

The Development of the Application for the Three-unit Electrostatic Perforation System of Tipping Paper

【作者】 刘希太

【导师】 戴虽愚;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 吸烟对人体有害,众所周知。研究表明,卷烟烟气中的有害物质主要集中在焦油中,故焦油含量的高低,与广大烟民的身体健康息息相关,而降焦减害,也成为烟草行业的一大研究课题。我国政府最近颁布了新的法规,禁止国内烟草企业生产焦油含量超过17mg的卷烟。目前所用的通过稀释卷烟烟气以降低焦油含量的最有效的物理方法是对水松纸进行打孔,打孔方法包括机械打孔、静电打孔和激光打孔三种。本文介绍了一种新的三单元水松纸静电打孔系统,该系统是我们在总结现阶段国内外水松纸静电打孔技术的基础上,通过与云南玉溪红塔印刷有限公司通力合作开发完成的,它采用可编程逻辑控制器对打孔系统收/放卷部分和静电打孔部分进行了可靠、高效的控制,满足了烟草行业降焦的要求。 多单元水松纸静电打孔技术属国内国际首创,它突破了传统的单盘打孔系统或一单元打孔系统的设计思路,无论是在打孔效率方面还是在打孔透气度方面都有了质的飞跃,从而开创了我国静电打孔技术的新局面,而且代表了目前国际烟草界静电打孔技术的先进水平。本文首次对该项技术进行了比较详尽的论述和总结,对促进该项技术的发展,提高我国卷烟的技术含量以及在国际上的竞争力,具有重要的实际和理论意义。 通过对项目整个实施过程的参与,主要取得了以下研究成果: (1)针对我国烟草行业的生产实际,创造性地提出了开发三单元水松纸静电打孔系统的设想,并在生产实践中取得了成功。 (2)利用编程逻辑控制技术在工业过程控制方面的优势,成功地将其应用到三单元水松纸静电打孔系统当中,对系统收/放卷部分和静电打孔部分进行了可靠、高效的控制。同时,在深入了解现有静电打孔系统工作原理的基础上,对打孔脉冲的产生及控制过程进行了合理的设计。 (3)根据生产数据对系统被控对象中走纸速度、打孔功率、透气度三者之间的关系进行了分析,在此基础上,本文首次提出了对透气度进行人工神经网络方式的控制方案,并利用其中的反向传播网络(Back-Propagation Network)对打孔功率与透气度的特性曲线进行了函数逼近,为进一步提高三单元水松纸静电打孔系统的自动化水平进行了有益的探索。 本文最后对所完成的项目进行了总结,并提出了我们对该项技术进行进一步研究的建议。

【Abstract】 We all know that smoking is harmful to our health. Through years of research work, we’d discovered that tar content is mainly harmful substance in smoking. Because the level of tar content is of great relevance to our health, how to decrees it has been a question for discussion problem in tobacco industry. Chinese government recently issued a decree to require domestic cigarette manufacturers to stop producing cigarette with tar over 17mg. The most effective physical way to reduce tar content is perforation on cigarette tipping paper to dilute smoke, therefore cut down the harm to health. Perforation on cigarette tipping paper includes three methods: mechanical, laser and static. This article introduces a system of the three-unit electrostatic perforation of tipping paper. It’s accomplished on the foundation of summing up the experience of domestic and foreign experts in static perforator for tipping paper, and cooperated with Yuxi Hongta printing Ltd. in Yunnan province. By using PLC in the two parts, the rewinder / unwinder and the static perforation, the system realizes the reliability and perfect efficiency of control, satisfies the needs of reducing tar in tobacco industry.As originate in both national anji international, the multi-unit electrostatic perforation of tipping paper has made a new breakthrough compared with the traditional perforation system which perforating only for single coil or having one-unit. It has caused significant improvement no matter in perforation efficiency or porosity of tipping paper. At the same time, it inaugurated a new era in static perforation in our country, and represented an advanced level in international tobacco industry. To this technique, the dissertation presents a discussion and summarization at large. It has great significance in both theoretic and practicality in improving the technological level of tobacco industry in our nation.By participating in the whole project, we achieved the main research results as follows:(1) According to the facts of our country’s tobacco industry, we brought forward a idea creatively in developing a new system of the three-unit electrostatic perforation of tipping paper. For this new idea, we have put it into practice and made a good success.(2) For PLC has many advantages in process control in industry, we used it in the two parts of the system, the rewinder / unwinder and the static perforation, and realizes the reliability and perfect efficiency of control. At the same time, we summarized the experience in the past and given a good design to the formulation and control of perforation pulse.(3) We also studied the relationship among the speed of scroll, the perforation frequency and the porosity in the basis of production data. In order to improve the level of automation, a new method was present firstly by myself about using the ANN (the Artificial Neural Network) to the porosity control of tipping paper. We have used the mode of BP Network in ANN to approach the characteristic curve of perforation power and porosity, and taken a good result.At last, the achievement and conclusion of the project we have finished are summarized, and some suggestions for the forward work of this system are presented.

  • 【分类号】TS41
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