉讼上的平等地位可言。英美法系传统上出于程序公正的需要,对于警察讯问嫌疑人着眼于何种讯问方应予以禁止,何种口供不能在审判中使用进行规范,其逻辑前提是认为在审判前企图以讯问嫌疑人的方法积极收集,保全证据是不大现实的,因而其讯问法制所关注的重点在于如何对警察的讯问加以控制。 现代侦讯制度要求以合法正当的程序获得正确的结果。犯罪嫌疑人是侦讯的对象,其活动可能会受到一定的限制与约束,但是基于任何人不受强迫自证其罪这一现代诉讼原则,犯罪嫌疑人已经不再负有积极协助国家追诉机关查明案件真相的法律义务,在讯问过程中,是否进行陈述,作何种性质的陈述完全取决于犯罪嫌疑人的自由选择。在讯问进程中,犯罪嫌疑人已经不再是国家查明案件事实真相的手段,也不再是诉讼活动的局外人士,而成了一个可以通过自己的行为积极参与并影响诉讼进程的自治自决的主体。因此,尽管对犯罪嫌疑人陈述所具有积极价值的承认仍然是立法保留侦讯制度的根本原因,但是,在某种意义上,现代侦查讯问制度的构建依然是以保障犯罪嫌疑人的陈述自愿为核心内容。而且,也恰恰是因为现代侦讯制度具有保障犯罪嫌疑人作为主体进行自由选择是否陈述的能力,侦查讯问制度赋予追诉人员讯问权才具有了实质意义上的正当性。 现代国家的讯问法制有逐步融合的趋势,表现在大陆法系普遍确认了沉默权规则,警察讯问时的律师帮助权在部分国家得到有限的认可;同时,英美法系之典型的英美两国都通过成文法或判例法,对替察讯问嫌疑人的程序作出了较为细致的规定,对违反程序规则的讯问活动,采取比较严格的证据排除的态度,而不再局限于传统上对于不当讯问方法的禁止和对口供是否出于嫌疑人的真实意愿的事后审查。 我国在19%年的刑诉法中就引入了一些国际司法准则,譬如侦查阶段律师的有限介入,侦讯的结果受到检察机关的审查和法官的认定。同时宪法中已明确载入“依法治国”的原则,其目标是把我国建成现代法治国家;随着我国的成功入世,经济交流机会的扩大必然会促使国际司法准则的认同与融合。在某些基本法制一体化的趋势下,我们要结合本国自己的具体情况,不断融入国际大家庭之中,以促进民主法治的形成。我国讯问制度的理性发展应走一条由技术到制度的道路,在权力与权利合理配置时要充分考虑其社会思想基础、价值选择与平衡、相关的制度搭配及其制度设计在我国的可行性与容许度,在既注重惩罚犯罪又保护人权的基础上构建适合我国的讯问制度。

【Abstract】 The ancient accusatorial model in the criminal procedure is characteristic of the equal status of the plaintiff and the defendant who take the predominant position in the trial procedure in which the public organ is not entitled to the prosecution. With the establishment of feudalism, the inquisitorial model takes the place of the accusatorial model. Since then, the judge has enjoyed the power of trial and investigation and the criminal suspect has been subjected to the judge, without any procedural rights in the criminal proceedings.With the purpose of the discovery of objective facts, the traditional European countries stressed the legal stipulations and the confidence in the judge in the criminal procedure. As regards the investigation procedure, the importance of the confession was greatly attached and therefore the criminal suspect was subjected to the interrogation. In the traditional Anglo-American Countries, considering the due process, the power of investigation exercised by the police was restricted while the suspect had lots of defense rights, such as the right to silence and the right to lawyer. Thus, it was unrealistic to actively obtain and keep evidence by interrogation in the investigation procedure.The modern interrogation system has been based on the due process through which the correct results may be gotten. With the development of the principle that any one shall not be forced to make self-incrimination, the suspects bear no obligation to help the police in the ascertainment of the truth and are entitled to theright to choose, that is, they may keep silent, make confession or defend himself in the investigation procedure on their own will. Despite the value of the suspects’ confession for which the interrogation system has been accepted in the legislation, the due process results in the recognition of the suspect orientated procedural model.The current countries are shortening the gap among their criminal procedures and integrating their domestic legal systems into the international legal standards approved by the U. N. It has been manifested that the right to lawyer and the right to silence have been accepted to some extent in the traditional civil law countries. Similarly, the Anglo-American countries not only stringently restrict the improper interrogation ways and review the suspects’ willingness with regard to their confessions, but also adopt the principle of exclusion of illegally obtained confessions The revised Criminal Procedure Law in China has adopted some essential international legal principles, such as the lawyer’s participation in the investigation and the review of compulsive measures by the prosecution organ. Under the newly amended Chinese Constitution, the rule by law has been established. As China has gained accession to the WTO, the economic globalization is likely to contribute to the integration of law to some degree. Under the global circumstance, it is of great necessity to bring in some basic interrogation systems to match up to the trend of the protection of freedom, democracy and human rights. Considering the interrogation systems in the countries mentioned above, a rational criminal interrogation system safeguarded by a series of relevant principles and systems should be adopted and established, which have been proved to be beneficial and effective in the achievement of the rule by law.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D918.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】244