

【作者】 吴红梅

【导师】 吴钢;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 学校心理健康教育是当今教育研究中的热点问题之一。时下,世界各国都在积极尝试探讨心理健康教育的有效途径。经过十几年的探索,我国开发了本土化心理辅导活动课,并把它作为心理健康教育的切入点。实践表明:以此作为突破口,带动学校心理健康教育工作的整体提高是显而易见的。但目前我国对于心理辅导活动课的研究多集中于心理辅导活动课的课程本身,对于其课堂教学尤其是对其的评价研究几乎没有,实践研究则基本处于空白状态。如何科学地评价心理辅导活动课的课堂教学,使之更好地服务于心理辅导活动课的开展,提高学校心理健康教育的实效性是亟待解决的问题。由此确定了本论文的研究方向。本论文首先对心理辅导活动课课堂教学评价的理论问题进行概况分析,包括以下几方面的内容:心理辅导活动课及其评价的有关概念界定;前人对之的研究;以发展性目标评价模式为指导进行实践探索;在此基础上,以上海宝山区大场镇小学心理辅导活动课为研究对象,对心理辅导活动课的课堂教学评价进行实践研究和探讨。通过对学校领导、心理辅导教师以及学生的访谈等,编制评价标准,完成评价方案的设计。再经过预评对评价方案进行修订,运用修订后的评价方案对全校的心理辅导活动课进行全面评价,并对高年级阶段的四、六年级的学生做心理健康水平测试。结果表明心理辅导活动课的课堂教学评价结论与学生的心理健康水平呈正相关关系,这证明了本研究中设计的心理辅导活动课课堂教学评价标准是比较科学、合理的;最后对整个实践研究进行再评价。

【Abstract】 The education of psychological health at schools has become a topic of general interest in today’s education research. Nowadays, many countries around the world are discussing the effective way of the education of psychological health. Through more than ten years research, our country has developed our own psychological health coaching lesson and regards it as the beginning point of the education of psychological health. Practice can show that regarding it as the beginning point has obviously improved the work of the education of psychological health at schools. But at present, the research of the education of psychological health mostly focuses on the course itself, seldom on the research of evaluation and even never on the research of practice. How to evaluate the class teaching of psychological health scientifically, make it serve for the development of psychological health courses and improve the efficiency of the education of psychological health is the problem needing solving immediately. According to this, the researching direction of this paper is decided.Firstly, this paper generally analyses the class teaching evaluation principle of psychological education, including the following parts: the definition of psychological health coaching lesson and its evaluation, the existing research result, the research of practice coached by the mode of developing target evaluation. Basing on these and choosing the psychological health coaching lesson of Dachangzhen Primary School in Baoshan District as the researching objective, practice the research of class teaching evaluation. Through the talk with the school leaders, the teachers and the students, work out the standard of evaluation and complete the design of evaluation plan. And then revise the plan after preliminary evaluation. Use the revised plan to evaluate the psychological health coaching lesson of the school and test the psychological health level of the students in grade 4 and 6. The result shows that the class teaching evaluation of the psychological health and the psychological health level of the students is related to each other. This proves that the evaluation standard is relatively reasonable and scientific. At last, evaluate the whole research of practice.

  • 【分类号】G627.9
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】870