

【作者】 唐宏

【导师】 恢光平;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 2002年6月至10月,本人挂钩联系江苏华星电气实业有限公司的改革改制工作,从调查了解的情况中发现了一些问题,并结合所学知识,对华星公司如何调整经营策略,以把握市场机遇、应对“入世”挑战、谋求新的发展,作了一些思考。本文共分三个章节。第一章从现状分析入手,重点剖析了华星公司经营发展中存在的主要问题及其深层原因;第二章着重分析了华星公司的产品市场、竞争对手和自身的优劣势:第三章则在前两章分析研究的基础上,对华星公司未来的经营发展提出了一些对策和建议,包括拟定企业中长期发展战略,树立市场观念、效益观念和创新观念,调整组织机构设置并改进配套管理制度,以及搞好市场定位、强化新品开发、活用价格杠杆、创新促销策略等等。本文旨在通过解剖华星公司这只“麻雀”,探索当前中小企业经营发展之路。

【Abstract】 From June to October 2002, I went to JiangSu Huaxin Electric Enterprise Co, Ltd, to investigate the change of system of them, after my investigation, I think there is something should be point out, so, combined with my knowledge, I give out the thinking of myself about how to adjust the policy of management to grasp the chance of market, to face WTO, and to search for further developing.This article was set off three chapter:Chapter 1: Start from analysis of the conditions what Huaxin facing, stressly point out the main problem in the management and developing of Huaxin and the deep-seated reasons.Chapter 2: Stressly giving out the market of Huaxin’s products, the competitive adversary and the predominance and inferior station of Huaxin.Chapter 3: Basing on the above two chapters, bring forward some countermeasures and suggestions to the future management out the stratagem of long term developing, building up the conception of markets, conception of markets, conception of benefits, conception of innovations, adjusting the organization system and ameliorating the matching manage system, and looking for market location, strengthening empolder of new products, neatly using lever of price, innovating marketing policy and so on......Purpose of this article is to explore the road for small and medium scale enterprise, depending on looking into Huaxin Electric enterprise Co, ltd.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【下载频次】81