

Research and Application of Architectural Programming in Real Estate Project

【作者】 金岭

【导师】 刘光中; 吴玲;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 今天,房地产项目运作越发强调可持续发展,强调项目的社会效益、经济效益和环境效益的统一,强调市场的认可。而传统的房地产项目运作方法和手段均显得缺乏市场性、系统性与科学性,从项目立项到建筑设计之间缺少系统、科学的研究建筑设计依据的策划过程。这一“断层”的存在使房地产项目开发越来越不适应日益激烈的市场竞争。 在房地产项目开发程序中,我们将这个“断层”环节称之为房地产项目建筑策划。它是紧随项目立项,并行于市场策划的重要环节。开发商应在委托建筑设计之前,首先进行房地产项目建筑策划的研究工作,研究的成果将为建筑设计提供科学的依据,指导建筑设计科学、合理地进行。 本文以研究房地产项目建筑策划为目标,首先分析了房地产项目从立项到建筑设计之间“断层”产生的原因,阐述了一般建设项目建筑策划理论在房地产项目“断层”环节中应用的局限性。其次,在研究建筑、市场、消费者和建筑设计依据之间相互关系的基础上,系统、科学地构建了房地产项目建筑策划的理论体系,完善了房地产项目建筑策划的方法体系和运作程序。最后,以实际项目为案例,阐述了房地产项目建筑策划理论体系在实际项目中的运用。

【Abstract】 Today, the real estate project is developing and even more emphasizes sustainable development, emphasizes the social benefit, the economic benefit, the environmental benefit and the approval of market. But traditional operation mode and method of real estate project seem out of date and lack marketability, science and systematicness, and there are no studies for the basis of architectural design, these can lead to a " break " between the architectural design and the project initiate in the competing market.In the real estate project procedure, we call the " break " real estate project architectural programming. It follows the project initiate and keeps touch with market study. So, when a developer wants to begin a real estate project design procedure, he should carry out real estate architectural programming study first, and then use the study achievements to instruct the real estate project design.The study of this paper is aiming at the real estate project architectural programming. First, this paper studies the reasons of the " break " between the real estate projectdesign and the project initiate. Then based on the study of architecture, market and consumer, the system info of architectural programming in real estate project is carried out in this paper. Then, this paper studies the theory system and operation procedure of real estate project architectural programming. With these studies, an actual real estate project example is introduced as the case, explaining how we can use the system info of real estate project architectural programming in actual real estate project.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 04期
  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】403