

【作者】 张龙

【导师】 杨柳勇;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 政治经济学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 上市公司会计信息披露是降低证券市场信息不对称、提高资本有效配置和增强市场有效程度的一个根本手段,依靠强制性会计信息披露制度,能有效保护投资者利益,增强市场各方对市场的信心,培育和完善市场机制的运转。由此出发,从监管角度而言,对上市公司会计信息披露监管应该是证券监管的核心内容,是监管的重中之重。然而,我国自证券市场成立以来,受技术、制度等多种因素影响,对上市公司的信息披露监管一直没有成为监管的重点。如近些年来,琼民源、红光、猴王股份、银广夏等多个典型案件的相继发生,投资者对市场的信心大大受挫,市场中很多问题积重难返。2001年全国人大在《证券法》执法检查中明确指出:“信息披露不真实是上市公司招股、上市、配股和年报工作中存在的一个比较普遍的问题”,有力说明了我国证券监管存在严重不足和缺陷。事实上,在本论文开题和写作过程中,作者也发现国内的研究主要集中在对信息披露制度和监管体制模式及其存在问题的浅层次重复讨论,而对上市公司会计信息披露监管方面的具体针对性研究却非常少。 本论文基于我国现实热点问题,确立研究对象。为什么我国上市公司会计信息违规披露和证券监管失灵现象同时长期并存?论文的研究思路便试着从上述问题出发,着手探讨我国上市公司会计信息披露监管问题,并主要回答以下一些问题: 1.从我国现实情况来看,支撑会计信息披露监管的经济理论有哪些? 2.我国会计信息违规披露现状是什么? 3.为什么上市公司会计信息违规披露需求巨大? 4.为什么上市公司会计信息违规披露得到充分供给? 5.监管者为什么没有实现有效的会计信息披露监管?深层次原因是什么? 6.我国现行信息披露监管制度是否安排合理? 7.如何走出我国会计信息披露监管失灵困境? 论文采用规范和实证、模型和个案相结合的基本研究方法,做到定性和定量分析有机结合,对研究问题进行了全面、深入、系统的认识,并得出了一些有益的结论。 全文包括1个引言和4章内容。 引言介绍了论文的选题依据及意义、国内外研究现状、研究重点和方法。 第1章“会计信息披露监管经济学思考”着重从我国现实出发,概述了支撑会计信息披露及其监管的一些基本经济学理论,为后面的研究分析奠定理论基础。本章中,论文首先界定了会计信息披露的基本概念,认为会计信息还包括一些非财务信息。接而,作者在综合国内外一些相关研究成果基础之上,对会计信息披露进行了三点经济学思考:1)认为会计信息披露的逻辑起因是证券市场信息不对称;2)开创性地建立了一个会计信息搜寻博奕模型,证实证券市场上可能存在“个体理性”和“合成谬误”的冲突,信息披露有其存在的合理性;3)再从证券市场有效性的角度给予了经济学解释。本章从会计信息市场失灵与会计信息披露监管关系出发,认为浙江大学硕士学位论文上市公司会计信息披露监管研究会计信息披露由于具有垄断性、外部性、准公共物品性等特征,上市公司信息供给不足,导致市场失灵,客观上要求对会计信息披露进行监管。并立足于我国证券市场现实,由于我国股市己存在“功能琐定”现象,为减缓这种障碍,现实的办法是加强对上市公司会计信息披露的监管。本章最后系统地概述了我国上市公司会计信息披露监管的基本制度和框架结构。 第2章“会计信息违规披露需求和供给”开创性地从需求和供给的角度上,回答了上述提出的第2,3,4个问题。首先,本章以典型案例分析为基础,揭示了我国上市公司会计信息披露现状:披露虚假会计信息、选择性披露会计信息、不及时披露会计信息以及其它不规范性披露行为等问题。随后,重点对会计信息违规披露需求和供给进行了规范、实证、案例等多种分析。在需求分析中,通过建立监管博奕模型和实证分析,研究结果认为我国长期以来,上市公司违规披露收益巨大,而违规成本,特别是法律诉讼等违规披露间接成本很小,形成违规披露收益远远大于违规披露成本,从而导致违规披露行为在我国证券市场泛滥。在违规披露的供给分析中,本章认为在会计信息披露过程中,真正能发挥主要作用的是会计师事务所及其注册会计师,而其他各方如券商、证券律师、资产评估事务所等的作用显得非常有限,故论文重点对我国注册会计师的独立性与违规披露供给行为关系进行了研究。论文认为,我国注册会计师独立性主要受7类因素影响,其中起损害作用有4类,起促进作用有3类,现实情况是损害作用远大于促进作用,独立性不高成为我国上市公司会计信息违规披露的主要供给。最后,论文抽象地构建了会计信息违规披露供给函数。 第3章“会计信息披露监管失灵分析”是对前面分析的进一步延续研究。从理论上来说,如果上市公司存在违规披露需求和注册会计师满足供给,但只要监管有效,上述问题也会控制在一定的程度之内。在本章中,论文认为我国对上市公司会计信息披露监管出现初步失灵,主要表现在监管缺乏主动性和积极性、不能或不能及时发现问题、监管处罚力度不够和威慑力不强等?

【Abstract】 Accounting information disclosure of listed company is a basic means to lower the information asymmetry of securities market, to increase the capital disposition and to strengthen market’s validity. It can also protect the investors’ benefit, strengthen the confidence in securities market, develop and perfect the operation of the market effectively. For the reason, as far as the perspective of regulation, it should be the core content of securities regulation to accounting information disclosure of listed company. However, because of the technique, system and many other factors in our country, the regulation of listed company’s information disclosure hasn’t been the emphasis of regulation since the securities market was established. In recent years, some typical cases such as Qiongminvuan, Hongguang, Houwanggufen, Tmguangxia, occurred one after another. The investor’s confidence in the market has been frustrated. A lot of problems of the market can’t been changed easily as it existed so long. In 2001. National Peoples Congress pointed out in enforcing and checking <<the securities law>> : "It is a widespread problem that the information disclosure isn’t true in raising shares, listing, allotting shares and the annual reports of listed company." All the above explain that there are serious shortage in the securities regulation in our country. In fact, in the beginning of writing this paper, the author discovered that the research in our country mainly focused on the repeated discussion of information disclosure system, the regulation system modes and the existing problem. But the specific researches of regulation were quite a lew.This paper makes our country’s actual hot issues the research’s object. Why the phenomenon that listed company discloses information against rules and the securities regulation fails existed for a long period in our country? The paper tries to discuss how to regulate the accounting disclosure of listed company, and mainly to answer the question as follows:1. From the actual circumstance of our country, which economic theories can sustain the regulation of accounting information disclosure?2. What is the present status of accounting information disclosure against rules in our country?3. Why the demand of accounting information disclosure against rules is large?4. Why the supply of accounting information disclosure against rules is abundant?5. Why the regulation to the accounting information disclosure failed? What is the deep reason?6. Whether the current system of information disclosure regulation is arranged reasonable in our country?7. How to walk out of the dilemma of the regulation failure in our countrv?The paper adopts some basic research methods that include the normative and pasitive analysis, model and case analysis. It makes qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis combined. It tries to study the problem completely, thoroughly, systematically and reach some beneficial conclusions.The paper includes 1 foreword and 4 chapters.The foreword introduces the bases, the meaning, the present study, the emphasis and the methods, etc.Chapter 1 " economic consideration of accounting information disclosure regulation " put great emphasis on summarizing some basic economics theories that sustain accounting information disclosure and regulation, and establishing theoretical fundamental for the study and analysis afterward. In this chapter, the paper first definite the basic concept of accounting information disclosure, and consider that the accounting information also includes some non-finance information. Then the author take three economics considerations of accounting information disclosure: 1) the logic cause of accounting is the information asymmetry of securities market; 2) establishing a game model of searching accounting information, and confirming a conflict between "individual reasonableness’’ and "synthetic false" in securities market. The existence of information disclosure is reasonable; 3) giving the ec

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】F275
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1206