

On the Crime of Bribery

【作者】 彭鹏

【导师】 魏东;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 受贿罪是一种古老的犯罪,古今中外的法律都有规定。在我国,受贿罪作为一种渎职犯罪,指国家机关工作人员利用职务上的便利,收受、索取贿赂,而为相对人谋取利益的犯罪行为。它对国家公务活动的纯洁性与不可亵渎性有着巨大的危害。我国历来十分重视对受贿罪的打击,但随着我国政治经济的发展,特别是改革开放以来,受贿犯罪发生了一些新的变化:受贿的金额越来越大,受贿的手段越来越复杂,受贿的主体渐呈多样性表现,受贿犯罪的绝对数与其在经济犯罪中所占的比例也不断增加。这些都严重扰乱了市场经济的正常秩序,阻碍了社会主义民主和法治的进程,破坏了国家干部特别是党员干部在人民群众心目中的形象。本文从受贿罪的犯罪构成入手,对受贿罪的主体、受贿罪的客体、贿赂的内容与范围、“利用职务上的便利”和“为他人谋取利益”几个基本层面进行了研讨,重点分析了受贿罪主体的特性、受贿罪的共犯、掌握贿赂范围的原则、“利用职务上的便利”和“为他人谋取利益”的认定等内容,在受贿罪客体的科学表述、贿赂的界定和“利益”的内涵中提出了自己一些新的认识。本文通过对受贿罪的基本构成进行剖析,结合新旧刑法的规定和实施的状况以及目前该罪发展演变中的一些焦点问题展开论述,以利于进一步加强对受贿罪的基本认识,提高对该罪的打击力度,进而在全社会提倡一种反对腐败,崇尚廉洁的风气。

【Abstract】 Taking bribery is a crime to be found in ancient times and is punishable under laws of china and foreign countries. Crime of bribery, as a kind of the crime of malversations, refers to criminality that the missionaries of national organs exploit the official advantage to receive or extort boodle, with seeking interest for other persons. It does great harm to the chastity and inviolability of the line of duty. Our nation always pay full attention to the attacking of the erime of bribery. With the political and ecocomical development in the reform and open policy, many changes have occured in the fields of the crime the larger sum of boodle, the more complex measures of bribery, the diversity of the main body, the growing proportionment of bribery in economical offense. All these badly disarrange the market economy order, cumber the progress of social democracy and nomocracy, as well as blacken the images of the national cadres. Proceeding with the criminal structure, the writer discusses several basic fields of bribery ,such as the main body, theobject, the content and area of boodle, "exploiting official advantage" , "seeking interest for other persons" and so on. Form this, the writer also analyses the characteristic of main body, the accomplice of bribery, the principle of mastering the area of bribery and raise some new points about the object of bribery, the time divergence of main body, the connotation of boodle and interest. In short, by analysing the instrumental structure of bribery with the legislation and esecution of criminal code and some, focus points on bribery, we will further strengthen our basic cognizance of bribery and enhance the attacking of the crime of bribery, so that we may promote better ethos of demurring corruption and upholding probity.

【关键词】 受贿罪犯罪构成刑罚适用
【Key words】 crime of briberyCrime formationPenal adaptation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【下载频次】207