

Research of Components and Security of E-Business Platform

【作者】 刘志军

【导师】 黄涛;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(软件研究所) , 计算机软件与理论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 电子商务是增强企业竞争力的动力,已成为国际现代经济和商业不可或缺的工具,并将逐渐成为21世纪的主要贸易方式。因此如何快速、便捷地开发一个完善的、可高度复用的、安全的电子商务系统是互联网时代对企业提出的新的挑战。随着对象技术、分布计算技术以及软件工程技术的发展,面向对象的组件技术逐渐成为开发电子商务系统的主流技术。组件技术的引入使得快速迅捷地开发大规模电子商务系统成为可能。论文分析了和总结了电子商务框架的作用,阐述了基于组件的电子商务开发方法并提出了一个基于组件的电子商务软件支撑平台。安全性始终是电子商务得以广泛推广的重要保证,论文在对基于组件技术的电子商务讨论的基础上还针对电子商务中的安全问题提出了电子商务的安全体系结构。围绕这样的电子商务平台框架,我们设计并实现了分布式数据交换、基于LDAP的访问控制以及安全支付等三个电子商务平台关键组件。针对B2B电子商务环境下供应链环节企业内部以及企业之间的数据整合的需要,我们设计了分布式数据传输组件DataTrans,实现了异构数据源(数据库数据、文本文件、XML文件)之间的可基于消息通信/Ftp/Email的、传送双方彼此独立的、用户界面友好的异步数据传送功能。论文论述了数据交换组件DataTrans的设计和实现,并用UML对其软件体系结构加以描述,更进一步讨论了面向对象设计模式技术在设计和实现工作中的应用,大大提高了软件的重用性。在分布式环境下,如果没有完善的用户身份认证和访问控制机制,就无法保证电子商务系统的安全运行,无法充分发挥分布式应用的灵活性。传统的基于数据库的安全访问控制已经不能适于分布式环境下电子商务的应用。论文在分析了现有的访问控制模型的基础上,提出了基于LDAP的RBAC安全访问控制和安全管理的模型,并对分布式数据传输组件DataTrans进行安全性访问控制的扩充设计。作为电子商务的重要组成部分,安全电子支付在电子交易的过程中起着举足轻重的作用。论文的最后还分析了网上支付系统的相关技术,并对现有的网上支付系统的安全性进行折衷,基于JDK的加密体系实现了一个网上支付原型组件系统,对网上支付组件技术做了初步探讨。

【Abstract】 E-Business is an indispensable way in modern international economy and commerce and it is becoming the main trading way in 21 century gradually. So how to develop a perfect, highly reusable and secure e-Business system quickly and conveniently is a new challenge brought to enterprises by Internet era.With the development of the object technology, distributed computing technology and software engineering technology, the object-oriented component technology is becoming a mainstream technology to develop e-Business systems. The component technology makes it possible to develop a large-scale e-Business system quickly and conveniently. In this thesis, we analyze and summarize the functionality of the e-Business framework, interpret the developing method of component-based e-Business and we further bring forward a component-based e-Business software supporting platform. We also give a security architecture model of e-Business, which is the necessary guarantee for the e-Business. Within this framework, we design and implement three key components in e-Business platform: the distributed data transfer component, the LDAP-based access control component and the online payment component.As to the data integration in the supply chain inside and outside the enterprise in e-Business environment, we design and implement a distributed data transfer component DataTrans. We realize the asynchronous transfer function with good user interface between heterogeneous data sources such as Relational Database, Text files, XML files and etc, and we integrate different communication modes, such as Message Queue, Ftp, Email and etc, in which the sender and receiver are both independent. We elaborate the design and implementation of this component, describe the software architecture using UML and further discuss the application of object-oriented design pattern technology, which improves the reusability of the software greatly.In distributed environment, if there is not a perfect mechanism to authenticate the users and access control, the security of e-Business systems could not be guaranteed and the distributed agility could not be exerted sufficiently. Traditional security access control based on the database could not accommodate the application of e-Business in distributed environment. In this thesis, after analyzing the existed access control technology, we bring forward a RBAC security access control and manage model based on LDAP and design the security access control for the component DataTrans.In e-Business, security electronic payment always plays an important role in the electronic transaction. At the end, we analyze the related online payment technology, implement an online payment prototype component system based on the Java cryptography architecture and discuss the online payment component technology briefly.

  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】313