

【作者】 尚万增

【导师】 肖国兴;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 现代公司是社会分工高度发达的产物,是不同智力和财力结合的组织形式。随着市场经济的发展和国际一体化的进程,现代公司不再局限于单一的产业领域与地域,而是向着集团化、跨国性的目标迈进,以求降低交易成本、追求规模效益。关联公司正是适应这一经济需要而产生的一种联合企业的组织形式。与单一公司相比,它更具规模性和竞争性,使集团内的成员公司可以在股权等经济纽带的联接下协同发展,追求集团最大利润。正是在此意义上,关联公司获得了其存在的制度依据与现实基础。本文第一、二部分即通过对世界各国有关关联公司立法例的考察,深入探讨了关联公司的形成动因及其法律涵义和基本特征,指出降低交易成本是关联公司形成的基本制度动因,而关联公司也因其控制性有别于单一公司,进而提出了以控制性为基点的关联公司的法律涵义。 尽管关联公司已成为一个普遍存在的经济现实,但关联公司中控制权的存在及其追求集团利润最大化的目标又决定了关联公司的集团利益在一定情形下必然与其成员公司的利益发生冲突,进而导致公司权力与利益分配的极度震荡,甚至可能危及公司的经济效率。与此同时,由关联公司而产生的利益冲突实际上也推翻了传统公司法之“法人独立人格”的假定,这就向传统的法律制度提出了挑战。法律的主要功能就是反映与规范客观的经济现实,因此,它不应无视关联公司这一经济现实的存在,更不能因其对现有法律原则的挑战而对之打压、扼制。正确的做法是在深入研究关联公司特点的基础上对其加以法律规制。本文第三部分即分析了规范关联公司的有关法理原则,指出规范的核心内容在于防止关联公司中控制权的滥用;第四部分则进一步研究了关联公司法律规制的几个基础问题,详尽论证了揭开公司面纱原则在关联公司中的运用及保护从属公司少数股东的重要法律制度,进而明确了控制公司在关联交易中应承担的各种法律责任。 关联公司的法律规制离不开相关法律的规定。关联公司立法模式的选择及相应原则的确定对建立我国关联公司法律制度至关重要。本文第五部分在对我国关联公司兴起进行考察后分析了采用关联公司立法模式的必然性,并在检讨现行公司法的基础上提出了扩展公司法调整对象、突破传统有限责任及调整股东权利格局的立法建议。

【Abstract】 Modern company, a result of the developed social division, is the organization combining the brains and the dollars. With the development of the market economy and the international integration, modern company has not been limited in the single industrial domain and zone, but stridingforward the collectivization and the multinational aim, which in order to decrease the transaction costs and pursue the scale merit. The affiliated company is just the combinative enterprise which adapts to such economic demand. Compared with the simplex company, it has larger scale and is more competitive that makes companies of the group developed coordinately with the combination through some economic ligaments, such as the shareholders right, in order to seek for the maximal profit of the group.The first two parts of the article goes deep into discussing why the affiliated company formed, and its legal connotation and characteristics through the review of the legislation of the affiliated company of different countries in the world. It points out that to decrease the transaction costs is the primary cause to form the affiliated company. What7s more, the affiliated company is different form the simplex company for its command. Then is puts forth the legal connotation of the affiliated company based on the command.Although the affiliated company has been a common economic phenomenon, with the command in the affiliated company and the aim that seeking forthe maximal profit of the group, the group profit of the affiliated company, in certain situation, dooms to conflict with the profits of single companies of the group. This situation may lead to the extreme upheaval of the contribution of the right and the profit ih the company, even may be danger to the company’economic profit. Meanwhi le, the profit conflict in the affiliated company actually turn out the assumption that artificial person has a independent character suppress in traditional law. That is to say, it challenges the traditional legal system.The third part analyses concerning legal principles of regulating the affiliated company and points out the core of regulations is to prevent the abuse of holding power of the affiliated company. And the fourth part first states some basic legal problems of the affiliated company, and then reasons the principle of uncovering the veil of the company used in the affiliated company in details and protect the minority shareholders in the subordinate companies. The discussion mentioned above makes clear the legal responsibilities of the command company should shoulder in the affiliated transaction.As we all know, it is extremely important to set up the affiliated company system in China that how to choose the legislative model and certain principles ofthe affiliated company. The last part of the article is to inspect the appearance and the development of the aff i 1 iated company in China, and analyses the necess i ty of adopting the legislative model of the affiliated company. And it has an in-depth study of the current corporation law and puts forth the legislative suggestion of extending the adjusting domain of the corporation law,breaking the traditional limited liability and adjusting the shareholders7right contribut ion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】197