

Study on Ecological Condition and Nutrient Constituent of Cardamine Hupingshanensis

【作者】 田连福

【导师】 陈良碧;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 植物学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 壶瓶碎米荠(Cardamine Hupingshanesis L.H.Liu,HUP)系十字花科碎米荠属,为多年生草本植物。在原产地,其分布范围狭窄,种群数量少,呈濒危状态,是一种珍贵野菜资源。本文旨在对壶瓶碎米荠的形态特征、地理分布范围以及种群大小作初步调查,对其在原产地的生境,繁殖特性以及生活史作详细研究,并对其化学成分进行分析,以探讨该植物的营养价值与保健价值,从而为开发、利用这一野菜资源提供科学依据与理论支持。在方法学上,对应用高效液相色谱技术分离与测定蔬菜水溶性维生素作了研究。主要结果如下: 1 HUP的形态特征 壶瓶碎米荠,高30~60cm,茎直立,叶两型。花序为总状花序,顶生。花为白色,花萼4片,椭圆形;花瓣4片,近圆形;雄蕊6枚(4+2),花丝稍扁平,花丝基部之间各有一深绿色鳞状蜜腺;雌蕊子房细圆柱形,花柱短,柱头头状,半球形。果实为长角果,细圆柱形,稍扁。种子6~12粒,呈浅棕褐色,近圆形或宽矩圆形,表面较平滑。 2 HUP的生态条件 壶瓶碎米荠仅在湘西北壶瓶山发现有三个自然分布区,分布地海拔在800~1400m之间,土壤为黑壤,腐殖质厚度0.5~1.0cm。壶瓶碎米荠分布区年平均温度15.4~16.2℃,8月最高温度为30.6℃。原产地壶瓶碎米荠均居于郁闭林的最低层,在腐殖质丰富的溪沟岩石上植株生长良好,在光照强度最强的中午,壶瓶碎米荠的光合速率会出现“午休现象”。壶瓶碎米荠对水分条件要求较高,分布区内年平均降雨量为1800~2100mm,相对湿度在85%以上。 3 HUP的繁殖特性 自然条件下,壶瓶碎米荠主要依靠营养繁殖繁衍种群,且繁殖力强,繁殖方式多样,有茎基不定芽繁殖、根上不定芽繁殖和茎及枝腋芽繁殖。每年的4月,壶瓶碎米算由营养生长向生殖生转变,并开始抽蔓,5月上旬左右现蕾,并陆续进入开花期,6月下旬前后果实成熟,种子小且在自然条件下萌发困难。7一8月枝条倒伏,茎基部形成大量分桑而开始持续数月的营养生长,同时,倒伏枝条的节上萌发不定根,长成营养个体。营养生长从8月持续至次年的3月。植株的生活史表现为多年生特点。4HUP’的营养成分 营养成分分析表明:壶瓶碎米算具有丰富的维生素C、维生素Bl、维生素BZ和烟酸,尤其是维生素Bl含量,是小白菜的9一14倍,这在一般野生蔬菜中也是少见的;壶瓶碎米葬矿质元素中Ca、Mg、Mn、Zn等含量较高,此外还含有人体必需的其它多种微量元素,而人体有害的重金属元素AS、A1、Hg含量很低;壶瓶碎米莽含人体必需的氨基酸种类较齐全,其中人体的三大限制性氨基酸,赖氨酸、苏氨酸和蛋氨酸的总含量占氨基酸总量的10.3%。5蔬菜维生素的HpLc法分析 应用反相高效液相色谱法测定壶瓶碎米莽等中的水溶性维生素含量,并探讨了不同的提取剂、洗脱液及PH值等条件对蔬菜中维生素的提取与分离的影响,表明在70℃条件下,样品采用3%偏磷酸作为提取剂、经四ondparkCI,柱分离,流动相为甲醇一水体系加盐 (PH=3.98)流速1耐加in,Uv254m功,曲线梯度洗脱,样品中的维生素的完全分离并定量测定,其回收率为107.7%~96.1%,RSD小于3.00,线性相关系数在0.9965以上。6 Hup的组织培养 以壶瓶碎米莽实生苗的茎段、叶片为外植体材料,接种在MS+2·4一Dl.omg.L一+6一A 0.5 mg.L一的培养基上诱导愈伤组织,诱导率为71.0%和55.7%,从接种到形成愈伤组织时间较长;而萌发种子的下胚轴、上胚轴及子叶愈伤组织诱导率高,可达100%,且出愈时间短仅为10天左右。

【Abstract】 Cardamine hupingshanensis, a perennial plant, was a rare wild vegetable which distributed in the narrow space, and being in severe danger of annihilation. To provide science evidence and theory support for exploiting and utilizing the wild vegetable resource, the morphology characters, distribution area as well as life species were investigated, and original life environment, reproduce nature as well as life history were researched, and chemical components were analyzed. On the methods, the determination and separation of water- soluble vitamins in vegetable by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography was reported. The main results were showed as follow:1 Morphology characters of HUPCardamine hupingshanensis is up to 3060cm tall. The leaves have two shapes and the plant has terminal raceme. The white flower has 4 oblong sepals and 4 sub-circular petal. The flower has 6 stamens with some flat filaments, and the stamens are tetradynamous. The tow outer stamens are shorter and the four inner stamens are longer. Between the base of filaments there are one deep green nectary with scale form respectively. Ovary has the form of slight cylinder. Style is shorter and stigma is head shape with the form of hemisphere. The fruit is silique, and it is some flat with the shape of slight cylinder. There are 612 brownish seeds with the form of sub-roundness and broad-rectangle. The surface of seed is relative smoothness.2 Ecological condition of HUPCardamine hupingshanensis, found only in the huping mountain in hunan shimen country, were distributed in the environment with an elevation from 800 to 1400m and rainfall 1800 to 2100mm. In the distributing area, the soil was black and thickness of humus was from 0.5to 1.0cm. The annual average temperature was 15.4℃,even in the august, extreme temperature only up to 30.6℃. HUP always lived in the mountain stream and grow well under the lowest forest. In the noon, when the illumination intensity was strong, the photosynthetic rate of HUP became slower.3 Reproduce nature of HUPHUP multiplied mainly by alimentative reproduction. The reproduction ability was so strong that the buds in the basal stem and the root could grow up as well as those in the stem and the branches. In April pre year, the alimentation growth turned to sexual growth, and it bourgeoned in early May and blossomed in later stage. The seeds were so small as fruits matured in later June that it could not germinate in the nature. During the period from July to August, branches began to lodge and came into the alimentative growth, which continued to the next March. The life history of plants presented as perennial.4 Analysis of chemical components in HUPAnalysis of nutrient constituents showed that Cardamine hupingshanensis posses high contents in vitamin C, BI, B2 and PP. Especial, the contents of vitaminBi was as 9 times as that of Chinese cabbage that was rarely discovered in normal wild vegetable. It also owned high mineral elements such as Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, otherwise many essential minim elements. Furthermore, the essential amino acids was completely detected, and the content of three limited amino acids were as 10.3% as that of total amino acids.5 Analysis of water- soluble vitamins in vegetable with HPLCA method for determination of water-soluble vitamin C, B1 B2 and nicotinic acid in Cardamine hupingshanensis by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography was reported. The four kinds of vitamins were separated on uBondparkCis column using a buffer solution of methanol-water (with O.lmol/L NaAc-HAc, 0.02% triethylamine, pH3.98) as the mobile phase at a velocity of Iml/min and detected by ultraviolet spectrum-photometric detector at 254nm. The recoveries were 107.7% -96.1% and RSD was less than 3.90%, and correlation coefficient was more than 0.9950. The extracts of Cardamine hupingshanensis by HPO3 at 70℃ could be measured directly.6 Tissue culture of HUPCallus was induced from the explants including stem nod, leaves, hypocot

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