

The Implementation of Prototyping System of Registry Center for Web Service Based on UDDI

【作者】 黄立冬

【导师】 龙华;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在Internet技术发展的长河里,Web是一颗璀璨的明珠。在很短的几年内Web技术成为Internet的主流技术,而基于Web的应用在Internet中已经完全占据了主导地位。随着Web技术的进一步发展,基于Web的应用也从最初的简单应用延伸到种类日益繁多的复杂应用和计算,并且一些面向企业的传统分布计算和面向对象技术也试图向Web技术延伸。 传统的企业信息集成因其成本高、技术复杂和实现困难等因素制约了它的进一步发展。同时,在企业应用向Web平台延伸时,传统的企业应用所基于的分布计算技术遇到了前所未有的障碍,例如,怎样解决分布式异构平台间的通信、数据交互和访问模式等问题。因此,需要一种新的技术来实现企业应用向Web平台的平滑迁移。随着XML技术的出现,它彻底的解决了异构平台之间的数据表示和数据交换的问题;同时IBM、Microsoft等公司在XML技术的基础上制定出了新的基于Web的访问协议,即SOAP协议。在这两项技术的基础之上诞生了新的信息集成技术——Web服务。 Web服务是放置在Internet平台上的,并能通过Web进行调用的可重用构件。作为新兴的信息集成技术,Web服务在短短的几年之内得到了长足的发展,相关协议陆续成为公众所接受的标准。其中,UDDI规范是Web服务的统一描述、发现和集成协议。根据UDDI规范可以创建的Web服务注册中心,它类似于CORBA的Trader、Internet的DNS,使得企业能在该注册中心里发布自己的Web服务或查找自己所需的Web服务,从而更方便了企业实现信息系统的动态集成。 本论文的主要工作就是在深入的研究了UDDI规范基础上,创建了一个Web服务的注册中心原型系统,并利用Java编程语言实现了这一原型。本论文首先介绍了分布式计算技术和XML的相关术语。接下来详细的介绍了Web服务的定义、协议栈和三角色间的互操作。第四章是本文的重点,本章深入的研究了UDDI的相关规范和技术,在此基础上创建了一个Web服务的注册中心的原型系统,并分析了原型系统里的各个功能模块及其相关接口,定义了注册中心的数据类型以及注册中心的交互过程。第五章主要是介绍注册中心的编程实现和程序的相关操作。最后一章是全文的总结和未来的工作。

【Abstract】 During the development of Internet technology, the Web is a very bright pearl. It has become the mainstream technology in the recent years. The Web-based applications have absolutely taken up the leading statue in the Internet. As the evelution of Internet gose further, the Web-based applications have become more and more complex, and some traditional enterprise-oriented distributed computing and object-oriented technologies try to transmit to the Web.The evelution of traditional enterprise application integration has been hold back beacause of its high cost , complex technology and difficult implementation. Simultaneously, when the enterprise applications transmit to the Web, the distributed computing ocurres the huge obstacle, such as how to resolve the heterogenous platforms’ communications, data exchange, access module and so on. So a new technology is needed to make enterprise applications to transmit to the Web smoothly. With the occurrence of XML, it completely enables the data representation and exchange between the heterogenous platforms. Underlied XML and W3C recommadations, IBM and Microsoft established a new Internet-based access protocoal named as Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). XML and SOAP led to web service born.Web service is a kind of reused component in the Internet. It can be invoked from the Web. As a new information integration technology, web service has made great progress in recent years. Its related protocoals have become accepted standards. In the protocol stack, Universal Description Discovery and Integration protocol (UDDI) enables find and publication of web service. Just like CORBA’s Trader and Internet’s DNS, a Web service registry center can be established based on the UDDI. The enterprise can publish or find some web services. So it is very convenient to realize information system’s dynamic integration.After studied the UDDI Specification deeply, the author established a prototyping system of registry center for web service and implemented this prototyping system by Java. This paper addresses establishment and implementation of the registry center prototyping system. Following the introduction of distributed computing technology, XML and its protocol family are introduced briefly. Then the author discuss the definition, protocol stack and three roles’ interoperation of web service in detail. The fourth section in this thesis turns to the author’s research work. The author gives out the prototyping system of registry center for web service, presents every functionalmodule and related interfaces, and shows all the data types and the interoperation of the system. The 5th part describes the implementation and operation of registry center. This thesis ends with the summery and the future work.

  • 【分类号】TP393.09
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】386