

On the Public Interest Litigation

【作者】 刘道远

【导师】 黄捷;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 法学理论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 发轫于19世纪末的社会化立法思潮在20世纪的日渐兴盛,延续至今,仍然是蓬蓬勃勃。社会公共利益因之而具有了重要的意义。随着立法由个人本位主义向社会本位主义的转变,公共利益的保护也被提到了议事日程。在我国,传统重视对权力本位、政治国家的强调,而对权利和市民社会的发展有所忽视,对公共利益的保护采用政府管理和保护的模式。随着市场经济建设的深入,这种模式的弊端也渐漏端倪。法谚有云:“没有救济的权利不是真正的权利。”公共利益同样也需要有程序制度的保障。公共利益是一个使用十分广泛,意义又十分模糊的概念。在伦理学家看来,作为美德标准的公共利益,不是凌驾于个人利益之外的,不能分解和还原的终极利益,而是存在于个人利益之中,由个人利益组成的派生性复合利益。法哲学家却又别有一番解说,边沁就说,共同体的利益是道德术语中所能有的最笼统的用语之一,因而它往往失去意义。但它又可如下定义:是组成共同体的若干成员的利益总和,不过公共利益并非是个人利益的简单相加。卢梭也曾指出,公共利害不仅仅是个人利害的总和,它还会大于那种部分之和。我们认为,公共利益是指由国家、社会群体或团体性的部分成员所享有的具有社会公共性的利益。公共利益原则,是本于社会法律思想,更积极地要求个人为公共利益而牺牲,使其有为公共利益而服务之义务。公共利益具有模糊性、社会性、综合性的特征。 至于公益诉讼,其源头可溯至古罗马,但引起人们广泛关注则是在20世纪。随着资本主义由自由资本主义走向垄断资本主义以及社会主义的兴起,高科技的迅速发展,人们的生产、生活日益社会化。为了维护国家利益、社会公共利益和社会群体利益,公益诉讼被重视,公益诉讼成为维护公共利益而进行的诉讼。按其解决纠纷的性质和适用法律的不同,公益诉讼有刑事公益诉讼、民事公益诉讼和行政公益诉讼之分。 公益诉讼是与私益诉讼相比较而存在的。公益诉讼区别于私益诉讼,有其内在的质的规定性。其目的是为了对社会公共利益进行维护。公益诉讼是民主主义在法律制度中的体现。对其主体而言,原告具有广泛性和不确定性特征,被告一般又是国家权力主体或者社会中强势群体及其成员。同时原告提起公益性质诉讼与诉的利益往往不具有直接利害关系。再者,公益诉讼起诉的对象既可以是造成了实际损害的违法行为,也可以是尚未造成现实损害的违法行为。另外,公益诉讼争执焦点具有社会性特征。 公益诉权方面的讨论,是我国公益诉讼制度构造中的一个重要内容。公益诉权是国家法律赋予检察机关、社会团体及个人在国家利益、社会公共利益或群体性利益受到侵害或与其他主体发生争议时,有权请求审判机关通过审判活动来维护该公共利益的权利。理解公益诉权,首先我们要在抽象的意义上去理解,然后再从制度层面去具体地理解。公益诉权是一种中介性权利,是程序法上的权利。它一端连结着公共利益,一端连结着司法审判权,并对司法审判权起着约束和制衡作用。公益诉权的复合性特征要求我们不能仅仅从民事诉讼法的角度去狭隘地理解公益诉权,而且还应从刑事诉讼法和行政诉讼法的角度去全面地理解公益诉权。与此同时,公益诉权本身又不是可有可无的,不是附着于三大程序法之上,而是有着自己的内涵,具有独立性特点。公益诉权理论的基础是现代诉讼理论中的分权理论。在诉讼中,如何处理国家的权力和个人的权利,即国家审判权和公民的诉权,是一个理论上的难题。公益诉权产生有着其深厚的社会经济、政治条件,也是对社会公益保护的现实要求。 在公益诉讼制度的构想方面,我们应该从设立监督权力运作的权利机制,在制度上确立公益诉讼。明确公益诉讼提起主体的条件和范围,从积极方面建立完善公益诉讼制度,从消极方面又防止因赋予社会大多数主体以公益诉权可能导致的滥诉现象。公益诉讼的提起主体,从社会公共利益保护的重要性出发,应该对当事人的资格予以扩大,发挥私人的主体在公共利益诉讼中的主观能动性并确保私人主体提起公益诉讼之便捷。鉴于这一原则,公益诉讼的提起主体应该是多元的,既有国家特定机关代表国家以国家名义提起的公益诉讼,还有法人、非法人组织、个人代表国家,以个人名义提起的诉讼。 如今,我们对公益诉讼制度的研究,已经完全超脱了具体制度层面的意义。公益诉讼制度的建立和完善,使得宪法中规定的人民主权思想在诉讼法领域内得以反传统模式地贯彻和实现。如前所述,公益诉讼制度还有权力制约功能。它作为现代新型的诉讼制度,本于其自身的性质和特点,自应有其程序保障作用。同时,它还有约束审判权的功能。除此以外,公益诉讼制度的预防功能和监督功能也不无重大意义。 我国社会主义市场经济的发展蒸蒸日上,如火如茶。在此过程之中,各种涉及公共利益保护的争讼亦是不可避免。加之当今社会法思想的兴起,对社会公共利益保护日益重要;公共秩序,公共安全和公共利益的保护在我国也日显重要。这些涉及公共秩序,公共安?

【Abstract】 It is since the late nineteenth century that the socialized legislative Ideological trend began to be prosperous. Up to now, it becomes more rigorous. Therefore, social public interest tends to be more meaningful. Along with the change from individualism to socialism, the protection of social public interest has been put on agenda. In our nation, because of emphasis of power and political nation and neglect of civil society, the protection of public interest by administrative governance is adopted. In the wake of deepening of construction of Market Economy, the shortage is seen. As the legal saying goes that It is not real right which has no way to remedy. Similarly, the Public interest needs to be guaranteed from procedural system. The public interest is a widely used but very blurred concept. Ethically speaking, the public interest in the view of virtue standard is not above individual interest which can’t be broken down and restored. But lies in individual interest, and consists of the individual interest. It is a compound interest. While jurisprudent explains it another way. For example, Bentham said that commonwealth is the most vague word in the angle of moral, consequently ,it is often meaningless. Meanwhile, It can be defined as sum of the interest if each member of the commonwealth though it is not simple addition which just as what Rousseau said that public interest is not merely the sum of individual interest .It is bigger than that .We think that the public interest is the interest which is enjoyed by nation, social common wealth and differentiated member of society .The public interest principle, which originated from social law thought, request individual to sacrifice more actively to do his duty for the public interest .The public interest has characteristics of ambiguity , Socialism and compound.As for the public interest litigation, it can be traced back to ancient Roma , but more attractive in 20th century . Along with the change fromfree captalism to monopoly capitalism, the outburst of socialism, the development of hig-tec ,and the deepening of socialization of product and life of people ,and for protect of interest of nation .social public interest and of social community interest ,the public interest litigation is emphasized . The public interest litigation is the litigation to protect the public interest. According to the nature to solute the dispute and the law which will be used, the public interest litigation can be divided into three kind: the criminal public interest litigation, the civil public interest litigation and the administrative public interest litigation.The public interest litigation is the parallel to the personal interest. The public interest litigation distinguish from the personal interest litigation. It has its own inner qualitative nature .Its aim is to protect the public interest .The public interest litigation is the embodiment of democratism in legal system. As for its main body, the plaintiff is wide and indefintive while the defendant is often the national power body or the influenced body of society or its member. Meanwhile, the plaintiff who institutes the public interest litigation often has nothing to do with the interest of the litigation, moreover, the object the litigation appeals to can be not only the damage which has happened , but the damage which still not exist. Lastly, the dispute point has the social characteristics.The public litigious right, is another important content in the litigation system construction of our nation, which is endowed with the procuratorial organ. Social party and the individual to claim their rights to the adjustment organ when the nation’s interest, social public interest or community interest are violated, to gain protection. Firstly, we must understand this concept nonfiguratively, then systematically. It is a medi-right, procedural right. Its one end is connected with the public interest, another with jurisdiction .It restricts and controls jurisdiction. The compound characteristic of the public litigious

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