

Research on Chemistry-teaching-oriented Environmental Behavior Education of the Five-year Normal School Students

【作者】 唐建生

【导师】 马铭;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 环境教育是21世纪的热点问题,也是我国教育改革与发展研究的重要课题之一。20多年来,我国的环境教育取得了较大的进展,环境意识有了普遍提高,其中环境知识、环境态度有了较大改观,但环境行为仍有待加强。如何更好的提高环境教育的质量和效益,特别是环境行为,仍然是值得深入研究的课题。通过查找文献,综述了国内外对相关环境行为的研究,阐明了师范教育在我国环境教育的重要地位以及化学教学与环境教育的紧密联系,确立结合自己的化学教学实践,以五年制师范生为研究对象,开展环境行为研究作为课题是具有理论价值和现实意义的。 通过对湖南省第一师范五年制师范生环境知识、环境态度及环境行为的调查和分析,得出培养学生良好环境行为的有效措施是教师教学。环境行为是人们对解决环境问题所采取的行动。根据学生的自身特点和环境行为的主要调查和分析因素:(环境知识,环境道德观,环境价值观),构建了以“知识—意图—行为”为主线的环境行为教育模式,并提出了具体策略:通过化学课堂教学、实验教学、课外活动等途径丰富学生的环境知识,加强学生的环境道德观和环境价值观教育。 经过一个学期的探索与实践,笔者对两个平行班进行前后对照,定量分析,取得了显著的效果。本研究具有一定的推广价值。由于本人水平有限,课题研究时间不长,提出的一般模式有待长时间的检验和完善,仍有一些问题有待深入研究。

【Abstract】 Environmental education is a hot issue in the 21st century. It is also one of the most important projects of the educational innovational and developmental studies in our country. Great progress has been achieved in environmental education over the past 20 years, our environmental sense has been generally improved, our environmental knowledge and environmental attitudes have been immensely bettered, unfortunately, our environmental behavior needs further improvement. Thus, it is really worth exploring how to enhance the quality and proficiency of environmental education, especially the environmental behavior. So this thesis illustrates the importance of environmental education and the closely-related connection between chemistry teaching and environmental education in normal schools by consulting available literature both at home and from abroad on the study of relevant environmental behavior on the basis of the author’s own chemistry teaching, with the five-year normal school as experimental objects.The thesis concludes that the most effective way of improving students’ environmental sense and solving environmental problems is by means of the teacher’s teaching through investigating and analyzing the present situation of the environmental knowledge, environmental altitude and environmental behavior to the five-year students in First teachers’ College in Hunan. Environmental behavior is action that people take in solving the environmental problems. It also attempts to construct the teaching model of environmental education with the primary clue of "knowledge-intention-behavior". The thesis establishes some concrete and relevant teaching strategy, namely, It tends to enrich the students’ e environmental knowledge, enhance the education towards students’ environmental morality andvalue.This project has achieved prominent progress by means of contrasting two parallel classes’ results, as well as quantitative analysis. This project of studies and experiments is worth popularizing. But in consideration of the limitedness and insufficiency in practicing the theory, this research still needs development and improvement.

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】95