

A Probe into the College Student Support System in China

【作者】 任初明

【导师】 胡淑珍;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国,对大学生进行资助历史悠久,随着我国高等教育大众化目标的提出,近年来,高校扩招,高等教育大规模发展,对大学生进行资助也倍受关注,为了不让学生因经济贫困而失学,国家建立了并在不断地完善大学生资助制度。本论文主要研究新中国建立以来这段时间内,我国政府建立的大学生资助制度。 引言主要介绍选题的依据及其具有的实践与理论意义。正文共分六部分 第一部分:梳理建国以来,我国大学生资助制度四个演变发展阶段:人民助学金制度为主的阶段;助学金制度与奖学金制度并存的阶段;奖学金制度和贷学金制度并存的阶段;建立与完善“奖、贷、补、助、减”五位一体的混合资助制度阶段。 第二部分:分析我国对大学生进行资助的理念。主要有保障受教育权和培养人才的需要;人力资本投资和成本分担理论的认可;教育机会均等理想的追求这三大理念。 第三部分:分析我国大学生资助制度担负的四大功能。扶贫济困的经济功能;激励上进的教育功能;引导人才流向的调节功能;促进社会公平的政治功能;。 第四部分:分析我国大学生资助制度的特点:资助实行的政策性;资助主体的相对单一性;资助功能的广泛性;资助变革的强制性。 第五部分:分析我国资助制度在实际运行中存在的问题。贷款银行积极性不高,回收机制不健全,申办繁琐;奖学金功能的缺失与失真;勤工助学资金不足,岗位有限;困难补助的发放不够规范。 第六部分:提出了一些进一步完善我国大学生资助制度的对策。实现资金来源渠道的多样化;开拓贷款回收新渠道;建立贷学金为主的资助体系;实行“差别对待”资助;建立助学贷款信用制度;经济资助与心理脱贫并行;加快贷款立法。

【Abstract】 It has a long history to support college students in China. As the goal of higher education massification has been put forward in my country, in recent years , the scale of the higher education is expanding rapidly. How to support the poor students is being the focus. More and more attention is paid to the support system. In order to help the poor students not to lost their chance of study, our country has set up the support system and bettering them.The article consists of sixth sections.Preface, expounds briefly the significance of this research topic.The first section introduce the support system’s four periods that it experiences: the period of the people’s need-based grant; the period of scholarship and student loan; the period of setting up and bettering scholarship, student.loan, need-based grant; part-work and reducing tuition fee.The second section analyzes the three ideals to support college students: the need of ensuring education right and cultivating talents for country; the acceptance of the theories of human capital and cost share; the purchase of equal opportunity of higher educationThe third section analyzes the system’s four functions. To help overcome economical problem. To encourage students to study harder. To guide graduates to somewhere after they graduate. To keep the society more equal.The fourth section probe into the system’s characteristics: strongly political; the single main body; varied functions; be changed mandatory.The fifth section probe into the problems that the system faces with.. Such as the student loan is in the shortage of enough funds. The mechanism of fund’s recovery isn’t perfect. The process of appointmentis too complicated. The scholarship’s function hasn’t played very well. The funds of part-work is not enough and opportunities are limited. Subsidy pays irregularly.The sixth section gives some advice on how to better the current support system. To broaden the channel to get more funds. To reform the method of return the student loan and better the mechanism. To set up a loan-centred system. To aid the students differently in accordance with the different economical condition. To fasten make laws on the loan. To build the credit system, etc.

  • 【分类号】G40-05
  • 【被引频次】28
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