

【作者】 马超

【导师】 古人伏;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 班级生活对青少年学生道德品质的发展具有深远的影响。长期以来,人们对班级道德教育的研究,大多是从教师如何对学生直接或间接地施加道德影响的角度来思考的。本文以“场”理论为基础,把班级道德氛围作为一个整体来看待,突出了班级道德教育的整体性和动态性。本文通过对班级道德场进行系统的理论分析,并运用文献法和调查研究的方法,从两大方面对班级道德场进行研究。第一部分主要阐述班级道德场的涵义及其德育功能。这一部分首先揭示了班级道德场的内涵,提出班级道德场是指班级生活情境中各种道德因子之间相互作用、相互联系、相互影响,传递道德信息、辐射道德能量的过程以及这种相互作用、相互联系、相互影响得以发生的空间;然后具体论述班级道德场的构成,主要指出班级道德场由外到内由班级道德情境场和班级道德心理场两子系统构成;最后论述班级道德场的道德信息功能、道德规范功能、道德导向功能和道德调节功能及其功能发挥的机制。第二部分主要论述如何优化班级道德场及如何建构良好的班级道德场。这一部分首先从班级道德场的各个道德因子之间关系的紧密程度的角度,提出良好的班级道德场的形成要经过“松散的班级道德场”、“紧密的班级道德场”和“融合一致的班级道德场”三个阶段,在此基础上本文提出从六个方面建构良好的班级道德场,最后本文认为优化班级道德场必须抓住两个核心的问题——学科教学和师德建设,本文在此两方面也作了进一步的研讨,并提出了自己的建议。本文新意之处在于力图揭示班级道德场的运行机制,并提出构建良好的班级道德场的策略,这对指导班级道德教育实践,提高道德教育实效具有一定意义。

【Abstract】 Class life has a great influence on the development of morality of teenage students. Since a long time ago, the researches concerning class moral education are mainly about how teachers directly or indirectly impose moral impacts on students. The study on "Class Moral Field" is based on the theory of "Field", deals with the class moral atmosphere as a whole and highlights the integral and ever-change characters of class moral education. The paper discusses "Class Moral Field" in two parts by means of analyzing "Class Moral Field" systemically and theoretically with documentary and investigation methods. The first part expatiates on what "Class Moral Field" and its moral function is. It first reveals what the essence of "Class Moral Field" is, claiming that "Class Moral Field" is the course in which various moral elements in classes interact, interrelate, interplay, transmit moral information and radiate moral energy and the space where these interactions, interrelations, interplays happen; then it discusses what "Class Moral Field"<WP=5>is made up of, pointing out that "class moral field" is made up of "the class moral circumstance field" and "the class moral mentality field" from outside to inside; at last it discusses the moral information, moral criterion, moral orientation and moral regulation functions of the "Class Moral Field", and how these functions play. The second part mainly discusses how to optimize "Class Moral Field" and how to construct "better Class Moral Field". This part first discusses the three stages of "Class Moral Field" ----- "the loose Class Moral Field", "the close Class Moral Field" and "the integral Class Moral Field", on the base of which, the author tries to construct "better Class Moral Field" in six aspects; at the end of the paper, the author argues that there are two central issues to optimize "Class Moral Field" ---- subject teaching and teachers’ morality construction, on which the author does some further study and brings up some advice. The valuable aspect of this paper is that it reveals the mechanism of how "Class Moral Field" works, and puts forward strategies on how to construct "better Class Moral Field" actively, which may be helpful to guiding class moral education and to enhancing the effect of moral education.

  • 【分类号】G41
  • 【被引频次】5
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