

Higher School Teacher’s Quality under the Circumstance of Internationalization of Higher Education

【作者】 鄢朝晖

【导师】 高小清;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 教师素质与教育一样,一直以来就是一个古老而又常唤起人们重新思考的话题。只要时代处在深刻变化的转折关头,人们在重新审视现有教育,找出它的问题,希望改变它的现状并赋予它新的使命的同时,总会提出教师的素质问题,为教师的素质重新定位。 当今,中国高等教育正面临着一个重大的转折时期,那就是高等教育的日益国际化。高等教育国际化给中国的高等教育事业带来极好的发展机遇的同时,带来更多的是挑战,是人才培养目标的不断调整,是科学研究水平的不断提升,是社会服务功能的不断拓宽以及国际交流与合作的不断扩大。面对挑战,我国高校教师应具备什么素质,如何提高自身素质,是本文探讨的重点。 本文从国际化趋势下我国高等教育面临的挑战切入,通过对发达国家高校教师素质状况与我国高校教师素质现状的比照分析,提出了我国高校教师在道德、知识和能力等方面应具备的新的、更具深刻内涵的素质要求,即在思想观念上,要有国际的视野和本土的情怀;在职业道德上要真正尊重学生,要求真务实,讲求学术道德。在知识素质方面,更加强调专业知识的宽厚和精深,强调教育学科知识的系统和扎实。在能力素质方面,更新教学内容,创新教学方法,熟练运用现代教育技术手段开展教学,开展双语教学等方面能力的强化成为高校教师教学能力的中心;更强的开拓创新和实践能力,更强的处理教学与科研的关系的能力及更强的学习能力等成为高校教师科研能力的主流。而较强的信息素养和较强的国际交往能力同样是高等教育国际化趋势下高校教师必备的能力素质。 提高教师素质的途径很多,本文主要从高校教师培养的角度出发,提出了借鉴发达国家高校先进的教师培养方法,以实现我国师资培训的两个转变(即从基础性培训和学历补偿教育逐步向着眼于更新知识、全面提高教师素质的终身教育转变和从主要依靠政府行为逐步向政府行为、学校行为和个人行为相结合转变)为目标,采取职前培养与在职进修两位一体的高校教师培养办法,达到提高教师自身素质的目的。在教师职前培养上,通过严格聘任标准,开展以专业知识学习为中心的大学教育和以职业训练为主要内容的岗前培训,提高新聘教师的基本素质;在教师在职进修上,通过强化教师评估,开展以全面提高高校教师综合素质为宗旨的在职进修,不断提升教师的素质。

【Abstract】 Teacher’s quality, just like education itself, is still an old and new topic that arouses people’s reconsideration. At the turning of a new century when everything is changing rapidly, people usually give a re-examination to the existing education and try to find out as many faults as possible with the hope of bettering its statement and therefore endow it with new destiny ending in pointing out the problem of teachers’ qualities and resetting their social places.In current China, higher education is standing before the greatest turning point of a new stage, Internationalization of Higher Education. It provides us a good chance to develop our higher education and brings us a heavy challenge as well. Therefore, we should adjust constantly our training polices, develop our scientific research, widen our social functions, strengthen our international communication and cooperation. Under this circumstance, what qualities should higher schoolteachers have and how to improve them becomes an urgent task before us. This paper tries to make some argument on this topic.Beginning from pointing out the challenges brought out to our higher education by the Internationalization of Higher Education, this paper compares the teachers’ qualities between some advanced foreign countries and current China together with their different quality demands, analyzes the statement of Chinese higher schoolteachers’ qualities, points out that Chinese higher schoolteachers should have some corresponding levels in morality, knowledge and competence that needs the newest and further quality contents. They should have international sighting and native sense in moral. As a teacher, one should love and respect his post firstly, and then it is emphasized that one should have profound professional knowledge achieving mastery through a comprehensive study of a subject and developing it, especially in the field of education. One should be competent in renewing teaching materials, creating new teaching methods, mastering skillfully multi-medial technology in teaching and using smoothly bilingual language tools in classrooms. To be better in inventing and creating, to be more competent in dealing teaching and researching, to be moreexcellent in knowledge obtaining, higher schoolteachers should always struggle to be relatively qualified. Meanwhile, higher information literacy and stronger international communicative competence are particularly mentioned for higher schoolteachers.There are many ways to improve teacher’s qualities. Using advanced countries’ experiences for reference, this paper argues that our higher schoolteachers’ training should develop from elementary training and degree recovery into life-time quality education which aims at renewing and fully improving their competences in every respects, instead of depending only on governmental efforts, the union of governments, schools and individuals have their own duties each in the process. Pre-job training and on-the-job training are actually two practical ways to improve teachers’ qualities. How to take pre-job training? Take a teacher-appointing reform through stressing high schoolteacher’s qualification and popularizing appointing system, give a continuous chance of study to those who need to raise their degree for higher diplomas or for some professional skills. On the other hand, this paper argues that we may, through stressing on evaluation, take a whole synthesized quality training for the purpose of improving our higher schoolteacher’s qualities steadily when they are on job.

【关键词】 高等教育国际化教师素质
【Key words】 higher educationinternationalizationteacherquality
  • 【分类号】G645.1
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1482