

Clinical Observation of Wen Jing Tang on Treating Insufficency-yang and Blood Stasis Due to Cold of Primary Dysmenorrhea

【作者】 温景荣

【导师】 夏阳;

【作者基本信息】 天津中医学院 , 中医妇科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 痛经是指妇女在经期或经行前后,出现周期性小腹疼痛,或痛引腰骶,甚至剧痛晕厥,故亦称“经行腹痛”。原发性痛经是指生殖器官无器质性病变的痛经。因其病因复杂,容易复发而成为妇科的疑难病症之一,给妇女的身心健康和工作学习带来了严重的影响。本文从痛经的概念、病因病机、辨证要点、分型、治疗方面作了系统论述,并对原发性痛经的中医药治疗进展及现代研究状况作一系统综述,以期指导我们临床诊断、治疗及科学研究。导师夏阳主任医师依据中医理论,结合临床实践认为原发性痛经临床上以阳虚寒凝血瘀型为常见,其病因病机为“(肾)阳虚为本,寒凝血瘀为标”。提出以“温通”为大法,以“温经散寒、袪瘀止痛为主,温肾助阳为辅”为原则,用“温经汤”加减治疗。本文对40例原发性痛经进行临床疗效观察(附36例西药对照组)。结果:治疗组有效率95.0%,对照组有效率83.3%。经统计学处理P<0.05,治疗组的疗效明显高于对照组。结论:中医药治疗本病有较好的临床疗效,值得临床推广应用及进一步研究。

【Abstract】 Dysmenorrhea is a kind of periodic gynecopathy, which happens on lower abdominal pain,or lumbosacral dragging pain, even syncope due to megalgia during menstruation and before or after of it. Primary dysmenorrhea, which is no organic pathologic changes in reproductive organs. Due to complicated causes and easy recurrence, the dysmenorrhea becomes one of the difficulties in gynecology, which results in severe influnce on female’s health, work and study. This article systematically state the disease from the following aspects:concept, pathogenic factors, pathogenesis, differentiation and treatment of common syndromes, progress of modern research and so on.Professor Xia Yang, my tutor, according to the theory of TCM and the clinical practice of many years, indcate that the pathogenic factors and pathogensis of primary dysmenorrhea is "insufficiency of kidney-yang is the origin, blood stasis due to cold is the superficiality." She takes "warming and clearing the channel" as the main method, "warming channel to dispell cold and removing blood stasis to relieve pain as the main, warming kindy-yang as the subsidiary." as the discipline and chooses "Wenjing tang" as the main prescription to cure the disease. We observed 40 cases suffering from primary dysmenorrhea (including 36 cases of western medicine control group).results: the effective rate in treat group is 95.0%, the effective rate in control group is 83.3%, P<0.05. Conclusions:Chinese medicine on this disease can obtain good curative effect, and it deserves to be spread and studied in the clinic.

  • 【分类号】R271.112
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】463