

Research on Brewing Technology of Mulberry Wine

【作者】 王琳

【导师】 饶景萍; 岳田利;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 果树学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以我国传统发酵理论为基础,结合现代发酵技术,对桑椹酒酿造进行了系统研究,重点解决了发酵菌种的筛选、桑椹汁澄清、发酵方式选择、最佳工艺参数的确定等技术问题,并确立了桑椹酒酿造的最佳工艺路线。研究结果表明: 1.使用“安琪”酿酒活性干酵母能酿制出比“安琪”葡萄酒高活性干酵母及“丹宝利”活性干酵母更优质的桑椹酒。 2.使用桑椹清汁发酵的酒质优于使用浑汁发酵酒。 3.桑椹汁澄清剂的最适加量分别为;明胶0.4g/L,琼脂0.6g/L,皂土0.9g/L,果胶酶(40mg/L)+皂土(0.9g/L),明胶(0.4g/L)+皂土(0.5g/L),明胶(0.4g/L)+单宁(0.2g/L)。 4.果胶酶澄清桑椹汁最佳条件为:果胶酶量35mg/L,PH3.5,温度45℃,透光率可达45.7%。 5.壳聚糖澄清桑椹汁的最佳条件为:壳聚糖量12mg/L,PH3.5,温度45℃,透光率可达52.9%。 6.该桑椹汁调整的最佳糖浓度为20%,发酵最终酒精度为11.2(%,V/V),残糖10g/L左右,因此此桑椹汁适合发酵半干型酒。 7.桑椹酒的最佳发酵工艺参数为:于清汁中加入60mg/LSO2,接入7g/L的“安琪”酿酒高活性干酵母,于18-20℃条件下发酵,所得酒风味佳,色泽好。桑椹酒酿造最佳工艺路线: 本研究的创新点在于:对桑椹酒酵母进行了初步筛选;并采用清汁与低温发酵相结合的发酵方法,较好的保留了桑椹果香,酿造的桑椹酒品质、色泽均较好;确定了桑椹酒发酵的最佳糖浓度;且采用壳聚糖作为桑椹汁的澄清剂,澄清效果显著。

【Abstract】 The studies based on traditional fermented wine theory and combining modern fermented technology. Brewing technology of mulberry wine was studied. The experimented results primarily solved the key technical problems. Conclude selection of yeast, clarification of mulberry juice, selection of fermented method and optimal fermentation parameters . Furthermore optimum procedure for producing mulberry wine were determined. The result showed:The yeast for mulberry wine can be selected, adding Angel high active wine yeast to the juice, the best flavor mulberry wine was brewed out.The wine brewed with clarified juice was better than with turbid juice.In the studies on the effect of clarificant. The results showed that the proper adding quantity of each clarificant is agar (0.6g/L), gelatine (0.4g/L),bentonite (0.9g/L), tannine (0.2g/L) and gelatine (0.4g/L), Gelatine(0.4g/L) and (0.5g/L) bentonite, pectinase(40mg/L) and bentonite(0.9 g/L).The optimal clarified parameters was determined by pectinase treatment. Pectinase 35mg/L,pH3.5, temperture 45 .The transmittancy of the clarified mulberry juice was up to 45.7%, and the transmittancy of the clarified mulberry juice keeped the same after stored for four month at 4-5 .The optimal clarified parameters was determined by chitosan treatment. That were follows: chitosan 12mg/L,pH3.5, temperture 45 .The transmittancy of the clarified mulberry juice was up to 52.9%, and the transmittancy of the clarified mulberry juice keeped stable after stored for four month at 4-5 .The optimal sugar thickness was 20%. The last alcohol production was about 11.2%(V/V), remaining sugar was about 10g/L. The study showed that the mulberry juice was suit able for brewing half dry wine.The optimal fermentation parameters were adding 60mg/LSO2,7 g/L Angel high active dry wine yeast to sugar thickness 20% and clarifying juice, fermentation temperature was 18 -20 . In this condition, the colour and flavor of mulberry wine were best.The new view of the research showed as follows: The yeast of mulberry wine wasselected. Combined fermentation at lower temperature and with clarifying juice .typical fruit aroma can be reserved. The mulberry wine had the best flavor and high quality. The optimal sugar thickness was determined. The chitosan was used as clarificant first and the result showed that chitosan was the best clarificant. The optimum procedure for producing mulberry:

【关键词】 桑椹酒澄清菌种筛选酿造工艺
【Key words】 mulberry wineclarificationyeast selectionbrewing technique
  • 【分类号】TS262
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】941