

Analysis and Design of Sound-proof Windows

【作者】 王文成

【导师】 张宪民;

【作者基本信息】 汕头大学 , 机械电子工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会生产力发展而同时进行的城市化进程,城市交通所产生的噪声,使得位于机场、铁路、公路或工厂边的建筑,常年遭受噪声侵扰之苦,此类建筑物需要做专门的防噪设计,提高围护结构的隔声能力,减少外部噪声的传入。前人的研究表明,这些建筑物的室内噪声主要是从门、窗等相对单薄的地方传入的。本论文基于此,对窗户的隔声性能进行了研究。 首先,本文分析了单层窗的隔声。通过对声波入射的分析,同时结合薄板的振动响应分析,利用有限元理论和声、结构耦合理论,建立了声波入射单层窗的数学结构模型。同时,在专门的有限元分析软件Ansys和专业的声学分析软件Sysnoise上利用该模型求解了传声损失与频率的响应关系。求解的结果验证了该方法的准确性和实用性。 紧接着,本论文基于对单层窗隔声分析的基础上,对双层窗隔声进行分析。重点讨论了双层窗中间间隙对传声损失的影响,包括其中气体性质、夹层宽度等因素。同时,对双层窗结构本身性质对传声损失的影响也进行了研究。 最后,对上述单层窗、双层窗的分析结果进行分析比较,对传声损失的影响因子进行总结,推导出结构参数对传声损失的作用,利用优化理论和有限元理论进行基于最大传声损失的双层窗的结构优化设计,包括优化目标函数的提出,优化算法的选择和实现。

【Abstract】 As a result of the development of prolificacy and progress of citilazation, it made the buildings near the airport, railroad, highway and industrial factory be immersed in the ocean of bored noise which was mainly made by city traffics, daily life and industrial factories. These buildings should be designed especially to lesson the noise incoming, to improve the ability of surrounding constructions to insulate sound transmission. It’s show by former researches that the noise mainly transferred into the rooms through widows and doors, which are comparatively thin and weak to the wall. Based on this, this thesis analyses the sound-proof ability of windows.Firstly, the sound-proof performances of a single-glazing window is analyzed. The sound transmission mathematics analysis model of a single-glazing window is established by using the finite element method (FEM) theory, the sound-structure couple theory as well as vibration response and sound wave’s incidence analysis to a single plate. The sound transmission loss versus the frequency is calculated by using the professional FEM software Ansys and the Vibration -Acoustics software Sysnoise. The results validate the correctness and practicability of the method.Secondly, based on the sound-proof performance analyses of the single-glazing window, this thesis analyses the sound-proof performances of the double-glazing windows. The effects of the double-glazing gap to sound transmission loss, including the quality of the gas in the gap and the distance of the gap, etc. are discussed. The effects of the structure properties of the window upon the of sound transmission loss are also studied.Finally, this thesis compares the analysis results of single-glazing window and double-glazing window, draws a conclusion of the parameters of the window which effect of sound transmission loss, deduces the effects of structure parameters to sound transmission loss of the window. Then, the optimization of the double-glazing window structure at the aim of maximum loss of sound transmission is carried out.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 汕头大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】TU112.59
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】571