

An Investigative Research On AppreciatingAbility Of P.E. for College Students

【作者】 莫磊

【导师】 杨改生;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪,体育正在逐渐走进人们的生活,成为生活中重要的组成部分,其中,观赏已成为人们介入体育的主要途径。由于现代国际体育竞赛日益频繁、激烈和精彩,加之现代传播媒介的迅猛发展,使得更多的人们愿意利用闲暇时间通过观看体育比赛来丰富余暇的文化生活。因此,观赏高水平体育竞赛已成为现代人、也是学生们的重要生活内容和体育素质的表现方式。在这种形势下,体育观赏能力的培养将必然成为体育学科的一项紧迫任务,同时也是科研领域亟待研究的重要课题。本文以哲学、逻辑学、美学、教育学、心理学、社会学作为课题研究的理论基础,运用文献资料法、访谈法、调查法、系统科学方法、逻辑方法、数理统计法、模糊综合评判法,对体育观赏能力的基本理论,及大学生体育观赏能力的现状进行了较为系统的研究,并建立了大学生体育观赏能力的综合评判模型。关于体育观赏能力的基本理论,本文在对基本问题进行分析的基础上,着重对体育观赏能力的内涵加以论述,指出体育观赏能力,是指观赏主体在观看体育比赛时,对体育美的认识和评价能力。它是在观赏主体充分调动感知、想象、情感、理解等各种心理能力的基础上形成的,包括感知力、想象力、理解力等。其主要目的是让观赏主体在体育观赏活动中,通过感知美、鉴赏美、评价美来获得美好的情感体验,提高个体的体育文化素质。本文研究表明,对大学生而言,影响其体育观赏能力的主要因素有:持久的兴趣、必要的体育文化素养(运动项目的基本知识、运动项目的信息性知识、一定的运动体验、审美经验)、一定的审美心境、正确的审美观、体育教师、大众传媒、学校相关的设施等。本文通过对大学生体育观赏能力的调查发现,目前存在的主要问题有:学生对体育技战术、裁判法的掌握比较零乱、不系统;学生体育观赏水平的差异性较大;学生看比赛,感性大于理性,兴趣化倾向明显,缺乏对比赛的整体把握;学校的教学资源及有关硬件设施相对匮乏。<WP=5>通过分析发现,引起问题的原因主要在于:缺乏现代体育教育理念与体育教育实践的有效锲合;受传统教学体系的束缚;教师的改革、创新意识淡薄;物质资源亟待补充和完善;软环境有待进一步建设。依据影响大学生体育观赏能力的因素,针对当前大学生体育观赏活动的现状及存在问题,结合我国大学体育教育的实际状况,笔者提出大学生体育观赏能力的培养对策:积极转变教育观念,提高教师锐意改革、勇于创新的意识;突破传统课程设置的束缚,加大教学改革力度;加强学校体育相关的法制建设,加强体育经费、场地、器材及相关设施的建设;加强对体育的宣传力度,形成热爱体育、关注体育、参与体育的良好氛围。

【Abstract】 In 21st century, sports are stepping into our life. To appreciate sport is one of main methods enjoying it. Because of international games becoming more and more frequently、intensely、splendidly, and rapid development of modern medium, many people are will to take appreciating game as leisure activity. So, the activity plays an important role in our life. In this situation, How to train the ability will be a major question for study.This paper is based on the theories of philosophy, logic, aesthetics, education, psychology, sociology. Refering to a series of research methods such as documents, paper-question investigation, systematic level analysis, logic and statistics. Supported by a couple of the theoretical foundations and methods mentioned above, the author of this paper sets about illustrating following issues at full length: 1. Basic theory about appreciating ability of P.E; 2. The existing states and advices about training ; 3.Setting up an evaluation model of it.As regards the basic theory of appreciating ability of P.E, this paper plans to start with the conception and structure of it. This article think that it is the ability of recognizing and evaluating pretty of sports, it include the ability of sense perception, imaginative power and understanding etc.Studying in the paper show that there have many factors to influence the faculty, mainly include of interesting, sport accomplishment, appreciating mood and view, physical education, the mass medium etc.Investigating the existing state about the power for students, the author find there have some problems as followings: 1.Lacking the knowledge of technology, tactics and game rule; 2.Having more perception than reason when watching games; 3. Having bigger difference about the faculty for students; 4. Lacking sport and appreciation resources.By studying, these proplems are caused by reasons as followings: 1. Lacking the compound of theory and practice of education; 2.Being bond of traditional teaching; 3.Lacking the reformal consciousness; 4. Lacking sport and appreciation resources.Based on analyzing the existing state about appreciating ability of P.E for students,<WP=7>the author provide some specific advices:1. Actively changing the view of education, promoting the reformal consciousness;2. To perfect teaching reform; 3. Strengthen the construction of sports resources; 4. Reinforce the propagation of sports.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】G812.4
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】497