

【作者】 包德英

【导师】 戈保梁; 蒋荫林;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 矿业工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 大屯选厂是云锡集团公司的主力生产单位,现有硫化矿选矿能力为2800吨/日,氧化矿选矿能力为1500吨/日。目前,选厂锡产品产量占集团公司自产锡的一半以上,铜产品产量占集团公司自产铜的三分之一。九十年代,因氧化矿供矿不足使氧化矿选矿一度处于半停产状态。随着大马芦工程的顺利达产,大屯选矿厂的生产步入了正常轨道,为集团公司的生产作出了重大的贡献。 从1981年开始,地质部门就开展了大马芦的地质勘探工作。于1997年提交了报告。该矿段的矿石类型为锡石氧化矿,可开采的锡金属量达几十万吨。由于储量大,矿源好,开发前景好,被列入集团公司的重点开发工程。计划建成年产锡5000吨的新区。 开展大马芦氧化矿资源的选矿试验研究工作,是开发、利用大马芦资源的重要组成部份。全方位开展试验研究,是开发利用资源的重要举措,为此集团公司、大屯选厂将此科研课题列为工程硕士研究生的研究课题。 针对该矿体矿石的锡铁致密共生,相互包裹,锡石结晶粒度细,最大为0.5mm,最小小于0.02mm,一般为0.15~0.074mm,形状呈柱状,不规则粒状,针状聚集体,细粒状聚集体,容易过粉碎等性质,通过大量的试验研究与分析,表明:(1)选矿工艺以原矿细磨至-0.2mm,二段磨矿、选别前不分级脱泥、全级别全量二段选别,次精矿复洗、中矿扫选为好,选别指标:锡品位16.12%,锡回收率达74.33%。(2)仿照原生产工艺流程,即二段磨矿,三段选别,一段选别前人工分级,脱泥,+0.074mm级入砂矿选别,次精矿集中复洗,0.074mm泥矿再选的工艺,同样是一段细磨至-0.2mm的指标优于粗磨的指标。昆明理工大学硕士学位论文根据试验结果,结合生产实际,推荐的工艺流程为:一段磨矿粒度为一0.6mm,二段碎矿,二段磨矿,三段选别,一段床入选选前不分级、脱泥,采用泥砂混选的工艺,次精矿集中复洗,各段床前进行浓缩,溢流用原泥矿工艺再选。产品产粗锡精矿,再经磁选或磁一浮工艺进行产品深加工,产合格锡精矿、混合矿和富中矿,或粗锡精矿与外单位串换为合格锡精矿。以上研究成果应用于生产中获得成功,显著提高了选厂的技术经济指标。今年1~6月生产指标:原矿锡品位1.315%,锡精矿品位13.25%,锡实收率76.41%。处理能力比改前增加145吨旧,生产成本由38元/吨降为30元/吨。本次对大马芦矿石试验研究不论是矿石工艺矿物学研究、选矿工艺研究、还是成果应用等方面都取得了一定的成果。大马芦工程是集团公司的战略性工程,具有重大的战略意义,选矿试验研究是工程的重要组成部份,试验研究的成果成功运用,对于指导今后长期生产也具有同样重大的意义。特别是细磨入选,不分级脱泥、泥砂混选、产混合锡精矿,再进行产品深加工,产高级锡精矿,开阔了人们的新视野,对细磨与过粉碎和回收率的关系有了更新的认识。

【Abstract】 Datun mineral processing plant is main production unit of YunXi Group Corporation, it’s floatation ability of sulphide ore is 2800T/d. At present, the product of tin is more than 50 percent of Group Corporation’s self-product Sn, the product of copper is one third of it’s self-product copper. In 1990’s, Oxide ore floatation was half stopproduct because it couldn’t provide enough oxide ore. With the successful product of Da Malu engineering, the product of Da Tun floatation concentrate went into formal track, it had given great achievement for Group Corporation.The geology department had carried out exploit work since 1981, They had given in report in 1997. The type of ore was SnO2 in this ore stage. It become the emphasis exploit project of Group Corporation because of great reserve, good resource and well exploit prospect. A new area was planned to product 5000 ton tin each year.The floatation research work of exploiting Da Malu Oxide ore resource is the important component of exploiting resource to take experiment research in all respects. So Group Corporation and Da Tun mineral processing plant took the research as study and research theme of engineering graduate.To aim cfirectly at the character of thick coexistence of Sn-Feore , wrapping each other ,the fine crystal size of tin ore (max is 0.5mm, min is less than 0.02mm, common is 0.15~0.074mm), the pole shape, irregular particle, needle assembly, the fine particle assembly and overcrushing etc, a lot of study and research and analysis indicated :(1) If floatation processing based on fine grinding feed for less 0.2mm, two stages grinding no classifying and de-slime before floatation, all size and all quantity two stages floatation, re-separating subconcentrate, mid-ore whisking concentration, the good result were achieved : tin grade was 16.12 percent and tin recovery was 74.33 percent; (2) According to the old product process stream ,namely two stages grinding, three stage floatation, artificial classify before the first floatation, de-slime, the particle of +0.074mm entering into sand to floatation, concentrating duplicate washing subconcentrate , the first fine grinding feed to less 0.2mm, the index achieved better than the index of rough grinding.According to the result of experiment and integrating the fact of production, the process stream was recommended as follow : the particle size of first grinding is -0.6mm, two stage crushing, three stage floatation, no classify and de-slime before the first shakingtable separation, using the processing of mingle floatation slime and sand, concentrating re-separating subconcentrate, thickening before each stage, using the slime of feed processing to float overflowagain.The product of coarse Sn-concentrate enter into magnetic separation or magnetic-float process to carry out deep process, it can get qualified tin concentrate, mingle ore and rich mid-ore, or it exchanged course tin concentrate for qualified tin concentrate with other department.The above research result is successful in production application and has notable technical and economical index. The product index of 1-6 months this year: tin grade of feeds is 1.315 percent, tin grade of concentrate is 13.25 percent, tin recovery is 76.41 percent.The ability of processing increases 145 ton each day than before, the cost of product descend from 38 Yuan each ton to 30 Yuan each ton.This research ore of Da Malu achieves some result not only in ore mineralogical research and mineral processing technology, but also in result application. Da Malu project is the strategy project of Group Corporation, it has great strategy significance. The study and research of mineral processing is important components of the project, the successful application of the result of study and research has some great significance in future long-term product. People have new knowledge among the relation of fine-grinding, overcrushingand recovery from fine-grinding entering floatation, no classify and de-slime, mingle floatation slime and sand, p

  • 【分类号】TD952
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