

On the Development of Pedagogy Specialty in China

【作者】 席琴

【导师】 汪基徳;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 教育学原理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 我国教育学专业发展比较艰难的状况已经引起了教育理论研究者和实践工作者的关注,目前对它的研究很多,但大多局限在具体研究方面(如培养目标、培养模式、课程设置等),全面总体的研究很少。鉴于此,本文从教育学专业发展的历史沿革和现状出发,对它的发展状况做相对全面地考察,并从中寻找存在的问题,在调查分析和访谈的基础上,对该专业的发展做出思考。文章共分为三个部分:第一部分描述了我国教育学专业发展的历史沿革和现状。文章首先回顾了我国教育学专业发展的历史沿革;其次是通过毕业生去向分析和访谈来呈现该专业发展的现状。在毕业生去向分析中,纵向分析了河南大学教育科学学院的16届教育学专业毕业生的就业去向,横向分析了全国部分高校的2002届该专业毕业生的就业去向,力求从纵横比较中寻找规律和变化。在毕业生访谈中探讨了一些与专业相关的具体问题。第二部分指出了该专业发展中存在的问题。主要有四个方面:(一)专业发展不稳定;(二)对教育学学科性质和地位认识不清晰;(三)教育学理念缺失;(四)教育学专业自身建设不完善。第三部分提出了教育学专业发展的5个方面的构想。其一,稳定专业发展。对专业发展的确定应该做好3个方面的工作,即专家论证、社会需求的调查和政策的宏观调控,惟有全面地考查、论证和调控才不至于使专业发展起起落落、摇摆不定。其二,重构教育学理念。主要从两方面入手,一是形成正确的教育学学科态度,二是加强教育学理念的培养。其三,正确定位专业培养目标。这里作者提出了培养基础教育师资和教育理论研究者的设想。其四,完善课程体系,改革培养模式。最后是回应社会的呼唤,作者认为应从面向教师教育,促进教育改革和面向社会文化和文明的发展两方面来回应社会。在结语部分作者对文章作了简单地总结概括,并提出了自己的一点想法。

【Abstract】 The difficult situation of the development of pedagogy specialty in China has aroused the interest of educators of both theory and practice. Although much research about it has been done, the most is limited in specific fields (such as educational aim, educational model and curriculum designing etc.) and the complete and overall study is little. Owing to this fact, this article tries to seek the existing problems from the history and present situation of the development of pedagogy specialty as well as an overall reflection on it on the basis of investigation and interview.This article is divided into three parts.The first part describes the history and present situation on the development of pedagogy specialty in China. First, the article reviews the history of the specialty development. Next, it presents the present situation of specialty development by analyzing the distribution of graduates and the interviewing of the graduates. In the analysis, longitudinal analysis is the employment direction of the graduates specialized in pedagogy during the last 16 years in the college of education in Henan University. Crosswise analysis is done through the employment direction of the graduates of Grade 2002 of a few institutions in the whole country .The author endeavors to seek the rules and diversifications from the comparison of them. Finally, the article explores some specific questions that are related to the specialty through the interview of the graduates.The second part presents the existing problems of specialty development. There are four aspects as following:(1) the instability of specialty development .(2) the unclear understanding of discipline character and status of pedagogy.(3) the lack of conceptions on pedagogy.(4) the imperfections of the field construction.<WP=5>The third part presents five propositions about the specialty development: (1) stabilizing the specialty development. We should endeavor to do the following three pieces of work on setting the specialty development namely: experts demonstrating, the survey on the social demand and macroscopic regulation on policies. Through overall investigation, demonstrating and regulation, we can create the stability of the specialty development.(2) reconstructing the conceptions on pedagogy . It needs to start with the two main aspects: First, to form the correct discipline attitude. Second, to strengthen the cultivation of the conceptions on pedagogy.(3) orientating correctly the educational aim of the specialty. The author presents a tentative idea about cultivating elementary teachers and educational theorists.(4) improving curriculum system and reforming educational model.(5) responding to the summons of society. The author thinks we should reply the summons of the society in facing teacher education to accelerate education reform and the development of culture and civilization.At last the author makes a brief summary in the conclusion remarks and presents some ideas of her.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】G40
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1231