

【作者】 王玲玲

【导师】 黄志成;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 全纳教育是于20世纪90年代兴起的国际教育思潮,随着教育平等、教育民主化和全民教育的兴起,随着各国对于教育平等、教育民主化的追求,全纳教育的理念得到世界各国的认可,许多国家开始把全纳教育的思想付诸实践。本研究从国际比较的视角出发,以美、中两国为例,重点研究两国发展全纳教育的历史进程以及实施全纳教育的具体举措;分析和评价两国全纳教育发展的各自特点与共同经验;在比较分析的基础上,总结美国的成功经验,并结合我国国情对我国全纳教育的发展提出意见与构想。 论文的主干部分分为三章: 第一章“美国篇:发展中的全纳教育”从以下四方面分析了美国全纳教育的发展进程、立法保障及具体举措。第一部分,美国全纳教育的历史发展进程:简要介绍美国全纳教育发展经历的四个阶段,并做适当的比较分析。第二部分,美国全纳教育的政策立法:着重介绍美国为推行全纳教育所颁布的三个重要法案,从而透视美国发展全纳教育的立法保障。第三部分,关于全纳教育的几种概念:全面介绍美国推行全纳教育的理论研究及独特理念。第四部分,美国实施全纳教育的具体举措:从财政资助、组织结构与安置、课堂教学、教师资格及社区支持等角度详细探究美国全纳教育的实施情况。 第二章“中国篇:从一体化教育走向全纳教育”着重介绍中国一体化教育的安置形式——随班就读的基本结构、内容及发展状况,并对中国正从一体化教育走向全纳教育提供发展模式及推行措施的建议。第一部分,中国全纳教育发展的背景:考察国际社会全纳教育努力及在此背景下中国一体化教育的发展。第二部分,一体化教育在中国的实践——随班就读:着重研究随班就读的原则、基本结构及内容,力图对随班就读有一个清晰、全面的认识。第三部分,中国正从一体化教育走向全纳教育:介绍中国为发展全纳教育所作出的努力,并对在中国发展全纳教育提出了可供参考的模式及推行措施。 第三章“启示与借鉴:我国实施全纳教育的意见与构想”首先总结美、中两国全纳教育发展的各自特点与共同经验,然后结合国外经验对我国全纳教育的发展提出意见与构想。

【Abstract】 Inclusive education emerged in 1990s as an international trend of educational thoughts. With the rising thoughts of educational equality, educational democratization and Education for All, and also with every country’s pursuit of educational equality and democratization, the conception of inclusive education was accepted all over the world and many countries have begun to put it into practice. By selecting USA’s and China’s education as an object, this paper presents a comparative study of the two countries’ inclusive education, introducing their respective development and practice, analyzing and evaluating their different characteristics and common experience in inclusive education, and proposing the author’s advice on China’s inclusive education by combining the USA’s successful experience and China’s particular situation.This paper is arranged in three chapters. Chapter one, Focusing on USA’s Developing Inclusive Education, analyses the development, the legislation and the specific practice of inclusive education in USA in four parts. The first part demonstrates the historical development of USA’s inclusive education, which can be classified as four phases, and makes a comparative analysis. The second part introduces USA’s legislation on inclusive education. Three key bills are especially mentioned in order to clarify how USA develops inclusive education by providing necessary legislation. The third part deals with certain concepts, mainly the USA’s theoretical research on and particular understanding of inclusive education. The fourth part summarizes USA’s specific practice on inclusive education: financial budget, organization and placement, class arrangement, qualification of teachers, community support.Chapter two, Focusing on China’s Transitional Educational Conception: From Integrated Education to Inclusive Education, makes an introduction of inclusive education under integrated education, and puts forward some proposals on the model and practice of developing from integrated education into inclusive education. The first part of this chapter introduces the background of China’s inclusive education development. It reveals the international efforts toward inclusive education and its influence on China’s development of integrated education. The second part concerns with the practical realization of inclusive education under integrated education in China. The third part suggests that China is developing integrated education into inclusive education. Based on much effort made by China, the author proposes a reasonable model and some practical measures as to developing inclusive education in China.Chapter three, Implication: Comments and Advice on China’s Practice of Inclusive Education, sums up the different characteristics and common experience in inclusive education between USA and China. As a conclusion, the author makes some comments and proposes some advice on China’s inclusive education by combining international successful experience and China’s Particular situation.

  • 【分类号】G769
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1460