

The Offering on the Altar of Tradition

【作者】 高丽萍

【导师】 宁一中;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 维多利亚时代是一个从传统到现代的过渡阶段。在这个时期,性(sex)与性别(gender)的问题,以更加开放、更加平等的方式和态度得到讨论,越来越多的作家谴责双重标准、利益婚姻和男人至上的父权思想。但这也是一个相对保守的时代,妇女的贞洁、温柔、美貌、自我牺牲与顺从等所谓的女性气质仍被推崇备至。 托马斯·哈代创造力最旺盛的时期处于维多利亚时代,时代特征决定了哈代小说中女性人物的性格特点。本文通过分析当时的社会、历史和文化背景,指出苔丝的悲剧是由女性传统的依附性的经济地位和从属性的社会地位造成的。 文章分为五个部分:引言部分质疑把苔丝的悲剧归咎于两个男人及片面强调她性格的某一方面等忽略传统决定性作用的看法,指出苔丝是传统祭坛上的牺牲品,并界定女权主义在本文中的涵义;第一章探讨苔丝的自我意识向传统意识妥协的动态过程;第二章分析小说中爱情与婚姻、自我实现与自我奉献、女性的贞洁与男性的放荡、自立与依附之间的关系,寻找这些关系背后的经济、社会原因,指出女性的整个处境导致了苔丝的死亡;第三章分析苔丝性格中的理想化特点及当时的社会、思想背景,指出哈代的思想具有两面性。文章认为他并没有认识到妇女问题的本质,也没有彻底批评过父权思想,在苔丝的悲剧中不自觉地扮演了同谋的角色。最后得出结论:在经济、社会地位没有改变之前,以苔丝为代表的女性的反叛是悖论性的,只能陷入反叛与传统的两难境地,并将以失败告终。

【Abstract】 Being a transitional period from tradition to modern, the Victorian Age saw heterogeneous groups and schools focusing on sex and gender roles in more open, more informed and less complacent ways. More and more writers attacked double standards, occasional convenient marriages, and male superiority. At the same time, the Victorian Age was a considerably conservative period in which so-called femininity such as chastity, docility, beauty, self-sacrifice, and gentility, etc. was highly canonized.As a man brought up in the Victorian Age, Thomas Hardy, writing under and about his time, never survived the contemporary ideologies towards woman. His complex social background determined his paradoxical attitude towards woman, which led to his characterization of women in his novels. This thesis attempts to explore Tess in the social, historical and cultural contexts in which Tess is created. It holds that Tess’s tragedy is due to her dependent economic condition and subordinate social condition.The thesis is structured in five parts: The Introduction, questioning all the opinions that impute Tess’s death to the two men, focus on one aspect of her characteristics, and ignore the responsibilities of tradition, leads to the proposal that Tess is an offering on the altar of tradition, and defines the working definition of several terms concerned. Chapter One traces the dynamical process of Tess’s self-consciousness surrendering to conventional ideology. Chapter Two analyzes the relationship of love and marriage, self-will and self-sacrifice, woman’s chastity and man’s licentiousness, self-dependence and man-dependence, woman’s economic and social conditions to put forwards a new interpretation for Tess’s surrender to tradition and her tragedy. Chapter Three exploresHardy’s paradoxical sex ideologies. It maintains that Hardy never realized the essence of woman problem, not to speak of criticizing patriarchal ideology thoroughly. He functioned as an unconscious accomplice in Tess’s case. The Conclusion summarizes elements that lead to Tess’s tragedy, and concludes that without change of their economic and social conditions, women’s struggle for self-fulfillment and self-independence is paradoxical, and finally turns out to be tragic.

  • 【分类号】I561
  • 【被引频次】1
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