

【作者】 孙宏云

【导师】 易法建;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 伦理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 个体道德的发生是指个体如何从初临人世时的自然质朴、混沌无知的“自然人”逐渐成长为一个具有一定自律道德意识和独特道德人格的初步的“道德人”的过程,归根到底是指自律道德的形成过程。对这一过程进行深入系统的研究与阐释,无论是对于丰富和发展马克思主义伦理学的理论,还是对于促进社会主义精神文明建设,无疑都有着重大的意义。本文在分析综合学术界有关个体道德发生问题的研究成果的基础上,着重从道德心理学和道德社会学的角度,对个体道德发生的基本原理和一般规律进行了阐释。 对于个体道德的发生,古今中外的思想家们进行了不懈的探讨,创立了各种各样的理论。整体而言,大致可归为三类,即先天发生论、外力模塑论以及主动建构论。三类理论各自都有自己的贡献和缺陷。 根据马克思主义伦理学的基本原理,个体道德之所以必然会发生,是由个体道德的重要功能所决定的。个体道德不仅是社会走向完善的必要环节,也是个体调整自身走向完善的必然要求。个体道德得以发生还有赖于一定的基础和前提。其中社会关系与交往实践是个体道德发生的客观基础,主体认知的发展是个体道德发生的主观前提,环境教育是个体道德发生的重要因素。 个体道德发生的机制可根据作用的方式和特点区分为外在机制与内在机制两种。本文主要从道德心理学的角度,对个体道德发生的内在机制进行了探究。个体道德的发生是由他律道德的发生发展与自律道德的形成这两个紧密相连的阶段所构成的。对于他律道德的形成和发展而言,观察模仿是其最主要的心理机制。在个体道德从他律阶段向自律阶段转化的过程中,起关健作用的是角色承担机制。其中角色承担又包括观点采择和移情两个方面。 个体之所以会不断地模仿外部道德主体的行为,之所以会不断地采择他人观点并与他人同情共感,是因为其背后还隐藏着一种强烈的动力。具体来说,个体的道德水平与外部道德主体的道德要求之间的矛盾是个体道德发生的根本动力,个体与外部道德主体之间的情感张力是个体道德发生的重要动因.。 最后,本文用批判的眼光认真审视了传统德育模式的利弊,并努力构建现代德育模式,认为要构建适应儿童道德发生发展规律的现代德育模式,必须遵循尊重与要求相结合的原则、情感与理性相结合的原则以及教育与自我教育相结合的原则;同时还可来用扮样示范、情境讨论、角色扮演等方法来提高德育实效。

【Abstract】 The genesis of individual morality refers to the process of how a newly- bom "natural man", with unaffected and ignorant characteristics, gradually grows into an elementary "moral man", possessing autonomous moral consciousness and distinctive moral personality. In the final analysis, it refers to the process of the formation of autonomous morality. A further and systematical study of this process is, undoubtedly, of momentous significance not only to enrich and advance Marxism Ethics theory, but also to promote the Socialist Spiritual Civilization Construction. Based on the analysis and summary of scientific research achievements on the genesis of individual morality, this thesis, moral psychologically and moral sociologically, lays emphasis on illustrating the fundamental principles and general laws of the genesis of individual morality.Ancient and modern thinkers, both aboard and at home, have constantly inquired into the genesis of individual morality, originating various kinds of theories, which, generally speaking, fall into three categories, namely, the congenital genesis, the external molding and the active construction. The above - mentioned theories, respectively, have the merits and defects of their own.According to the fundamental principles of Marxism Ethics, the individual morality is sure to generate because of its important function. Individual morality is not only the indispensable step to perfect the society, but also the inevitable requirement for the individual to be consummated by adjusting himself. The genesis of individual morality also depends on a certain foundation and prerequisite, among which social relationship and communication practice is its objective foundation, the evolution of subject’s cognition its subjective prerequisite, environment andeducation its significant factors.In the light of the way and features of its function, the mechanism of the genesis consists of the external and the internal. Moral psychologically, the thesis mainly probes into its internal mechanism. The genesis of individual morality is constituted by such two closely connected stages as the genesis and evolution of heteronomous morality, as well as the formation of autonomous morality. As for the first stage, observation and imitation is the overwhelming majority of psychological mechanism. In the transformation of individual morality from heteronomy to autonomy, the crux mechanism is role - taking, including perspective - taking and empathy.The reason why individuals keep on imitating the behavior of exterior moral subjects, stick to adopt others’ perspective and share the common feelings is that there exists one intensive impetus hid inside. Concretely speaking, the contradiction between the individual morality level and the moral requirement of exterior moral subjects is the fundamental impetus of the genesis; and the emotion tension between individual and exterior moral subjects is its important motive power. Finally, by carefully analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional pattern of moral education in critical view, and trying to construct the modern one, this thesis believes in that the principle of combining respect with demand, emotion with ration, education with self- education must be followed in order to construct the pattern of modern moral education, which meet the generating and developing laws of children’s morality. Meanwhile, such measures as example - demonstration, circumstances -discussion and role-making can be adopted to enhance the actual effects of moral education.

  • 【分类号】B82
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】507