

The Influence of Network to Youths’ Socialization

【作者】 王丽君

【导师】 马和民;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 20世纪是一个传播技术和大众传媒迅速发展的时代。100多年来,教育学家和家长不断提出媒体对儿童与青少年影响的问题,电影、收音机、卡通漫画及电视先后成为诘难的对象。到了20世纪90年代,计算机逐渐走入年轻一代的生活,越来越多的儿童和青少年开始上网,关于媒介的研究转而集中在计算机与网络上。 依据本文所收集到的文献资料,笔者发现:自20世纪90年代以来,网络开始取代电视而成为大众传媒与人的社会化关系研究的焦点,其研究所涉及的问题不仅十分广泛,而且观点纷呈甚至相左。本文采取实证研究,主要选取文献分析法与调查研究法,力图较细致、客观地探讨网络对青年社会化影响的性质、内容、程度等问题,进而探寻教育对策。 本研究表明,网络对青年社会化存在明显的影响,网络已构成当代青年社会化的一个重要媒介,成为一种独立的社会化力量,也对学校教育构成一定程度的冲击。网络对青年社会化的影响主要表现为四方面,即:道德认知、价值观念、行为倾向及交往能力。 本研究的具体结论可归纳为以下四点: 1、网络的普及并没有普遍导致青年人道德社会化的不良发展。青年整体上能够表现出对网络正确的道德认知和社会认同,上网后青年的道德认知也无普遍的不良表现。但由于网上约束力相对较小,还未形成清晰的道德规范,因而部分青年表现出道德认知淡薄的现象。 2、青年的价值观念发展基本良好。青年能正确认识和处理网上的色情信息;能够主动关注政治;他们对高科技表现出浓厚的兴趣。但在青年人中间有过度崇拜科技的倾向,尤其表现在他们对高科技犯罪的模糊认识方面。 3、研究发现,具体而论青年能较理性地认识网上的侵犯行为;上网也没有导致侵犯行为的普遍增加;同时接触网络还可能增加青年的亲社会行为。换言之,在特定的情境下,网络可能会导致青年人的侵犯行为或亲社会行为倾向。 4、网络对青年人的交往能力无疑是有很大影响的。本文的调查资料显示,网上交往可以提高青年的交往能力;青年交往能力的发展与他们对网上交往的态度以及在网上的交往情况有密切的关系。 最后提出三点建议:一、转变对网络的敌对态度和漠视态度,以科学的态度来认识网络对青年成长的影响;二、对青年上网进行科学管理,控制网络的负面影响,发挥网络积极的社会化功能;三、全社会积极行动,营造健康的网络生活空间。

【Abstract】 20 century is a period during which transmission technology and mass media have developed very quickly. In the last 100 years, many educationists and parents have presented the questions about the effects of the media to youth. The movie, radio, cartoon and TV have attracted people’s attention. Up to 1990s,the computer gradually came into the young generation’s life, and more and more children and adolescents began to use the internet. Because of the reality, the researches about the media focused on the computer and internet.In accordance with the literature collected in this paper, we can find that the internet has been the research focus of the relation of mass media and he youths’ socialization .In those studies, many questions are involved, and many conclusions, some of which are conflict, were drawn. This paper tries to analyze the nature, content and extent of youths’ socialization under the influence of the internet through the positive investigation research and the documentary study, and a educational countermeasure will be found.The research manifests that the network has an apparent impact to the youth, and the network has been not only one of the important medias to youth’ socialization, but also a independent socialization power which has a extent impact to schooling.The influence of network to youths’ socialization can been divided into the following four aspects: morality cognizance, value conception, behavior tendency and communicate ability have embodied the influence of network to the youth’s socialization.The specific conclusion of this research can been induced into four points:l.The popularity of network has not resulted in deterioration of the morality socialization at present. The youth possess of appropriate morality cognizance and social identity and after touching the network, the youth’ morality cognizance has no abnormality. But for the confinement in the network is comparatively small, and there isn’t clear morality rule, the networks affect the youth inevitably, and some of them has weaken morality cognizance.2.The youth’s value conception develops well. They can form the right cognition in their mind and deal correctly with the erotic information; they pay attention to the political affairs on their own initiative; and they are interested in advanced technology. But some of youth adore the technology excessively, especially their indefinite cognition to commitment by advanced technology.3.The youth can discern the aggressive conduct rationally, and they don’t have violate behavior universally after touching the network Inversely, their prosocial behavior increases. That is to say, in certain circumstances, the network may lead the youth to aggressive or prosocial behavior.4.There is no doubt that the network affects the youth’s communicative ability very muck The data in this paper show that the communication in the network can enhance the youth’s communicative ability. Besides, the youth’s communicative ability develops corresponding with their attitude to the network communication and their communication in the network.In the last part, three suggestions are presented. Firstly, we must change the hostile and apathetic attitude to the network, and we ought to treat it scientifically. Secondly, scientific management must be carried out to control the negative effect of the network and to exert a positive socialization influence of the network And thirdly, the whole society must take the initiative to build a healthy net-atmosphere for youth.

  • 【分类号】D432
  • 【被引频次】6
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