

【作者】 颜湘君

【导师】 刘上生;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 服饰描写是塑造人物形象的重要艺术手段,从中国古代小说发展史来看,这种艺术手段走过了一个和人物个性化相联系的过程,到明清时期,取得了长足进步:从《三国演义》服饰描写的程式化、固定化到《水浒传》向写实性过渡;从《金瓶梅》开创写实新局面再到《红楼梦》《儒林外史》的多样化、个性化。明清通俗小说服饰描写艺术经过了这样一个从初始、渐变、转折到高峰的发展过程,探求这一过程,将有助于掌握这种艺术手段的发展及其功用,并对当代小说的创作有所启迪。 全文共分为三部分: 引言部分,主要说明选题意义、研究现状、基本思路和研究方法。 主体部分,分为五章: 第一章,从“史”的理念出发,纵向追溯明清通俗小说服饰描写的渊源: 一是诗歌辞赋中服饰描写的铺陈手法; 二是唐传奇中服饰描写的简笔点染,以形写神手法; 三是说唱文学和早期话本小说中服饰描写韵散结合的方式。 第二章至第五章,从服饰描写的个性化进程角度切入,探讨明清通俗小说人物服饰描写艺术发展概况,兼及服饰描写反映的相关文化内涵。 第二章,明清通俗小说服饰描写艺术的初始:以《三国演义》为代表,服饰描写呈现程式化、固定化特征; 第三章,明清通俗小说服饰描写艺术的渐变:以《水浒传》为代表,服饰描写由程式化、固定化向写实性过渡; 第四章,明清通俗小说服饰描写艺术的转折:《金瓶梅》成为人物服饰描写艺术的写实新起点; 第五章,明清通俗小说服饰描写艺术的高峰:以《红楼梦)},《儒林外史》为代表,人物服饰描写艺术在写实基础上取得了个性化成就。 结语部分,总结全文,并指出本论题研究可以拓展的领域。

【Abstract】 Garment description is an important artistic means to create characters. From the history of ancient Chinese fiction, we can see that this artistic means had gone through a process associated with the individualization of character. By the time of Ming and Qing dynasties, it had made great progress. In "A Historical Novel of Three Kingdoms", garment description was stylized fixed, while in "The Outlaws of the Marsh", it began to transit to realistic method. By the time of "Jin Ping Mei", a breakthrough was made in realistic garment description. In "A Dream of Red Mansions" and "The Scholars", garment description showed both multiple and individualized characteristics. Garment description in the popular norvels in Ming and Qing dynasties had gone though a process of development which can be divided into four stages: starting stage, gradual change stage, transitional stage and the summit stage. Exploring this process can help us understand the development and functions of this artistic means and inspire contemporary fiction creations.This paper consists of three parts:Introductory part clarifies the significance of the theme, its present research situation, author’s basic view and research methods.The main body part contains five chapters.Chapter I traces back the three origins of garment description in popular fictions in Ming and Qing dynasties according to a chronicle order. The three origins are as follows:The elaborate method of garment description in poems;The brief sketch of garment to convey the spirit of the characters in the tales of marvels in Tang Dynasty;The combination of rhymes and unrhymed sentences in garment descriptions in stories integrated with chanted parts and early scripts for story-telling.From the aspect of individualization of garment description, Chapter II to Chapter V make a general survey of the artistic development of garment description in popular fictions in Ming and Qing dynasties and the associated cultural connotation reflected in these descriptions.Represented by "A Historical Novel of Three Kingdoms", Chapter II illustrates the starting stage of garment description in the popular novels in Ming and Qing dynasties: garment description has stylized and fixed characteristics;Chapter III explains the gradual change of garment description. This stage is represented by "The Outlaws of the Marsh". It is a transitional period for garment description began to change from a stylized and fixed method to a realistic one.Chapter IV focuses on the transitional stage ofgarment description. "Jin Ping Mei" became a new starting point of realistic garment description method.Chapter V explores the summit stage of garment description .As representatives of this stage , "A Dream of Red Mansions" and "The Scholars" made achievements in individualization of garment description based on realistic foundation.Conclusion part is a summary of the paper, it also states the research fields that could be extended from this theme.

  • 【分类号】I207.419
  • 【被引频次】2
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