

The Value in Art of Clown Role in 《Gao Lao Zhuang》

【作者】 商昌宝

【导师】 孙德彪;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 绪论:贾平凹在中国当代文坛成绩斐然、蜚声中外。90年代后,他转变了审美创作视角,作品中接连不断地描写各种丑,因此饱受各方争议,毁誉参半。本人选择贾平凹近作《高老庄》,并以审丑的艺术视角来解读他的终极关怀,进一步透视贾平凹的心阈世界。正文:第一部分:主要介绍了贾平凹审美视角的转变。贾平凹早期的审美创作概述体现了他的审美追求,《废都》之后,贾平凹开始了审丑,稍后的几部长篇小说都是以审丑作为他的审美艺术视角。然后文章分析了贾平凹转变审美艺术视角的原因。从审丑作为美学范畴来自西方现代派,并简要论述其产生时的社会背景;然后从现代派对中国文学发展的影响及对贾平凹的影响;社会转型和个人生活的不幸境遇;对人生的深刻领悟和选取准确的艺术视角等三个方面进行论述的。第二部分:分析丑在《高老庄》中的艺术价值的体现。文章是以审丑的四个美学意义展开论述的。分别以子路在高老庄的丑态和他在城里的文雅,高老庄人的外貌丑和西夏的容貌美,现在高老庄人的德行丑和先人的传统品德美,现在高老庄的乱伦丑和历史上的烈女贞节美,地板厂的先进文明和自身缺陷等五个小方面来论述——“高老庄”中美丑并存;以不为民做主的地方官丑,利欲熏心的高老庄人,“无爱”的性爱丑,令人恶心的生活习俗丑等四个方面来论述——“高老庄”中的丑,是一种否定性的审美评价;以土匪式的英雄——蔡老黑,“可怜”的子路,深谙官场的党委副书记,无能的贺主任,具有典型“农民劣根”的高老庄人等五个方面来论述——“高老庄”人的丑是艺术美的体现;以当下中国社会的缩影——“高老庄”, 传统与现代结合的产物——子路等两个方面来论述——作品典型形象的丑蕴含的艺术美。结语:贾平凹以审丑的艺术视角实现了其作为传统文人的终极关怀情愫

【Abstract】 Preface:Jia Pingwa enjoys high rational fame of literary crides at present in China.After the1990s,he changed the visual argle of esthetic sense in crating.The scandalous description appeared constantly in his works.So he had to endure others’ dispute,half slander and half reputation.I choose the work 《Gao Lao Zhuang》which he wrote recently,and explain his final concern using the scandalous visual argle sense to understand his internal world.Text:Part One:Mainly intruduce the change of visual argle of esthetic of Jia Pingwa.In early stage of Jia ,his work embodied his pursuit for visual argle of aesthetics.After《Fei Du》,he began with the scandalous visual angle.In his long piece of fretion ,he regarded the scandalous visual angle as the visual of aesthetics.Then the article analyse the reason for change. The visual angle originates from modern west culture as aesthetics,and simply explanined the background of society when it producted.Finally it expound in following 3 aspects mainly,the influence of the modernist to the development of Chinese culture,and toJia Pingwa.The change of society style and the unforture of personal life.The deep understand of life.and to choose the correct visual argle of art etc.Part Two:Analyse the reflection of the value of art of aesthetrcs of clown role in 《Gao》. The article expresses’ its idea using 4 meanings of scandalous visual angle, the buffoonery in Gao Lao Zhuang and the elegance in city of Zi Lu,the ugly appearance of Gao Lao Zhuang and the beauty of Xia Xi,the<WP=4>bad behavior of now Gao Lao Zhanger and the traditional moral excell ence of formers,the commit incest of how Gao Lao Zhuang and the chastity of woman in history,the advance civilization of flool factory and oneself’s shortcoming,ect. 4 small aspects to discuss the aesthetic and scandalous exsistance in his work at the same time.The text express the clown role of "Gao Lao zhuang",by the the clown role of government not for people, the people of "Gao lao zhuang"who are blinded by geed ,the clown role of the sex of Gao Lao zhuangers with love,clown role of disgusting life. It is he gation for the visual angle of esthetic sense.In another way it embodied the value of art to expound the clown role of Gao Lao zhaungers’ by describe Cai Laohei——a bardit hero,the "pity"ZiLu, the party of the deep understanding officialdom the Gao Lao- zhuangers’ for vice- secretary, incapable He director, having the typical model the " farmer bad root" wait five aspects to discuss. It discuss the art aesthetic feeling of the works typical image’s ugly by the epitome of presant society——"Gao Lao Zhuang"the combining product of tradition and moden——ZiLu etc.2aspects. Concluding remarks: Jia Pingwa realized his ultimate concern innermost feeling as a traditional literati by art visual argle of scandal

【关键词】 高老庄审丑艺术价值
【Key words】 Gao Lao ZhuangScandalous judgmentThe value of art
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】397