

The Study of East-Asia Regional Economic Co-operations and Its Enlightenment to China

【作者】 金顺子

【导师】 李龙振;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 经济、世界经济, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 当今,经济全球化和区域化是世界经济发展的两个重要趋势。而全球经济化与区域集团化的平行发展,都是以经济国际化和市场经济的发展为基础的。90年代后期,东亚地区经济合作在多种动力的推动下,突飞猛进地发展。要加快东亚地区各国经济一体化的进程就必须调整各国间的合作关系,因此,针对东亚政治经济形势复杂的特点,必须将经济发展与合作放在首位,建立科学、合理、具有可实施性的东亚各国经济合作机制就尤显重要且极具现实意义。 本文通过对东亚各国经济发展历程、经济背景;金融危机爆发的起因、影响的回顾分析,比较东亚各国区域经济合作的关系及必然性及前景分析,给区域经济发展将带来举足轻重的作用;根据数据模型进一步对中、日、韩三国文化、经济的相互影响做比较分析,就此,展望未来,进一步证实东亚各国区域经济合作的相互依赖、相互合作是适应世界经济形势发展的。并为此,为促进东亚经济合作,从机制构建的途径、方法上进一步探索及研究。文章最后提出了中国应该采取何种对策来推动东亚合作的良性发展,就此,提出几点建议和看法。

【Abstract】 Nowadays the two important tendencies of world economic development are economic globalization and economic regional i zat ion, and both of them are based on the development of economic internationalization and market economy.In late 1990s, with various motivations, east-Asia regional economic co-operations advance rapidly. In order to quicken the unification of east-Asia economies, it is necessary to adjust the cooperations within this region. Therefore, a scientific, reasonable, and applicable mechanism, which gives first priory to economic development and cooperation according to the complex political and economic situations of East Asia, appears to be very important and realistic.In this thesis, the writer studies the east-Asia economy from its economic development, economic background, the origin of financial crisis and its impact, and explores the inevitability of east-Asia economic cooperation and shows that its future development will play a very important role in world economic development. The comparative analysis of the regional economy among China, Japan and South Korea further proves that it is in accordance with world economic development to develop the regional economic cooperation and mutual dependency in East Asia.In the aspect of promoting east-Asia economic cooperation, the writer puts forward several unique points as to the ways and m-ethods of establishing this mechanism.

【关键词】 东亚经济合作机制探索
【Key words】 East Asiaeconomic co-operationmechanismexploration
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】F114.46
  • 【下载频次】229