

【作者】 乔琪勤

【导师】 吴洪;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 我国合同法已经颁布实行近四年,由于和国际上的有关惯例不符,影响了我国的经济建设,在这种背景下,我国在原来的三部合同法的基础上建立了新合同法,毫无疑问,此部合同法相对于原来的合同法确实有长足的进步,为与国际接轨做出了一定贡献,但是我国法律由于受大陆法系和英美法系的影响都很大,如何协调两者的关系并且切实为我国建设服务成为迫不及待的问题。 这篇文章主要就合同责任的范围,缔约过失责任,预期违约责任和合同的归责原则作一些探讨,因为这些问题在学术界都有一些争论,本文拟通过研究与大家就其中的有关问题商榷一番。 首先是合同责任的范围,很多学者认为是仅仅指违约责任。作者考察各国立法例的结果是,现代国家合同义务的扩张解释是把违约责任做广义解的。究其原因是现代各国把责任与债区分开了。而我国把合同责任局限在违约责任中的原因是对合同概念的不同理解,通过对台湾民法与大陆民法的比较研究,我们坚信大陆合同法的违约责任范围包括缔约过失责任,预期违约责任,实际违约责任以及后契约责任。 其次是缔约过失责任的一些问题,缔约过失责任来源于大陆法,发起于德国,后来英美法也有所规定。我国对缔约过失责任的概念有不同解释,笔者认为,所谓缔约过失责任,是指缔约人故意或过失违反法定附随义务或先合同义务给缔约相对人所造成的损失而应依法承担的民事责任。对于缔约责任的性质,有四种学说,分别是侵权行为说,法律行为说,法律直接规定说和诚实信用说,笔者更倾向于诚实信用说,因为这是缔约过失责任这一特殊阶段要求的,当事人进行民事活动时必须具备诚实善良的内心状态,其他学说都有些牵强。对于缔约过失责任成立的场合,传统的观点是只承认合同不成立、无效或被撤销的场合。笔者认为也应包括合同成立的场合,因为他同时也侵犯了非违约方的固有利益,虽然这部分利益不占重点,但我们不能否认她们的存在,比如标的物有瑕疵,缔约人违反保证等。最后就是缔约过失责任是只侵犯了信赖利益吗,笔者认为应该包括固有利益,因为现代契约法有侵权法向合同法转移的情况,其根源就是侵犯的包括固有利益。 再次是关于预期违约责任的一些问题,预期违约来源于英美法系,对于预期违约的概念国内有三种,笔者认为它的定义是在合同缔结之后至合同履行期到来之前产生的履约危险加以救济的法律制度。预期违约包括预期拒绝履行和预期不能履行。新合同法对预期拒绝履行的规定欠完善,尤其是冲击了不安抗辩权制度,合同法对预期违约制度不成功的规定使得其一方面架空了不安抗辩权制度的部分适用,另一方面自身又不能提供相对应的公平、周密的保护机制,甚至一定程度上使当事人得以规避法律。所以笔者建议对预期违约的规定做出更加完善的总结,而不是对先进国家的法律做断章取义的规定。 最后是关于合同责任的归责原则。自从合同法颁布施行以来,大部分学者认为我国合同责任的归责原则是严格责任,实际情况不是这样的,笔者首先从法源上对严格贡任原则和过错责任原则做了研究,研究了历史上这两种归责原则的变迁认为合同责任原则应该是以严格责任为主过错责任为辅的归责原则体系,因为《中华人民共和国合同法》(以下简称合同法)规定的合同责任,宽于单纯的违约责任,而在四种合同责任中,并不是通行单一的归责原则,而是适用不同的归责原则,即使在同一个合同责任中,有时也不一定只适用单一的归责原则。

【Abstract】 The our country contract law has already promulgated the implementation near four years, subject to out of accordance with international and upper in reference to routine, and affect contract law safety that impact that the our country’s economic construction, under this kind of back ground, the our country create on originally of the foundation of three contract laws new contract law, beyond all doubt, this ministry contract law contra in originally have the substantial advance, for commit with international connecting ousted the certain contribute, but our country law subject to suffering the system of civil law with the Anglo - American law ratio control all and very big, how to moderate both of relation and slice in really our country construction the serve toned the no time for wailing’s subject.This article is main the range, treaty about of the concordat responsibility negligence responsibility, see to default the responsibility with the returning of concordat the principle make some to study, quanta these subjects all have some arguments, text with a view to pass the search in the academic world and everybody among them of concerning subject company’s.Is the range, a lot of scholars of the concordat responsibility to recognize to be only first in reference to default of responsibility? Result that all countries legalization example of author survey that extensive interpretation is, the modern nationality contractual obligation commit what broad sense solution the default responsibility. Investigating its reason is modern all countries wrote the responsibility and obligation partitioning. But the our country confine the concordat responsibility in the default the reason in the responsibility is vs. the different comprehension that concordat notion, and pass vs. the compare search, we that Taiwanese civil law and mainland civil law that the default area of responsibility believe firmly the mainland contract law to include the treaty about the negligence responsibility, and see to default the responsibility, actual default responsibilityand empress the agreement responsibility.The next in order is some subjects, treaty about of the negligence responsibilities of treaty aborts negligence responsibility source is in the mainland law, sponsor in the German, subsequence Anglo - American law to as well to have the provision. Notion that our country vs. treaty about the negligence responsibility have the different interpretation, writer to recognize, negligence responsibility of so-called treaty about, is an in reference to treaty about body scanter or negligence violate the legal attach with the loss that obligation or first the contractual obligation result in to station of treaty about contra body but should ipso jury obligation relating to civil law that undertake. For the treaty about the responsibility’s quality, have four kind doctrine, is a deflect to say respectively, and the act of law say, and the direct provision of law say that say with honest repute, and the writer more incline toward the honest repute to say, quanta this is the treaty about negligence responsibility this a special stage solicit of, the parties steer the activity relating to civil law the hour to must have the heart of bona fides the status, other doctrine all some lead long strong, treaty about of occasion, traditional standpoint it is an acknowledge concordat that negligence responsibility establish does not establish, void or reversed occasion. The writer recognizes that as well to should include the concordat the occasion, quanta that establish him also infringement not default the square’s proper avail, non obstinate this fraction the avail and does not occupy the point, and deny their entity but the non possums, for example the corporeal have the minor faults, treaty about body breach of warranty the etc. Ultimately is a treaty about the negligence responsibility is an infringement reliance avail, the writer recognize and should include the modern law of contract of proper avail, quanta to have the infringement

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D923.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】215