

Study on Variety Characteristics of Winegrape Granoir from Switzerland

【作者】 郝峰鸽

【导师】 王华;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 果树学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验以欧洲种(V. vinifera L.)酿酒品种黑比诺和梅尔诺为对照,在杨凌的气候条件下,对西北农林科技大学葡萄酒学院从瑞士引入的欧洲种红色酿酒葡萄品种Granoir的植物学性状、农业生物学性状、酿酒特性、抗病性、抗寒性等方面进行了系统研究。结果如下: Granoir梢尖浅绿色,边缘浅红色,绒毛密;幼叶黄色,有光泽;新梢半直立,绒毛中,绵毛,节间红色;一年生枝黄褐色;叶片小,近圆形,叶面平展,叶背绒毛丝状;五、七裂,上裂刻深,开张,基部U形,叶缘锯齿双侧直;叶柄洼开张椭圆形,基部V形;两性花。 果穗中,平均重157.4g,圆柱形,单歧肩,有的有副穗,紧或极紧。果粒中等大,平均重1.37g,圆形,紫黑色,果粉中等厚,果皮中。出汁率64.6%,果汁浅红褐色,可溶性固形物18.9%,还原糖192g/L,总酸5.8g/L,丹宁1.561g/L;每果粒有种子2~4个。Granoir的果穗、果粒重均小于对照品种黑比诺和梅尔诺;在与酿酒特性有关的果实的理化指标上:出汁率、还原糖含量高于对照,而总酸、丹宁含量低于对照。 萌芽率89.5%、果枝率94.2%、结实系数2.8。在杨凌3月下旬萌芽,5月中旬开花,7月上旬进入转色期。从萌芽到果实成熟需135~140d,为早熟品种。Granoir的萌芽期早于对照品种,从萌芽到果实成熟持续的时间较对照品种短 该品种对白腐病的抗性强于黑比诺、梅尔诺;对霜霉病的抗性弱于黑比诺、梅尔诺;其抗寒性方面强于黑比诺、梅尔诺。 酿造的干红葡萄酒呈浅宝石红色,澄清光亮,香气较浓郁;口感柔和。经品评,Granoir单品种酒的质量优于对照品种。 总体上,本研究与前期的研究结果基本相似。

【Abstract】 Granoir is a new winegrape cultivar introduced from Switzerland. In contrast with V.vinifera Pinot Noir and Merlot, the studies were carried out on the morphological, agronomical characteristics oenological characteristics, hardiness and diseases resistance of Granoir. The result showed that:The color of shoot tip is light green, its margin is light red, and the prostrate hair is dense. The young leave have gloss and their color is yellow. The attitude of shoot is semi-erect, internode is red, and prostrate hairs on internodes is medium. The mature shoot is yellow bronze. The mature leave is little and the shape of blade is about circular. The profile of leave is flat, and lower surface of leaf has prostrate hair. The number of lobes are five or seven, upper leaf sinuses are deep, their shape is open, their shape of base is U-shaped, and the shape of teeth is both sides straight. The shape of base of petiole sinus is open, cylindric and V-shaped. The sex of flower is hermaphrodite.Clusters are medium, averaging 157.4 g, cylindrical, shouldered or winged, and medium or tight in berry density.; Berries are medium sized, averaging 1.37 g, round, Blackish-purple; berry bloom is medium. The juice yield is 64.6%, and the color of juice is light red brown. The Soluble solides content of must is 18.9%, reducing sugar is 192g / L, sugar is high and acidity is low, total acidity is 5.8g / L, and tannins is 1.561 g / L. The berry has two to four seeds. The wights of Granoir’s cluster and berry are lighter than Pinot Noir and Merlot. The physi-chemical traits of fruit which related to oenological characteristics such as the juice yield, the content of reducing sugar and total acidity are better than Pinot Noir and Merlot.The rate of budbreak is 89.5%, the rate of fruiting shoot is 94.2%, and the rate of bunch/shoot is 2.8. It buds in the last 10-days of March, blossoms in the medium of May and veraision is in the first 10-days period of July. It ripened early (139 days from bud break to ripeness). Granoir buds earlier and the period from budbreak to ripen is shorter than Pinot Noir and Merlot.The Coniathyrium diplodiella resistance is stronger than Pinot noir and merlot, but thePlasmopara viticola resistance is on the contrary. It has higher hardiness resistance than Pinot noir and Merlot.It produces a ruby-red colored , fruity, smooth wine. In taste tests, wine quality of Granoir is better than Pinot Noir and Merlot.On the whole, the results of this experiment is similar with formers’.

【关键词】 葡萄品种引种Granoir酿酒特性
【Key words】 Grape varietyGranoirIntroductingOenological characteristics
  • 【分类号】S663.1
  • 【被引频次】9
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