

【作者】 胡妍婷

【导师】 卢建平;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 经济法, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 控股经营具有高效、经济的优点,但在控股公司对其子公司行使控股权的过程中,却暴露出易于导致公司治理结构异化、加剧市场投机、损害子公司小股东和债权人利益等诸多问题。这种失衡的控股公司利益关系无法在市场机制调节下自行恢复平衡,而传统公司法制度框架与控股经营也具有某种不兼容性,因此需要有系统的法律规范对控股公司控股权运作加以引导和制约。本文综合运用经济分析、比较法研究、历史分析和实证研究方法,从探讨控股公司控股权运作中相关主体利益关系失衡的原因入手,确定控股权法律规范的目的和价值取向,为控股公司控股权的产生、行使和制衡设立法律规范,注重对小股东及债权人等相对弱势的相关利益主体的保护。同时借鉴国外的法学理论和法律实践,对我国的控股经营现状和法律缺失进行剖析,并提出立法建议。

【Abstract】 Holding operation is a highly efficient and economical way to run a business. However, it often exposures the problems like ill variation of corporate governance, vast increase of market speculation, impairment of the minor shareholders or other stakeholders and so forth when the holding company exert its rights over subsidiaries. This unbalanced benefit relationship of holding company cannot restore itself under the regulation of market mechanism. Furthermore, the traditional company law doesn’t compatible for this new emerged holding management. So we need systematic legal rules to guide and control its function. This thesis firstly explores the cause of unbalanced benefit relationship among relevant subjects and then brings forward the goal and value tendency of rules on holding rights through the comprehensive use of economic analysis, comparative analysis, historical analysis and positive analysis. We also try to establish a framework for holding company’s holding rights, regulating its engendering, exertion, balance and check to safeguard the benefit of minor shareholders and other relatively weaker stakeholders. In the ending part, we advance some legislative suggestions on this issue.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【下载频次】95