

The Chinese Lines Aesthetics from the View of Shaping Psychology

【作者】 苏丰

【导师】 曾正明;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 线是中国传统视觉艺术最基本的构建元素,从古自今,中国的艺术家均给予“线”以相当的重视。看似简单的线条在艺术家的手中一点一画之间生出无穷变化、转折停顿之中蓄含盎然生机,淋漓尽致的体现了艺术家内在生命力的搏动与外在自然界的生机之间的交感与统一,碰撞与融合,是艺术家宇宙生命观的图像形再现。诚如美学家宗白华所言“中国人这支笔开始于一画,界破了虚空,留下了笔迹,既流出了人心之美,也流出了万象之美。” “气韵”是华夏民族艺术审美的核心命题,其影响广泛而深远,涉及到中国传统艺术的方方面面。关于线条的运用,古人更是视“气韵生动”为其最高美学标准。为之古人留下了大量精辟的论断,散见于历代画论、书论之中。这些美学理论代代传承衍生,发展形成了高度完善的理论体系,是中国古代经典美学的重要组成部分。对于现今的绘画艺术创作以及国画教学仍是十分宝贵的经验和理论支持,因而如何突破目前较为单一的理论视角,全面、透彻的解读并普及它具有十分重要的现实意义。 本文正是试图借助完形心理学这一文艺心理学的新视角,在理性分析的基础上完成对中国线条的“气韵说”这一线条美学本质的再认识,进而认识笼罩在民族文化意识神秘面纱下的线条审美观。

【Abstract】 Modeling with lines is the tradition of the Chinese visual art and the most outstanding behavior of aesthetic spirit of China’s art. The lines are the most basic elements of the traditional Chinese art. It is beyond doubt that Chinese artists have the much deeper understanding of lines than the western artists. In the view of the Chinese artists, lines are the best way to express their inherent vitality and their comprehension of the university."Lifelike spirit" (breath-resonance life-motion) is the aesthetic key proposition in traditional visual art of china, which influenced extensive and far-reaching on every aspect of traditional Chinese art. At the applications of lines, the ancients’regard "Lifelike spirit" as the highest aesthetic standard which emphasizes that the lines draw by artists should be the vivid reflection of the inherent vitality of the university. As for this, the ancient has left a large amount of brilliant theories. These aesthetic theories have formed a perfect theoretical system after several thoughts years’ development, which is the important part of China’ s ancient classical aesthetics, and play an important role in nowadays teaching of the traditional Chinese Painting. Therefore, how to understand it comprehensive and popularize it overall have important realistic meaning.This thesis exactly attempts to interpret China lines "Lifelike spirit"(breath-resonance life-motion) from the new angle of shaping psychology on the ground of reasonable analysis. Then know the intrinsic aesthetic conceptions of lines shrouded under the mysterious veil of the national culture consciousness.

【关键词】 完形心理学完形线造型气韵
【Key words】 shaping psychologyshapelineslifelike spirits
  • 【分类号】B84
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】270