

EST Discourse and Translation

【作者】 唐艳军

【导师】 张梅岗;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 科技英语的研究初期,人们主要注意的是诸如词汇构成、语法结构、时态、语态等表层语言现象。这是对语域的静态分析,没有涉及语言交际的核心内容。与此相应的是传统的科技英语翻译只注重词、句的翻译,并集中于词汇、语法和专业内容三个方面,这些理论自然有其价值,然而在翻译的对象常常是语篇这一有机整体的情况下,容易造成只见树木不见森林的片面性以及翻译的机械主义通病。话语分析(篇章语言学)的兴起为研究科技英语提供了新的途径。本文拟尝试运用功能修辞理论来探讨科技英语语篇分析并以此为基础进一步探讨科技英语语篇的翻译。 全文分为四个部分: 第一章 说明了科技英语语篇分析的必要性,探讨了科技英语语篇翻译的优越性。 第二章 首先介绍了各家对语篇的界定,陈述了语篇与修辞的关系,说明从修辞角度来研究语篇的可行性;随后针对科技英语文体的特点,提出了科技英语语篇的分析模式,从主题、修辞功能、修辞技巧和衔接手段等四个方面对科技英语语篇进行了探讨,为下一章提供了理论和方法的指导。 第三章 是对上一章语篇分析成果在翻译中的运用。在这一章作者首先探讨了话语分析的方法在理解和表达阶段的意义,指出把握住三个要点,即:主题、修辞功能和修辞技巧有助于译好科技英语语篇;随后作者指出,话语分析还可用于译文的检验,有助于提高译文的质量,并通过实例对这两个方面进行了说明。 最后一部分 总结全文,强调论点并指出话语分析不仅有利于语篇翻译还有利于促进教学实践的发展。 从功能修辞的角度来探讨科技英语语篇分析及翻译是一条较新的途径,本文只是一种尝试,还需待实践的检验。由于水平能力有限,许多不当之处,希望得到大家的批评指正。不管怎样,作者衷心希望本文能促进人们对科技英语本质的认识,引起人们对科技英语语篇翻译的重视。

【Abstract】 At the early stage of the study of EST, people mainly focus on superficial language phenomena such as word formation, grammatical structure, tense, voice, etc. It is only a kind of static analysis of register, which does not get to the core of language communication. Correspondingly, traditional translation theories of EST only pay attention to the translation of words and sentences and concentrate on the three aspects of vocabulary, grammar and professional knowledge. These theories certainly have their own values; however, since the object of translation is usually a discourse which is an organic entity, they are prone to one-sidedness and rigidness of translation. The advent of discourse analysis (text linguistics) offers a new way to study EST. This paper tries to use the functional rhetoric theory to discuss discourse analysis of EST, and on the basis of this discussion, it further explores the application of the results of the study to discourse translation of EST.The whole paper can be divided into four parts:Chapter 1 explains the necessity of discourse analysis of EST and reveals the advantages of EST translation in the dimension of discourse.Chapter 2 first introduces various definitions of discourse and states the relationship between discourse and rhetoric to illustrate the feasibility of studying discourse from the angle of rhetoric. Then in accordance with the features of EST, the paper offers an analysis model and makes a study of EST discourse in detail from four aspects: topic, rhetoric function, rhetoric technique and cohesive device. This study provides guidance for next chapter in theory and method.Chapter 3 is about the application of the fruits of discourse analysispresented in the preceding chapter. This chapter first discusses theIIsignificance of the method of discourse analysis in the stage of comprehension and expression. It suggests that to grasp three key points, i.e., topic, rhetoric technique and rhetoric function, will contribute to a good translation of EST discourse. Then, it carries out the application of discourse analysis in the checking and development of EST translation. The two aspects are illustrated through examples.The last part makes a summary for the whole paper. It emphasizes the author’s point of view and points out that discourse analysis is beneficial not only to discourse translation itself but also to the development of teaching practice.The author believes it is a new channel to discuss discourse analysis and discourse translation from the angle of functional rhetoric. This paper is just a try that has yet to be proved by practice. Owing to the limitation of ability, there must be some improprieties in this paper, which need the readers’ valuable comments. Anyway, the author cordially hopes that this paper can improve the understanding of the nature of EST and attract attention to the discourse translation of EST.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【下载频次】1019