

Study on Some Questions of Measurement of Penalty According to Related Scenarios

【作者】 王秋玲

【导师】 张绍谦;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对量刑情节的概念、分类、量刑情节的适用及其完善等问题进行了研究。文章认为量刑情节在刑法中具有重要地位,但无论在理论上还是实践中对量刑情节的理解和适用都存在着一定的问题,有必要对此加以认真探讨,以期能对量刑情节在实践的把握上和立法的完善上有所裨益。 文章共分为引言、量刑情节的概述、量刑情节的适用以及量刑情节的立法完善四个部分。 引言部分介绍了量刑情节在刑法中的地位以及研究量刑情节的必要性。文章认为量刑情节在量刑的理论与实践中起着重要的作用,尤其是对实现量刑均衡这一刑法法制的理想状态方面,作用更是举足轻重,所以,量刑情节问题是量刑理论所必须研究的重要内容。 在量刑情节的概述中,文章主要探讨了量刑情节的概念、地位和分类。文章认为量刑情节是指法律规定的定罪事实以外的,与犯罪行为或犯罪人有关的,体现犯罪行为社会性程度和行为人人身危险性程度,因而在决定处刑从宽、从严以及免除处罚时必须考虑的各种具体事实情况。它具有决定宣告刑、变更法定刑、保障量刑的合理化的功能。按不同的标准,量刑情节有不同的分类,其中,法定量刑情节和酌定量刑情节的分类得到了理论界和司法实践的普遍承认和采纳。 在量刑情节的适用中,文章分别对单一量刑情节和多种量刑情节并存时量刑情节的适用进行了分析和探讨。文章认为单一量刑情节的适用中减轻处罚的幅度和免除处罚的适用都要有限制和条件。多个同向量刑情节的适用中,多个从宽情节应该考虑合并为减轻的适用,多个逆向量刑情节的适用,应采用绝对抵消的办法,分步骤适用,以确定合理的宣告刑。 在量刑情节的立法完善中,文章对目前我国量刑情节规定中存在的不足及今后的立法完善进行了研究。文章认为目前我国刑法中关于量刑情节的规定概念模糊,适用原则和方法不明确,酌定量刑情节的规定更不具体,在今后的立法中应完善酌定量刑情节,明确量刑情节的内涵和外延及多个量刑情节的处理原则、设立量刑基准点并按照轻重情节将刑罚等级化。

【Abstract】 This thesis treats of the concept, classification,application and improvement of the measurement of penalty according to related scenarios (MPS). The author holds that although the MPS occupies an important place in the Criminal Law, there are some problems regarding the understanding and application of this subject both theoretically and practically. It is thus necessary to explore this subject thoroughly in order to put it into better practice and improve it legislatively.This thesis consists of four parts: Introduction of MPS, Outline of MPS, Application of MPS, and Legislative Improvement of MPS.Introduction of MPS presents the place of MPS in the Criminal Law, as well as the necessity of conducting a research into this subject. It holds that MPS plays an important part in the theor and practice of the measurement of penalty, and it is more vital for the realization of the ideal state of a balanced measurement of penalty. In this regard, MPS is an important content in the research field of the measurement of penalty.Outline of MPS focuses on the concept and classification of MPS. It holds that MPS refers to all kinds of circumstances and factors that need to be considered when law enforcers make decision about the class of penalty that a certain criminal should be inflicted upon. These circumstances and factors are crime act or criminal related, but don’ t belong to the facts which enable law enforcers to convict the criminal of a certain crime. Since these circumstances and factors reflect the social influence of the crime act and the degree of danger that the criminal faced when committing a crime, law enforcers should take them into consideration when make the final decision of the class of penalty, that is whether the criminal should be treated leniently or strictly, or whether he can be waived from conviction. MPS has the function of deciding the sentence of penalty, changing the degree of penalty required by law, as well as ensuring that the measurement of penalty is reasonable. MPS can be classified into different categories under differentstandards, among which legalized MPS and discretional MPS are generally acknowledged and accepted.Application of MPS analyzes and discusses respectively the application principle of MPS. According to the Author, when single MPS is considered, both the extent of penalty alleviation and the application of waiver of penalty should be within required limitations and qualifications. If there are various MPS that need consideration, law enforcers should use the following principles: alleviate the penalty properly in case of combined MPS that should be treated leniently; decide the sentence of penalty properly after mixing good factors and bad ones together and permitting them offset among themselves.Legislative Improvement of MPS elaborates on the problems of current guideline about MPS, and on the legislative improvement needed in the future. The author holds that the Criminal Law of China presents the concept of MPS too vaguely, as well as the application principles and methodologies. It is necessary to improve the details of extenuatory MPS, to be more explicit about the connotation and extension of MPS, to be more specific about the principle of treatment when there are various MPS that need consideration, to set up the standard point of penalty, and to classify different penalties according to the seriousness of crime.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】351