

【作者】 杜心付

【导师】 王连峰;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界各国经济文化的交流,中国的民间文学艺术作品逐渐受到很多国家的重视,在国外得以传播,这对弘扬中国的民族文化起到了积极的作用,同时,也为外国了解中国悠久的历史打开了一扇窗口。但是,在传播的过程中,存在一些问题,比如,中国的民间文学艺术作品被国外一些组织和个人无偿利用,有时候甚至是歪曲和滥用。在国内,由于我国对外开放的迅猛发展和人们对现代生活的过多关注,而对传统的东西无暇顾及,致使我国有一部分民间文学艺术作品面临着消失的危险。为了使我国的民间文学艺术作品得以更好地生存、传播和健康发展,笔者认为,我国应尽快建立对民间文学艺术作品的法律保护制度。本文运用了历史分析、比较分析、理论联系实际等方法,力图从多角度、多层次阐明我国建立民间文学艺术作品的法律保护制度的必要性、可行性,力图给出一个比较完整、系统的立法建议,这些都使本文具有了较强的现实性和针对性。 本文全部行文约5万字。除导言、结论和结束语外,正文共分三个部分。 在导言里,笔者强调我国从法律上保护民间文学艺术作品有着重要的现实意义。第一、可以使民间文学艺术作品本身免遭灭失的厄运。第二、可以使民间文学艺术作品的权利主体、来源群体和传承人得到经济上的补偿,以增加其保护和发展民间文学艺术作品的积极性。第三、可以使民间文学艺术作品不被歪曲和滥用,使其来源群体和传承人精神上不再受伤害。 第一部分为民间文学艺术作品的概念分析。该部分主要明确了民间文学艺术作品的英文表述Folklore的含义,界定了民间文学艺术作品的概念,总结了民间文学艺术作品与一般作品相同的特征和自己独有的法律特征。 第二部分比较分析了国际上对民间文学艺术作品的法律保护。该部分对世界五大洲有代表性的国家的国内法、有关国际公约的规定进行了介绍和分析,这些规定将会为我国的民间文学艺术作品保护立法具有一定的参考价值。 另外,该部分还就一些国际组织在保护民间文学艺术作品方面的努力及其取得的成果进行了探讨,勾画了民间文学艺术作品法律保护制度的世界范围内的历史沿革和发展趋势。 第三部分为我国对民间文学艺术作品的保护及其法律制度的构建。本部分首先介绍了我国对民间文学艺术作品的保护的历史和现状,总结出我国各族人民创造了灿烂的民间文学艺术作品,并且对其进行了相应的保护,使其传播和发展到现在。目前,我国正在加强对民间文学艺术作品保护,除了抢救濒临灭失的民间文学艺术作品之外,有些地方已经立法对其加以保护了,还有,司法机关在缺乏具体法律支持的情况下,也己经开始保护民间文学艺术作品的编辑整理者等与民间文学艺术作品有关的人和组织了。笔者认为,这些保护应该上升到国家法律的层次,由全国人大及其常委会制定法律对其加以规范已经显得非常有必要。 接着,笔者在本部分对民法典《知识产权篇》专家建议稿有关民间文学艺术作品的规定进行了评析。分析指出其应时而出,具有及时性的特点,同时,法条内容又不太具体,过于简单。笔者认为,我们应该适时建立自己的知识产权法典,该法典应包含有民间文学艺术作品方面的具体内容。 最后,在前面的论述的基础上,笔者提出了我国应该构建怎样的民间文学艺术作品法律保护体系。这个体系应该包括立法宗旨、民间文学艺术作品的权利主体、民间文学艺术作品传承人的法律地位、民间文学艺术作品的范围、权利内容、权利保护期限、对权利的限制、法律责任等基本问题。 权利主体和权利内容是民间文学艺术作品法律保护体系中的重点。笔者认为,民间文学艺术作品的权利主体应该确定为著作权集体管理组织。民间文学艺术作品的权利主体则应该享有以下权利:1.注明作品来源权,2.保护民间文学艺术作品的完整权,3.专有使用权,4.使用许可权。 综上所述,自然而然地就可得出结论,在结论里,笔者提出了自己对保护民间文学艺术作品的具体的立法建议。立法体例上我们可以把民间文学艺术作品的法律保护作为我们将来的知识产权法典的一部分,放在著作权法里。立法内容上,应该包括立法宗旨、权利主体、传承人的法律地位、民间文学艺术作品的范围、权利内容、保护期限、对权利的合理限制、法律责任等。

【Abstract】 With the further developing of globalization, foreigners utilize works of folk literature and art of our country free frequently, even distort and abuse them. Besides, because our country opening to the outside world swift and violent development and people being too much concerns of fashion and modern, who no time take to traditional thing into account, cause our country have some works of folk literature and art face danger of disappearing. For make works of folk literature and art, the whole of traditional culture of Chinese nation keep, travel and develop in a healthy way, this thesis maintains that our country should legally set up the perfect protection system of works of folk literature and art as soon as possible. The thesis has used the methods, such as historical analysis, comparative analysis, combination of theory and practice, etc., try hard at multi-level, multi-angle to expound necessity, feasibility that our country establishes system of legal protection of the works of folk literature and art, try hard to give one intact, systematic legislation proposal, all these make this thesis have stronger reality and pertinence.This thesis consists of about 50,000 words. Except the introduction and conclusion, the dissertation is divided into three parts.In the introduction, the author considers that it is very important for our country to protect works of folk literature and art. Firstly, it can make the works of folk literature and art free of becoming extinct. Secondly, it can make subject of right, source colony and pass-on person of works of folk literature and art receive economy compensation, which can increase their enthusiasm of protecting and developing the works of folk literature and art. Thirdly, it can make the works of folk literature and art not distorted and abused, make its source colony and pass-on person spirit no longer injured.The first part is about the concept of the works of folk literature and art. In this part the English statement "folklore" of the works of folk literature and art is defined, the concept of the works of folk literature and art is defined, the characteristics the same as general works of literature and art and the legal characteristics out of the common are summarized.The second part contrasts and analyzes Legal protection system to the works of folk literature and art of the world. This part recommends and analyses the criteria of representative domestic law of the five continents in the world and the regulations about the international convention. These criteria and regulations will offer certain reference and reference to legislation of protecting the works of folk literature and art of our country.This part discusses some international organization’s efforts and achievement made in protecting the works of folk literature and art, and draws the outline of the legal protection system’s historical worldwide evolution and developing trend of the works of folk literature and art.The third part is about building a legal system of protecting the works of folk literature and art. In this part ,history of protecting of the works of folk literature and art of our country being reviewed at first, the penman points out that the people of all nationalities of our country have created the magnificent works of folk literature and art, protectd them, made them spread and develop till now.Then the situation of protecting to the works of folk literature and art at present in our country is introduced. Besides salving the works of folk literature and art of facing lost danger, some places have already legislated to protect them. In addition, although lacking the concrete law to support the judicial begins to protect not only arranger of works of folk literature and art but also creators themselves of them.Then, the thesis discusses the draft about the works of folk literature and art of "intellectual property right page" originally. And pointing out it is too betimes and too simple because of it compromising the time which exists.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】998